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Everything posted by thunderroad

  1. My pick is Oglesby from Bradley Central High School.
  2. How about $20,000 a year! Mortgage payed off! It was lets make a deal to get him back. Do you think the high school would pay that? Steve has taken the place of John Allen who he critized for taking money above the regular pay. Where does it stop with "MONEY" controling the school system. I think Allan and Tobe should continue building buildings and stay out of the school system personnel.
  3. Hey 2004 You need to check your sources. If you don't think Tobe is involved you are way behind. Check with the president of the football boosters.
  4. Hey Bruinsdad You don't know how close Alan got to landing Steve. If Bradley Boosters hadn't gone to Tobe after Steve told Admin. what Allan offered he would be wearing Blue and White and liking it. Tobe $$$$ won. I think it's a shame someone would root out a friend Chad who Steve told; you move from Ala. to Bradley and I will turn over the program to you. Money is a powerful motivator. It's to bad friendships arn't. I think Chad would be a good canidate for Cleveland. Resume: 2 State Championships in 2 years, pretty good, huh!
  5. Steve is a great coach! I didn't know the job was open. Word is Chad was forced out. Allan J. and Tobe M. fought for Steve to Cleveland or Bradley! Tobe won! Steve won! $$$$$$$$$$$ Chad lost! Deal smells bad!
  6. Great game by both teams! Hats off to Kent Smith for leading a team who has struggled at times through this season. Kent has really had to earn his money this year. He probably has more gray hair from this teams compared to previous years. We want Red Bank!!!!
  7. Hey "Getright" you need to "get real"! If someone comes into an athletic program and sells himself as something and his action are something else, who can turn their head and pretend it didn't happen. Its obvious you have no interest in the Bradley program. No person is bigger than the program. John demanded that of everyone in the school system. He will never be happy. I think the post on Coacht are just individuals venting concerns. Also I don't think any coach reading the post would be scared off, because I would bet no one is as self centered as John Allen. And if they are and they treat kids, coaches, parents, boosters, teachers and administrators like John did they will be the topic of post too.
  8. Great post Charlie Murphy Sounds like you might know John Allen. He is a lier! The booster club agreed to give his assistants a $500 bonus. The problem was a booster questioned him asking with a 1-9 record. John got mad and took his marbles and went home. Its all about the kids, yea right! I for one bought in to John and thought he was on the up and up. As the days go by we should see how the plays out. I knew half way through the season when he started making demands we were in trouble. When everyone in the program should be focused on football he threatens to quit if he did not get more money for him and get his teaching schedule changed to have less classes. Its all about the kids. HaHa!!!! He never got told "no" by anyone in the system. One booster questioned him. Its all about him! I say let him go. Rhea Co. I hope you know what your getting.
  9. I agree w/ Mattatrab Bradley by 30 pts. Bradley has to many weapons and great defensive preasure. And dont forget they have the best coach in the state. Kent Smith can get more out of his players than anyone around.
  11. I wish Dane Bradshaw would go back to Memphis. Buzz is trying to get the pipeline from Memphis to Knoxville by playing Bradshaw. The problem is Buzz will not be in Knoxville very long playing Bradshaw.
  12. 1st Round Bradley 2nd Round Bradley 3rd Round Bradley Any questions?
  13. Congrats Clinton Enjoy while you can. You are fixin to hit a "buzzsaw". Bradley is the toughest team you will see this year. I don't think snow is in the forcast for next Thursday. You can't run from this game like last time.
  14. AAA Justin Hare Bradley Central
  15. Justin Hare - Bradley - He has ice in his veins!
  16. Hey Slimdaddy2005 Bad calls down the stretch, get a towel, you got beat. Play somebody! Nice schedule rating.
  17. Baconbreath You the man!!!!! Kent Smith will play anybody. Look at his schedule rating. KENT SMITH is the real deal. Could be college bound one day.
  18. It's simple! Coach Brown did not check for credits before football season. Coach Green checked before basketball season and could not find enough to be eligible and did not want to play Davis and forfit games. Cleveland lied to TSSAA and got away with it. If Alabama had lied and not been honest maybe the death penalty had not taken place. Character education at work!!!!!!
  19. Bradley played one of the most intense games of the season tonight. They took Little completely out of the game the first half. I think Kent Smith had his team mentally ready. Bradley has to many weapons. Cleveland's Davis played well to keep Cleveland from getting blown out any worse. I think the Region should be interesting.
  20. No question Kent Smith is the best coach in the state. The White Station coach is a good coach, but I think I could win with the talent he has at the university.
  21. Kellen Pickel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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