Cramping happens to the best of them (Bagdhatis vs. Federer) sometimes no matter what you do. It is a fine balance of electrolytes that can go wrong when you least expect it. It is not just drinking water.
No we won't know for sure, but it's a pretty good guess that the Siegel doubles team that beat Farragut (who beat the Conleys of TN high) would have also beat the Conleys. If the Conleys were their true #2 doubles, had they been beaten by their own #1 doubles? This leads me back to my earlier question that never got answered about singles: did they play challenge matches? If their #1 doubles usually beat their #2 doubles, then it's a pretty good guess that Siegel's #1 doubles would have beat their #2 doubles, since Siegel's #2 doubles beat their #1 doubles. It's also a pretty good guess that the lineup wasn't in because they had changed it so many times they even confused themselves. Decision: Siegel.
That's not what we were told or we would have had several 8th graders playing for the high school. If you are right we got ripped off. This needs further checking out by me.
White Station. They have
Z. Sansing
Barry Underberg
Darold Johnson
Ryan Masson
Daniel Wood
Not sure of the order but it looks easier than Brentwood from the "outside observer".
Excuse me but Smith won district and/or regions already 2 years. That means he played h.s. as an 8th grader. Check TSSAA rules for TN. He will be ineligible to play tennis his senior year.
I didn't say it was impossible for this to be a fair lineup, it just doesn't look like it at all. If we buy all the other stuff, the one about Pearson playing so out of her mind that she can go from 5 at Rotary------then injure herself----then suddenly she's 1 for playoffs. Sorry I can't buy that. Did they play challenge matches?
Thompson beat Courtney 1 and 0 last summer
Caitlin the older sis is at 4 and the freshman sis is at 2
Pearson played 5 earlier in the season and at Rotary
looks like stacking to the outside observer
Science Hill beat Oak Ridge 4-1 Friday in substate
Smith over Koehler, 6-3, 2-6, 7-5
Patrick Uzzle, OR, beat Greer, 7-6, 6-2
Wilkinson beat Xan Witherington, 6-2, 6-2
Storie beat Travis Witherington, 6-1, 7-5
Kerr beat M Remee 6-1, 6-2.
Their lineup in order: Smith, Greer, Wilkinson, Storie, Kerr. That is what they played vs. D-B a couple wks. ago. Maloy beat Greer for the only D-B win that day.