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  1. Umm In case you hadn't heard, Coffee County wanted to transfer the game to Riverdale. Riverdale didn't have anyone to work in the concession stands, so they said no. Everyone knows the most important part of a basketball game is the conceesion stand so I can see why Riverdale didn't want to move the game.
  2. Anyone know how Coffee County played?
  3. pokerplayer07 this is big jon robinson from coffee county, how you been? let me get your email. me and patty hunt were talkin about comming down to alabama...
  4. 4CoffeeCo

    region 4 pickem

    There is no way smyrna hold wilson to only 6 and scores 43!! And there is no way Coffee Counties offense is held to 6!! (they are averaging over 400 yards of total offense a game) AND there is no way cumberland puts up 73 even on warren county!!! You are an idiot!!!!!
  5. I think Coach Price is going to make a difference in Coffee County. If our boys will stick with him I think he will develop a winning program. The boys are already winners. It isn't easy to go out day in and day out knowing that you probably won't win on Fri. night, but they stuck it out. The fans are ready for a winning team, but there were many times last season when there were as many or more people from Coffee Co. at away games as the home team. We will be there for our kids! I think things are going to get better. Thanks for your faith in us Coach Price.
  6. I was wondering how coffee county will do this year?
  7. I was just wondering how you think Coffee County will do this season?
  8. I feel that Coffee County has some of the best fans. We usually have more fans than the home side does even when the drive is hours away. We also are loud but polite. And we don't break things. [Edited by soccerstar72 on 9-20-02 12:38P]
  9. Can you please let me know what you think of the Coffee vs. Blackman scrimage??? [Edited by soccerstar72 on 8-24-02 10:17P]
  10. Coffee County gave Blackman a run for their money. If Coffee hadn't made some mistakes we would have beaten Blackman. There was a touchdown called back and a 40 yd. long run that was also called back so we held our own against the team picked to win the state. I also feel that even if they were short a couple of players they should have beaten the Coffee because Blackmen is picked to win state and Coffee has won 5 games in the past 4 years. [Edited by soccerstar72 on 8-24-02 10:16P]
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