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  1. 91, how many times has someone from your region been in the state championship game the last 9 years. Maybe once or twice. A team from the region 3-4A has been in thestate championship game for the last 12 years i do believe. So, when the region that you are in right now can do something like that. Then you can come and say that OR can thump everyone in Region 3-4a
  2. The game starts at 7 pm stars
  3. Rebs63

    Ryan Headrick

    My prayers and thoughts are with Ryan and his family. Hope he gets better very soon.
  4. Well, lets think about this one for a minute. You are talking about alot of marfyville people talking about winning, but then you say that you are gonna win and your name is bobcats girl. Sorta like the pot calling the kettle black dont ya think? Im not saying that there is a thing wrong with rooting for and believing in your favorite team. I just thought that the post was sorta contradicary.
  5. Rebs63


    Yes, the game is at Alcoa and starts at 7:30
  6. Rebs63

    Hey STARS

    I just saw Tank put up 250 or 255 today.
  7. Rebs63


    at maryville, we do them
  8. Thanks again. I might try a supplement and some of the mental things. I do need to try to get psyched up when i bench thanks
  9. Thanks. These are some really good suggestions. I have been doing some towel benches and trying to get used to heavier weight. I'll try to do some of these exercises. Keep the suggestions coming.
  10. I am a sophomore with a low bench press. I have an alright squat and power clean. I just need some help developing my upper body. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or exercises I could do to help increase my bench.
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