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Everything posted by redandblack63

  1. Putting the cart before the horse ain't you. Gotta get to the state before you get a draw. Lots of ball to be played before then.
  2. Agree with you 100%. Matter in fact you made my point exactly. Due to the superior coaching, teaching, facilities, and resources why would anyone want to sent their child to public school. If a family has the athletic, academic , and or financial resources go to a private school. It is because of these advantages that private schools should compete in a different division. Or maybe publics should create a new division. Who knows how it will happen. But IMO it divide within the next two years.
  3. I appreciate your honesty Irish b ball. It is about economics. Just like the voucher system so on and so on. If all privates would play in a different division solely for private schools problem would be solved. With kings academy, berean, catholic, grace, Webb, Cak making up a district travel and cost wouldn't be a problem. By mission statement most privates provide financial aide. That isn't an issue until it is used to attract athletes. This issue goes away when all privates go to division 2 and it is only a matter of time before it happens. Just saying.
  4. Easy to prove privates recruit. This weeks issue of the Halls shopper has a advertisement for Sacred Heart. Promoting both academics and athletics. Easy to prove. Question is it breaking the rules. Free admission to school events is breaking the rules. IMO T$$AA could eliminate problem by having two divisions. Private schools and public. Then discussion/debate is over. By the way can any one explain why privates are opposed to this arrangement?
  5. OPINION : All privates recruit it is the nature of their business. They have to recruit to get students because they have no students specifically zoned for their schools. Evidence found in newspaper ads, open houses, flyers sent to private residence etc. Some offer illegal incentives to get students and student athletes. Some adults want to feel important, live vicariously through high school sports etc... Just the nature of the beast. Grace got caught and got punished. If other privates get caught they will get punished. IMO the best solution is for privates to have a different association and may the riches school win. But to say they don't recruit isn't accurate.
  6. I will agree some information was second hand and should have clarified that as "rumor has it". On the other hand some is first hand. Please inform me about what fourth of my info is accurate so I can be more accurate in the future. Also are you saying he didn't play lb on defense in jv/freshman. If incorrect I stand corrected. I will conclude the perception of some parents was that some players played for reasons other than ability. New coaching staff will hopefully change that perception.
  7. Central had a better QB but was told he would play receiver so he moved on to Bearden. Them they had a frosh 6'3" and could throw it all over the field and he played LB and jv and freshman. I agree it will be interesting to see what happens with new coach. Just saying.
  8. Agree Wing T can be an effective high school offense just ask Webb. But the perception is it is not a good offense for fans or players. Think it will be a hard sell and there could be some fall out with loss of fan support and athletes. Don't think AD is in touch with what the players and fans think is best. Like it or not fans and community has to buy in as well. Ask former Halls coaches that ran a similar offense.
  9. Don't know if he applied but Central has a pretty good football coach in the building.
  10. Considering some of the local talent that applied for the job I am surprised they went out of the system. Not sure how wing t will be accepted at Powell. Players and fans like to open it up. Be interested to see how this works out. Second suspect hire at Powell in the last two years. Understand another major hire will be made in athletics at Powe in the next few months. Community may need to take a long hard look at AD. Just saying.
  11. GP beat Fulton head to head at Fulton without Leatherwood who may be their best player. GP will be there in the end IMO.
  12. Don't know his name just heard from a reliable source new coach was from Chattanooga. Maybe Chattanooga Central?
  13. Good news about new coach best players will play. One problem for Bobcats last was preferential treatment was given to certain players while better more talented players sit the bench.
  14. Post was in reference to Powell hc position. My mistake. Agree goins will hire a guy with OR connection.
  15. My mistake response was meant for the Powell head coaching position. IMO guy from Chattanooga will be the next head coach at Powell. Hope this clears things up.
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