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    Bumpus Mills, TN

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  1. Why did you choose to reply to only a very small portion of my reply. You do realize by doing so that my statement can and will be taken out of context.
  2. I do not know who told you that ridiculous story about a one finger salute but it never happened. Could it be that one person saw something like that and embellished the story to make it the whole SC crowd? What is it you think your family would have seen that you felt you had to protect them?? I have lived in Stewart county all of my life and I really wouldn't want to go anywhere else. You are basing your opinion of a whole community and its people on rumors and lies. How would you feel if I said I didn't want my child to play football in Waverly because I've "heard" it's the meth capital of the world? Don't bash my community over rumors and innuendo and I won't bash yours. As for the game Friday night...it was a hard fought game on both sides, one side was going to win and it just happened to be SC. Who knows maybe next year it will be Waverly.
  3. Obviously it was a game of perspective. Our perspective saw Waverly getting the advantage each time the ball was placed and as I mentioned earlier, they did miss a call on Waverly sideline of a delayed hit but those things DO get missed each time a game is played. The officiating was much better than ANY I have ever seen played at Waverly. If you think it was that bad, turn it in to TSSAA and see if there are any repercussions but I think you are blinded by your loyalty. That was a really good high school football game and the kids on both sides played hard and somebody has to lose. As for whether you are a whiner, I've been watching CoachT post for the past 5 years and from my perspective you are a whiner.
  4. I was there and both sides played really hard. If you want to see bad officiating you need to go play in West Tennessee. These refs didn't call one sided an you need to learn to lose with class. I really only saw one thing that the refs missed that should have been called against the Rebels but you know, something like that gets missed every game and it has to be on someone's side. You sir, are a whiner. Honestly, I've seen some really bad officiating each time we have played at Waverly.
  5. First of all let me say one thing about the Stewart County announcer. Mr. Wallace gives alot of his time and volunteers for many things in our community. I agree he isn't the best but he gives his time to our kids with a good heart and does it without complaint. Many nights his there to DJ the dances after the home games well after 11 pm. Does your announcer volunteer his time or his he paid. He may not be the best but I'm going to allow you to bash him without some kind of response so back off our announcer. Second of all let me say one thing about the officials last night. I agree, they were horrid but I think they were on MC side most of the night. I was there the whole game watching my son play and at no time did I see a touchdown for MC called back during MC overtime possession. I did see a determined Stewart county defense make a great play at the end and kept MC from scoring. In my opinion it was a bad call on MC coaches part to not try for a field goal. I did see MC score a touchdown that should have been called back when the ball was clearly dead when the SC boys had already touched it and MC picked it up and ran. That was the worse officiating I have ever seen and I have watched my son play football for the past 4 years and miss 1 game. Our boys touched that ball and in my opinion that should never been counted as a touchdown. I don't know where you were last night but MC didn't get cheated. They just came across a determined SC team and got beat.
  6. You're an optimistic and happy little fella aren't you? /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
  7. From those of us who went to the old school, we miss it also. It's funny how you mention the mosquitos on the visitor side of the old field. I never thought about it but I guess there were plenty of them to go around on that side. Riverside has their visitor bleachers in a mosquito prone area so I understand now what you went through at the old stadium. Wish us luck tomorrow night. Our boys and all the parents are really excited. Thanks for the congrats!!!
  8. Trust me, it's what they are talking about which is why it is so ridiculous.
  9. I wouldn't even call it "antics". Its just a pregame thing the boys do right before a game. They get in a circle and scream and yell and just do high five's and jumping in the air. I'm a Mom and I call it their war dance (which embarrases my son). It's done as a way to get pumped up for the game and I've seen every team we've played this year do something almost exactly like it especially Waverly. It's no big deal but it just seems to irk every opposing team. As for the after game "antics" as some like to call it, it's basically the same thing but the boys come over to the sidelines after the win and sing their victory song to the parents and fans. As for those of you who don't like it, you need to get your big girl panties on and get over it. /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
  10. Those goofy pre-game antics you're talking about are how our boys get "jacked up" as you call it. I'm sorry it seems to upset everyone that gets to experience it but they are going to do it anyway. We as parents love to see them do the pre game "antics" but we especially love to hear the victory song after the game. I know that Goodpasture hasn't gotten to experience that yet but this is really their first chance in a long time. Hopefully our "goofy pre-game antics" will jack our boys up and it will "get real ugly", (just to use your terms) but ugly for GP. /biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />
  11. Im gonna have to turn off the computer, this is killing me.
  12. Im listening to the game and I'm hearing 21-7 Camden......what game are you listening/attending?
  13. I hear there is a group of REBELs that are planning on joining the LIONS tonight in their quest for TIGERS! GOOD LUCK to the LIONS tonight!!!
  14. No matter how much you protest, it it obvious to anyone who reads these post on a day to day basis that you have something against Stewart County. I also think you have something against Coach Holiday. It's a shame that a grown man wants to trash talk children. You may think what you are saying isn't trash talking but to a 14 to 17 year old boy it is and that's the only opinion that really matters to me. To me your just a sad, sad little man bearing a hateful grudge that only you know anything about. /tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />
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