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Everything posted by Chomp

  1. This should be a great game between two teams who have already had seasons to be proud of. Physically, THS probably has the edge, but this game is huge in the history of Patriot football - I'll give them the emotional edge. Too close to call! I remember when Coach Nelson showed up on a cold Saturday morning a few years ago to put on a clinic for a County football team for no other reason than he was willing to help some kids understand football better. It's great to see him bring unprecedented success to Patriot football. If there's a better candidate for Coach of the Year - I don't know him! Good luck to both teams through the playoffs! Roll Tribe!
  2. Congratulations, Raiders! Great season - keep it going through the playoffs! thumb
  3. Well, just goes to show - hold your peace and everyone thinks you're dumb, post it and remove all doubt! Probably won't be my last dumb post. Hope you're right - Riverdale's final standing this year should be decided on the gridiron.
  4. How is Gallatin involved - or did I miss the punchline???
  5. Bud - I know you've seen D-B, too. Do you agree with Waco's poll in the top three spots?
  6. Ditto what Bud said - good post! thumb Indians, great game Friday - focused and excellent in all phases of the game! Roll Tribe - all the way to State and bring the prize to Kingsport!
  7. Ohh... that explains it! It's a wacko poll - but not bad! I was hoping you had maybe seen them.
  8. Waco, have you seen Riverdale play or are you just buying into the hype? If you've seen them how do they match up with DB - O-line, D-line, QB, backs, LBs, receivers, secondary? Riverdale definitely has a better web site, but I'd have D-B #1 absent a common opponent to compare. Of course, as many have pointed out - time will tell! Roll Tribe!
  9. Sorry, Cougar fans, earlier in the year you might have sneaked up on some teams, but D-B won't be taking you lightly. You have earned the respect of the Conference. This is for a conference championship, the boys know it and they haven't forgotten Karns last year or Jeff County this year - Fear the Spear! Keys for D-B: 1. Tribe showed last week it can run and pass - keep the Cougars guessing. 2. Solid special team play - especially punt returns. 3. Stop the run - showcase that smothering, swarming defense. 4. Let that #1 ranking be on the other team's mind, not yours. Give 100% on every play - the prize is worth it! I don't think Campbell County has seen the kind of speed it will witness Friday night and that will be the difference. D-B - 38 Campbell County - 12 Roll Tribe!
  10. C'mon, Oakland, lighten up - after all the thread is who do you think will play in the championship. But your comment about Smyrna and Riverdale was interesting. I thought Riverdale had put a pretty big hurt on Smyrna earlier this year. Was the game closer than the score or what do you see changing if a rematch occurs? Roll Tribe!
  11. Chomp

    S-D WINS!

    Congratulations, Kees - from a D-B fan, you sure didn't look, play or hit like a team who hadn't won a game! Good luck the rest of the way! Roll Tribe!
  12. Temperature's dropping in Kingsport and as everyone knows - revenge is a dish best served cold! Indians - Beavers - Roll Tribe!
  13. What a Homecoming! The D-B Marching Band, champions of the "Music in the Castle" competition and showing why; a beautiful Homecoming Court and Queen (Congratulations Kayley Wetherholt!), and; a fired up football team looking every bit like the #2 ranked 5A school in Tennessee - it doesn't get much better than that on a cool fall Friday night! Smoke, the young men you mentioned - Duran, Lamon and Darrrell - did indeed stand tall and you could probably throw Stephen Moten in that mix of guys, but they stood tall on the shoulders of an outstanding team effort. I was glad to see more focus on running the ball and the O-Line not only pass blocked well, but did an excellent job blocking on the running plays. (Haven't heard about Big John Gordon, but hope he's OK -prayers out for him.) And the defense - wow! To pitch a shut out against the Smokey Bears... People can say what they want to about a small front, but Sevier County had a BIG line and a quality running back in #32 and the Tribe simply dominated. It's obvious D-B's secondary must practice every day against one of the, if not the best passing combinations in the state. They play tight, they close fast and they intercept passes - many more games like last night and they'll start calling it the "offensive" secondary - great game guys against a QB that had an excellent arm. Second team D - way to go to preserve the shut out! thumb Bring it all every Friday, every quarter, every play - eight more to the prize!!! IT'S WORTH IT! Roll Tribe!
  14. I'm fairly certain you can - I think I picked up the one I have in Wal-Mart.
  15. Dobyns-Bennett sophmore safety Joseph Throp leads the Big East conference with three picks! thumb Roll Tribe!
  16. There's been a lot of great movies mentioned on this thread! I proposed to my wife right after the origianl Brian's Song and she picked the musical score for our wedding. That's my most memorable one, and I still laugh when I think about the team giving him a gameball in the hospital and Brian Piccolo lamenting,"When you play a game for someone, you're supposed to win it!" Check out a family series movie called "Hometown Hero." It won't win any academy awards, but it's a good movie. For baseball movies, my favorites are The Natural and The Sandlot. Hollywood needs to put out more good sports movies - can't wait to see Friday Night Lights! Roll Tribe!
  17. Read what was said instead of looking for something to whine about...gave credit to both teams numerous times and have in numerous posts (some even before you found coacht)...check the stats from middle school games and the freshman game last year and then tell me that the players mentioned could not have made a difference...I said they could have made, not they would have...and I stand by that statement and make no apologies for it...you can't deny it to true...because it is a statement of historical ambiguity in relation to the respective sophmore classes of the two schools... Skunk, Still fail to see your point or what post it was in response to. And I don't whine, or make excuses. Your post did both. I've read many if not all of your posts and find them to be well thought out, intelligent and insightful. Frankly, this one I didn't and if my response to a post that I thought denigrates D-B boys' ability or effort, whether it's Freshmen, JV or Varsity offends you, then I apologize. And if that makes me a "whiner," so be it. But I stand by my statement, too. BTW, I took offense (maybe I'm just easily offended! ) to similar posts (not yours) that claimed D-B could have won a State Title last year if only Lamon Williams had been there. Now, I'm very proud of what Lamon has done this year and the coaches and people who have supported him. However, to imply the team last year just wasn't good enough without Lamon is based on pure speculation and sure enough, historical ambiguity, and serves little purpose other than to detract from the effort of the team that actually played the game and from the player that played his position. Hopefully, we'll be able to put those kind of posts to rest this year! But, hey, I've seen a lot worst posts and frankly, some of the best I've seen have been yours, so I'll get over it. You enjoy homecoming, too! Roll Tribe!
  18. Not sure what your point is here, Skunk, but it's disrespectful of the D-B youngsters who did show up for the game. Implied is that they couldn't get the job done without the players you named. Well, I disagree. Last night the Cyclone JV was a field goal in overtime better than D-B in an outstanding game played by both teams. A dropped punt, an inopportune penalty, a bad snap, a play call, any number of factors might have made a difference, but not necessarily - and any of the players you named might have made a difference, but not necessarily. By the way, the players you mentioned played Betsy in the past with many of the D-B guys who were there last night - they were never unstoppable by themselves. Let's give props to the teams that were there and not try to make anything out of the individuals who weren't. Roll Tribe!
  19. Chomp


