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Everything posted by macontiger4ever

  1. Coach Pemberton is the Head Coach at Macon County High School, it has been rumored that parents and supportors paid a heafty price tag to bring him here from Georgia. Prior to that he was the Head Coach at Knox Catholic where he won a state champioship and had something like a 69-1 record there at one time.Before being named at Knox Catholic he was named Head Coach at Chattanooga Central and took them thru spring practice back around 2000-2001 at the end of Spring Practice he left to go to Knox Cathlic. Prior to that I am not real sure. Let me make this clear we want Coach Pemberton in Macon County! He has done great things with these boys and it will only get better. Best of luck in your coaching search....stay away from Macon County Please!
  2. Can he take the TIGERS to the next Level?.....Will the powers at be tery to cut him short?......Can he win at a Public school?.....My tigers will always play tough football!
  3. Who is Holliday? Can he coach the boy's up? who are his assistants? what does he like to run on Off. and Def.? what kind of exp...does he have.......why has Meigs had 4 coaches in 5 years now? I wish him and the kids best of luck
  4. Is Fitz resigning..... what are you talking about?
  5. Who is this coach everyone is refering to as if he is a mythical legend?....I for one would like to know....
  6. You are sbout to ###### me off! What are you trying to Pull???
  7. What does that have to do with the question that I asked???
  8. What does my former team look like. How is the new coach doing??? Is he going to play daddy ball or is he going to have a set and play to WIN!
  9. How is spring going and what does the team look like??
  10. Sounds like the old Soddy coach likes to toot his own horn. What about coach Jon Offutt he has been at Springfield. And he is Availible...Just talked to him. If not him maybe the coach you should have hired from central before you gave the job to the waste of space of tom w.
  11. Take it how ever you will, but it was my high school coaches that led me to church. My family always belived in GOD and all that he stood for, but we never went to church. My dad would always try and teach/tell me about the ways of christ. It was not until my freshman year at the first football game that we said the Lord's Prayer that I became truely interested in becoming a regular member. I will never forget my Coaches for extending what my father was trying to tech me.
  12. Excuse me, I forgot to hit the spell check, but I can fix that. I am sorry that you can't fix stupid.....??? Just kidding>
  13. Again, As I stated before I will support the next Coach as long as he can make a positive impact on the lives of all future players as my coaches did me. Coach birdwell has taught more people in Macon county how to be a resposible steward than anyone else could have. His record may not have been the greatest but nobody could argue that he taught us how to be men. Coach Birdwell, Macon Co. is a better place because of you. Regaurgless of how may games we won. You taught us how to be men!!!!
  14. I dont know who wardawg is or any of the other people on here are that have defeneded Central. But after reading all of these posts it seems to me that ya'll all think Monroe?? is a lame duck and Gatewood was the programs road map. If that was truely the case why in the world would someone as good as gatewood leave and much more why would he decide to come back and work for such a sorry coach as ya'll describe monroe on this site. I dont understand?? gateood was obviously good to get the program where it was, but surely Monroe isnt that bad I mean he is like a legand. By the way i came from college at MTSU to watch that 03 game and if the davenport kid is the same one that wore #6 he scored 6 td's that night and could have had as many as he wanted. From what I have been told the Central coaches should stop worrying about the Hunter kids so much and do like my old coach and get the kids that are on his campus at Brown?? to stay and play and not go else wher. Just a silent observer but does the present head coach at central even have a relationship with his kids at brown????
  15. After reading 12 pages of moaning and complaining all I have got left to say is that it is commical to read everyones take on how it's this groups fault or that groups fault. It is time for the powers that be in Macon Co. to grab the boot straps and pull them up and get this problem fixed and quit making excuses. We can win we always could win, Pat dyer and Co. proved that. We just need to hire a coach give him complete control of the program from peewee on up and let him do his thing. All of this talk about how this group and that group have held us back, need to get out of the way and let a new coach take charge and make it happen. It does not matter if they were a top name assistant or a proven head coach just hire them give them control and get the he__ out of the way. The biggest problem that we have in Lafayette is the preception that we have no clue of what we are doing. Just hire the Coach and get out of his way. It really should not be that hard. Really, look at what we have here. We are a community that has the ability to rally around a common theme or coach and give them every tool to be successful, but everyone on here is to busy blaming everyone else for all of our past problems. Make the decision get behind the man and watch success happen. It's not that hard!
  16. Also, just a bit of knowledge from my research he took a perinal loser that had not been to the playoffs since 1984 or 1986 can't remember now and led them to 2 playoffs out of 4 during his tenure. The last was versus Maryville in 2003, Central lost and the the next week Maryville got beat by morristown west. That is when Maryvilles last streak started until they lost at state this year. From what i was told that year Central put a huge hurtin on maryville, Knocked out like 3 starters that could not play vs. morristown west. I don't even know that Coach Jones would be interested. But he sure made me a better person and an even better father. It just seems that we need some one to take an interest in our boys the way he took an interest in me and our team. He made me believe that I could be anything that i wanted. So I went to college and became the man that I wanted be. He was a very good mentor to me.
  17. Yes, that is the same Coach Jones, I also heard about the money issue. I spoke with his wife's garndmother in RBS it had nothing to do with money at all. His last year at Central the school board cut the coaching staff from 4 paid coaches too 2 paid coaches. So Coach Jones raised the money to replace 2 coaches supplements and paid them from that. This ended up not being in favor of the school board superintendent, because he thought that Chattanooga's inner city schools would not be afforded the same luxuary. There was no money problems just coach Jones taking care of his assistants. That is what his wife's grandmother told me.
  18. Titansbuck, Based on your work history from the springfield thread, it seems that you were at Springfield the same time Coach jones was their. Should he not be a candidate for the job. Also i think we had a coach at MCHS named Sam whose full name was Fred Samuel??? Come on what about Jones. He seemed to know his X and O's and was a good head coach in chattanooga???
  19. If you want to get ugly, I believe our old coach from Macon Co. Hung 56 on you at the "nest".
  20. I am tired of this post I want Macon Co. to win worse than anyone. The thing that kills me is that nobody is mentioning names of possible coaches! What about Coach Curt Jones, He was one of our assistants back in 97-98, He left to go to Springfield and Then to Chattanooga as a head coach. He was a great man, and could be what we need to turn the corner on this matter.
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