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Everything posted by CoachtFAN

  1. CoachtFAN


    RobJim is a great guy. A man who would slander him should be punished. I ask that the powers that be (CoachT) shut this account down.
  2. I know this is cheap, but "bump."
  3. The official thread: http://boards.coacht.com/index.php?showtopic=51957
  4. Division II AA posts are looking a little dry this year. So it's time to make those predictions and talk about everything going on. Here's what I'm thinking: Catholic over PJPII Briarcrest over Harding BGA over Webb ECS over St. Benedict Semis: Catholic over Briarcrest ECS over BGA Champs: Catholic over ECS Here's my overall rankings: 1. Catholic 2. ECS 3. Briarcrest 4. BGA 5. Harding 6. Webb 7. PJPII 8. St. Benedict So Whaddaya Think?
  5. Some opinions here are very biased. I can't give analysis on teams, but I will make predictions. ECS will pommel St. Benedict no doubt. Harding won't be so lucky this time. They got off easy on Briarcrest. Briarcrest should dominate this time. I see Catholic dominating the East (they look pretty competitive for once). I predict ECS and Catholic in a close championship game, with Catholic winning. ECS has finally regained some control that they lost in the past 5 years, but it looks like Catholic's year.
  6. VolunteerGeneral In answer to your orignial question: It think you have to draw the line somewhere in recruiting, and so it is drawn conservatively. If a school buys a ticket for a student to go to their game, that might be ok. But what if the school buys the kid a few hot dogs and concessions, or invites his whole family. Or what if the school lets him ride in a limo, or give him a car. Maybe they would even buy the kid a house. This exaggeration is only to point out that a line would have to be drawn somewhere. If you draw a line somewhere in the middle, oyu end up in a world of interpretation. What if you could buy the kid two hot dogs, but it has to cost less than five dollars? For most people, it gets to hard to pinpoint exact policies and police them. That is why I think the rule exists in the form it does: to prevent anything from being used as recruiting so as not to construe the line and bring on arguments. Did I make any sense?
  7. His son Adam is at Lipscomb, so it would be logical that he would go to Nashville and possibly coach at Lipscomb... if he even is going to coach.
  8. Wow! I am kind of shocked. Can someone give us a basic overview of the game? Did Catholic dominate or did the scoring just work out for them to win? If this was a solid win for Catholic, I think they have a pretty good shot at winning state. Will definitely be in the championship. . . probably against ECS.
  9. CoachtFAN

    D2-AA Wesr

    Situation looks very grim after Harding played White Station. Harding barely scampered by Treadwell in what should have been a slaughter. Then they get smashed by White Station, who they normaly beat in close games. I think Harding may end up 5-5 or 6-4, or worse. . . Briarcrest is number one, then ECS 2nd, Harding 3rd, and St. Benedict 4th.
  10. You definitely WOULD expect a Christian school to do better than that. . . unless you've attended one like me. This doesn't suprise me at all. I could see half of the football team at my school doing the same. And I also went to a church of Christ school (same denomination as GP). Sure, a Christian school administration is going to try and build a reputation for good character, but it's not fine and dandy. There are many kids at Christian schools who truly are Christians and want to act right. But there are still many kids who are sent to a Christian school because their parents want a better environment imposed on them. . . and those kids are going to rebel and misbehave. And a lot of them happen to play sports, too. A few bad eggs WILL spoil a reputation and make a whole school look bad, but trust me -- it doesn't mean that the school is filled with rogue adolescents. Every school (even Christian) has its pros and cons. Even Christians are human. Ok, sorry to sound preachy, but I will now step away from the podium.
  11. In AA, I think you've got Harding a little high. I think they should be 4 or 5, but it seems like you have a pretty good idea of how the list ends up, year. . . after year. . . after year. . . after year! The consistency makes it pretty boring, but that's what I get for going to one of those schools.
  12. Div. 2 exists for schools who want to give financial aid. Some privates don't and would rather play publics. Most consider Div. 2 a little weak. The Super 7 (AAA) can compete with most and a few AA could play, but the rest are way under in abilities. But that will all change, because privates are being lumped together for 2005-6. What school are you working with?
  13. Need I repeat myself? Yes. Need I say more? No. This is absurd.
  14. This IS sad. . . I used to live in LA when I was younger, so I could even consider Memphis or Nashville rural. I would definitely consider Chattanooga rural. Even my high school in Memphis did crazy "hick" type things like blasting Cotton-Eye Joe at pep rallies and the like, but that has nothing to do with any type of prejudice against rural people. It's really not there, and I'm sorry you are convinced that it is, Indian.
  15. Well, a thing like you, it's hard to know what you are. . .
  16. No Problem Chak. I just get fed up with little muffin boy. He doesn't know when he should keep silent sometimes.
  17. My point is that your a big whiner about NOTHING.
  18. Well, silence is usually a form of concession. So we'll assume that you have withdrawn your statements and accusations, Indian, unless you speak otherwise.
  19. Wah!!! Wah!!!! Wah!!!! Most of you public supporters just throw out stupid little things without showing any support or backing it up. The phone book ads, Indian's so-called Mape's Day offense, etc. Those are the latest offenders. The recruiting rule stipulates "undue influence" as a violation "to secure a student for athletic purposes." A phone book advertisement is purely neutral as it is intended for all children whether athletes or not. This merely allows people to know that the school exists. By your logic of a phone book ad being "recruiting," you could easily say that a sign outside the school (or even an athletic contest) would be recruiting. Maybe even the existence of a school could then constitute recruiting. That is THE dumbest logic I have ever heard. One would appear to be extremely moronic to claim that a phone book ad could recruit. I'm sure Ryan Karl or any other high school athlete sat down at the kitchen table in junior high and glanced through the yellow pages to pick a school to go to. Even in that case, the student would be looking for and contacting the school first. Now, maybe the phone book ads jump out at you and say "Go to my school if you want to play sports at a good college!" But I've never seen that happen. Chakra's experience at BellSouth might tell us otherwise. Maybe he has seen ads jump out and talk to students. I want to thank all of those devoted public and private supporters who have been progressive and moved on to new discussions. But I am disappointed in those who must hold on to their beloved (long) dead horse and continue to beat them senseless. Please guys, move on to new things unless you discover something serious. This is absolutely absurd and I am ashamed that I have wasted my time to deal with such absurdities. But I guess someone must do it. Learn and do it no more. Thank you!
  20. Stan is saying you are overshooting the runway, which means the runway is very, very short. Your correct response would have been. . . but I think the runway isn't as short as you think (meaning you think it is very long). . . because Stan thinks the runway is short, and that's why you have shot over it too far.
  21. I guess what we're all saying is that no one understands why this is so offensive, Indian. Please do explain this to us.
  22. Seriously... I've been looking at McCallie's website and the internet for half an hour now. And I still don't see why this is supposedly offensive. Apparently, Harlowe T. Mapes was a fictional character made up by the Headmaster at McCallie, many years back. They made up a story about him, decided to have some wacky celebrations and do stupid things. The tradition died after ten years cause kids didn't care. But they occasionally seem to bring him up in the school news, saying that he was giving the school money for WWF wrestling. Sounds like one corny tradition administrators made up for kids to have a fun time. I see nothing wrong with it. Indian, perhaps you could give us some more details on why it is so offensive. And if there are any McCallie people, please explain this tradition to us. Below is a link that shed a little more light on Mapes Day. Go to it and look about halfway down the blue column for Mapes Day. http://www.mccallie.org/news/summer99/default.htm
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