    Haven't seen Karns this year, but I'm looking forward to it! Have seen S-D, and they neither play nor look like an 0-6 team. Karns better take them seriously! Roll Tribe!
  20. Great game by both teams. Cyclones have the makings of a great passing attack in the future and DB's QB made some outstanding plays under a lot of pressure. It looked like a fun game for all the players, and JV Indians, keep your heads up. These are the kind of games that only make you better - we're proud of the effort and the good sportsmanship. To you Cyclone fans - if your not making these JV games, you're missng a fine team. Best of luck to you the rest of the season. And by the way, your coach's message to all the boys after the game - well said and pure class. Roll Tribe!
  21. I'm looking for the Indians to be on the warpath! Head coach has already laid down the law - "Let the student body have a fun week of homecoming activities, but if you're on the football team, you've got a game to get ready for!" And that is how it has to be. Sevier County will bring its best game of the year - count on it. But the Tribe won't be rusty this week - I 'm expecting a breakout game, but no cakewalk. IMO, some keys to the game: 1. Establish the run early. 2. Use play action to set up the pass or pump fake to the bubble screen and take it long. 3. Receivers and punt returners - nothing catchable drops. 4. Defense - live up to your reputation - NO ONE CLOSES ON THE BALL LIKE D-B, WITH SPEED, POWER, AND NUMBERS! 5. Give 100% 100% of the time; the prize at the end is worth it! Indians - 42 Smokey Bears - 13 Roll Tribe! thumb
  22. Look for South to continue to roll. Central is down this year for whatever reason, maybe the injury bug. And the Rebels have Matt Dunn to keep them out of trouble. Rebels - 35 Cougars - 9
  23. Man, did this thread ever go "south" fast! (Pun intended) I don't know what or where you read your information, Trenches, but let me sugggest another scenario to you. A student can choose to apply to a city school even though they live in the county and if there is space they can pay tuition and go to the city school. If they then decide to return to the county school, they are ineligible to play varsity sports for a year, but after that year they are eligible. Perfectly legal on the part of both schools and absolutely expected when you are dealing with 15 and 16 year olds, who can be just as influenced about where their girlfriend goes to school as they can be by the academics or sports opportunities available. Now, as to the game at hand, DB needs to play like they were in the playoffs. Bring your best effort to every game. I don't think Coach Clark will settle for any less, neither should any upperclassman whom played in the Karns game last year. If the Tribe does that... D-B 47 S-D 6 Roll Tribe!
  24. This should be a fun game to watch - close, hard hitting and fought between the 20s. Against their only common opponent (Dobyns-Bennett) there wasn't that much difference that I could see. I might give an edge to the Rebels on account of Matt Dunn's kicking but South could be hampered if Colin Sandidge isn't back at 100%. I'll be surprised if it's not a close one! Rebels - 17 Raiders - 14 Roll Tribe!
  25. Dobyns Bennett has the best D I've seen. 2nd half vs Jeff County - no first downs, no passes completed, -4 yards rushing. I don't think any other teams are going to do that this year - after seeing Shiverdecker in action, I'm not sure any others can. Roll Tribe.
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