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Everything posted by bulldawgfan

  1. Yeah its funny yall are talking about rod and chris... chris might have broke through the line a couple of times but you notice he "never" "never" ran past rod because rod would catch him hes not faster than rod so you can't say he was pulling rod by the jockstrap
  2. Yes, this was a great game and i'm glad it came down to the last couple of mins. to determine or won... i hate that milan lost but life goes on... 4 turnovers in the 4 qtr. doesn't help and thats why people say turnovers win the game... so good luck to hunt next. week and hope yall bring it back we've enjoy the two great games agaisnt yall this year.....
  3. I think you forgot two people, Senior Daniel Beasley, who has 32 catches for 940 yards and 12 touchdowns. Junior receiver Daylon Walker has 680 yards and five touchdowns. Both Players from Milan................
  4. I think a few milan players that have been playing bad will stand out tonight in the game.......
  5. It would totaly surprise me if he left but i really dout that he will he has some good players coming up in a couple of years so..............
  6. Milan vs. Huntington their calling for 10,000 plus people in the reg. season game there was 6,000 plus so being its this far in the playoffs there should be more...
  7. bulldawgfan


    IF their calling For 10,000 plus people i don't think there going to sell out of tickets.............
  8. I have nothing else to say to yall but "JUST WIN" COACH J MHS
  9. good job guys from milan.......... we were pulling for ya
  10. that was for turbo sorry bulldawg #2
  11. so getting to your point for u your saying milan hasn't which is the biggest load of bull crap i've ever heard......... so just remb. friday night god gave you two ears and one mouth and we told u so ............ go milan..........
  12. the weather has called me towards my deer stand.....
  13. I would have to agree with bulldawg #2 on that one i believe that DL is over rated
  14. yes improvement is scoring one more td or preventing one td... by the way you been talking milan must be david.........
  15. see turbo thats improvement can't argue with the facts........
  16. Once again thats a lie. I was there and saw it with my own eyes. Hey, thats nowhere near as bad as when Milan lost to sweetwater in the state finals under coach tucker. They threw helmets, and refused to go out and get the second place trophy. Coach Tucker went out and got it by himself or maybe he had one or two guys with him. Now that was truely classless. Get off you high horse and quit whining. Sorry I saw that one and your wrong so maybe u should rethink that.......... Milan did go out and shake hands coach tucker wouldn't allowe his players not to........
  17. You can never improve to much so milan did have alot of room for improve so thats where u wrong.......... hunt has improved but milan still is ahead of the game because they were ahead of hunt in week 7..........
  18. You can't just say that Hunt is the only team that has improved milan has improved alot since week 7 so u can't just fall towards one team for improvement
  19. I know what the nm means and i will agree with you on that he doesn't need to be talking.......... and he knows he shouldn't
  20. Whatever man just good luck friday......... and hope its a good one
  21. I know you have been saying that and i agree totally with you there is not point in saying that week 7 game didn't mean anything to them that is the biggest load of bull crap i have ever heard that game meant more to 6,000 plus fans than any game has in the last couple of years and thats bad that hunt is saying they didn't play thats what i call bad sportsmanship...........
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