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Everything posted by OakRidgeCat

  1. Surprise! Papatj is still picking Oak Ridge to lose. Am I wrong papatj, have you picked OR to win any matchup this year? I think I will hang in there with the'Cats, I am convinced their best is yet to come.
  2. Good Luck Mav, It think it will be a very close game going to the wire. A Toss Up. Whichever team has some reserve at the end is going away the winner.
  3. The rematch is on this Friday. I think OR is much improved since the last meeting and is out to settle a score. Oak Ridge wins down the stretch......, but Powell will not go down easily
  4. Uh OH! Heritage beats Sevier Co by 20 points! Just goes to show on any given night anybody can fall.
  5. Andy Shattuck, an assistant Football Coach for Oak Ridge High School has been named the new head football coach at Clinton. Andy is an extremely fine person and coach and will do great things at Clinton. Clinton fans need to give him some room and let him do what he CAN do and bring Clinton back into the top ranks that they used to enjoy. Andy will need the support of not only the fans, but the students in supporting and coming out for a sport that has had it's share of problems lately. As for Oak Ridge it is a huge loss, but we wish only the best for Andy and his future! Go get 'em Andy. The in county rivalry between these two schools just grew with leaps and bounds!!!
  6. The Lady Panthers played their "A" game and Oak Ridge did not. Coach P knows there is a problem and is working hard to correct the ship. If history tells us anything about Coach P the ship will be righted and in good working order come tournament time. Don't count Oak Ridge down, out, or "second fiddle" yet. I feel sure the coaching staff at Powell and other schools who have played OR in the past know better. What all this mainly means is that come tournament time it is going to one great basketball playoff. May the better team win! I think I'll hang in there with the Lady 'Cats, they have the talent and the coaching, they just need to make it all work together and somehow I think Coach P can pull that off. We'll see.
  7. No JOKE! Final Score Oak Ridge 70-Cleveland 43 Roll Wildcats Roll!
  8. :justwrestle: Rock on Ladies, Rock ON! What a win last night. The girls are getting better and better with each game, even the ugly ones! Keep it going girls you not only represent Oak Ridge extremely well but all of TENNESSEE. Go Wildcats Go! :justwrestle:
  9. My bad, I took that info from another individual without checking and I know better. Still it was a great game!
  10. What a game!!!! The Oak Ridge Lady Wildcats are at the Nike Tournament of Champions in AZ and took on one of the Top Teams in the nation and won 41-40. The win came in the final 1 second of the game! awesome, just awesome. Roll Wildcats Rollllllllllllllllllll!
  11. Just out of curiosity papatj how many times have you seen the Oak ridge Girls play or even when was the last time you saw them play? My eyes work real well, I read your posts and none were favorbale towards the Oak Ridge Girls so it is not perception, its a fact. But your right, I don't know you, I just can relate from what you Post. Merry Christmas!
  12. Raked over the coals papatj, or have to admit you were wrong AGAIN. It is obvious from your posts you do not like the Oak Ridge Girls. The ladies are just picking up steam and learning to play together as a team. Whether they win or lose in AZ it is a mighty strong statement that they are willing to go up against the best in the country. Roll Wildcats Roll!
  13. Congrats to the Lady Wildcats for another win tonight against the Maryville Girls. Final score was 60-38. Go Wildcats Go!
  14. It's always a mistake to underestimate a team, especially if that team only has one loss so far this season. I think the game may be a little harder to handle than Bradley Co may be anticipating, which is good. Oak Ridge wins down the stretch. Go Cats Go
  15. Hey Willie, Have you seen the pics from the OR/DB game? Recognize anybody?
  16. Pics taken at the OR/DB game are now loaded onto the CoachT web site in the photo gallery. The last set was not loaded until after 11pm on the 24th so it will probably be after 9am on Tuesday before they can be viewed. I hope DB fans enjoy them as much as I did taking them. You have a class act, a beautiful stadium (like the full shot?) and a great bunch of players who have a lot going for them! See ya next year on the 'Ship!
  17. I think I now have all the pics worth viewing from the OR/DB game in the photo gallery. The last set was loaded after 11pm on Monday night so they will not be available until after 9am on Tuesday. I hope DB fans enjoys the pics as well! Time to get the old camera ready for a a long time lost rivalry between Riverdale and OR this Friday on the 'Ship! ROLL WILDCATS ROLL!
  18. David Clary gives it all he has got and then gives more. OR is very fortunate to have him and what he brings to ALL of the OR Sports programs. Hang in there David the fun has just begun!
  19. For the OR and DB fans I have posted the first of four pages of photos in the photo gallery of the OR/DB game. Coach T only allows posting of 10 photos at a time so it will be a couple of days before all are posted. The first page is of pregame activities only. The following pages will follow the action and conclusion. Thank you DB for being such a great host! I hope we can return the favor some day down the road.
  20. Hey Art, Reference to the sign the 'Cats came through that was just a cheerleader thing, no ill will or insult intended, just football fever. I watched both teams and thought they handled themselves like the class acts they both are! The only bad thing about the game was that there could only be one winner, but in my book they both are. Good Luck to the DB team in the future.
  21. I have submitted the first set of photos from the OR/Jeff Co game to Coacht, as soon as he approves and places them in the photo gallery then I can add more. There are now four pages of photos with one more going in tomorrow. There are several photos in the gallery from the 1st OR/DB matchup by the way. Goin; travel up I-81 to take a few more of these two teams on Friday. What a matchup!
  22. FINAL: Oak Ridge 40 Jeff County 24 It's on to Kingsport for the best matchup in Tennessee! Oak Ridge vs Dobyns Bennett!!!! It's ON baby!
  23. Final Score: Oak Ridge 40 Jeff Co 24 It's on to the rematch between two of the great teams in East Tennessee! Way to Go 'Cats Way to Go 'Tribe IT's ON baby!
  24. Regarding my plus t membership, I got an email from Coach T that said I had a personal email from coach t and the email provided a weblink. However when I use the link it takes me to a page that says this menu has been disabled and that I am not allowed to use! Becoming a plus t member is becoming more of a problem than I had thought.
  25. OK Coacht I need some help. I purchased a plus membership through pay pal. They have acknowledged the payment and verified the payment sent to Coacht, yet I am still not a plus member. I have tried to contact you through the boards link via email, but no response. What now?
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