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Everything posted by NUMBERONE

  1. If a team is up by 20 or 30 at half the coach knows he is in control of the game. The bench kids should be put in for experience. I know of a team that only puts in the bench players with 2 min left in the game and leaves starters in the entire game except for the last 2 min. There are alot of teams that puts starters in then take out and let some young players play when the lead is this much. It is a shame that some seniors and juniors never touch a floor to play when the score is a 30 or more lead. Some coaches need to understand the deducation that the older kids have commented for the team and never get to play. When you know the game is over at half which most of the time you can tell when you press and the other team cannot even get the ball across the line and your kids steal the ball and score every time you are in control. Not all games are run away games so let some of the kids play that never get to and don't take a chance in hurting your starters just for running up the score. Each kid on the team is there for a reason and that is to be given a chance to show what they can do. They all work very hard and they all should be given a chance to play. Running up the score with your starters not only is shameful for the other team it is to me purposely hurting your team. Give all a chance and show good sportsmanship..
  2. The game between PC and WC was good but if you watched the game without being for either side you could see PC won due to making the points when they needed to. WC played a very good game but when times were rough PC made the shots needed. The refs were like all refs and called some bad calls but it was not all bad calls on WC. There were some bad calls both ways. Overall PC won due to staying calm and doing the right thing when needed. I do not think noone payed the refs anything. It was at WC. Both teams played hard and did a good job. We should tell the kids good job and stop complaining. These are kids and we need to tell them they all played hard. Good luck to both teams as they continue playing this season.
  3. If a team is ahead by 30 they need to play there jv team. The experience for all players is what the team needs and save your varsity for another game when you need your others. I think it is very low for a coach to play its 1st string running up the score with its varsity team while the jv team sits the bench and does not get put in until the last 3 minutes. If you are ahead by 30 and maintain a 30 point lead throughout the game the whole team needs to play not just the 1st string.Never run up a score just for the fun of it. Only if the other team can't do any better and you play your last string. Each kid is out there trying don't punish the other team for trying. If the other team is doing there best but getting beat by 30 don't run it into the ground. You should have sportsmanship.
  4. For each child that plays hard and gives it their all there should be respect. I feel alot of time the respect for the player needs to be looked at and if the coach treats the child with respect, openness and honesty their would not need to be angry parents at the coaches offices wanting answers. In alot of cases the coaches are not honest with their players and they do not care what any of the kids feel like except for their top 5 starters. If the player shows respect to their coach the coach should show it back by doing what is right. To me it looks like your hiding something when you say closed practice and no parents or you will lose your place on the team. I do agree some people you can not talk to but in that case there is such things as the law. I am not for parents attacking the coach but I feel the parents have as much right to talk to a coach about their child as a coach has to teach their child. As I said if the parent and coach can talk in a mature fashion why blame the child or punish what they work for. As a parent you have the right to take care of your child not butter up noone. And as a coach you are to treat the kids with respect. If there is a question of concern from a parent it does not make sense to punish anyone? Yes the kids are high school but do you know what age they are? They are only 15,16,17 and 18 year olds. They are not grown up yet. Not everyone will get the same playing time in basketball but fact is all the kids want is to get to play and enjoy it. I think it should be open to discuss whatever is best for the child.
  5. It depends on where you coach and what kind of job you do. Some coaches deserve more but there are some who don't deserve what they are getting paid. Like all jobs there are hard times and good times. There are alot of jobs that are underpaid but the satisfaction of touching a childs life and giving them something to use for the rest of their life makes a coaches job worth it.
  6. This was a great game by both teams. Perry Co played very hard. Mt Pleasant made some mistakes and Perry Co grabbed them and took the win. Congradulations to both teams for playing so good.
  7. Thanks celticdynasty33. I am so glad you understand and its to bad all coaches are not like you.
  8. A coach is a teacher. I for one do not want a teacher to cuss me or anyone. This is not a way to learn. Anyone can do anything when they are talked to. Yelling doesn't help a player do anything but make the player make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes even coaches. They should treat the players with understanding not give them a chewing. Yes some games are close and a coach wants the player to do what it takes to win but cussing is not the way to do it. There is a saying "Treat others like you want to be treated". As a coach put yourselves into the players place. Did you enjoy someone yelling or cussing you? And did it make you a better person for someone cussing you? Yes cuss words are just words but when we have so many words to choose from why use this language when you can say the same thing to a player and get the player to do more by having the childs respect.
  9. Thank you Celticdynasty33 you are getting what I am talking about. I have noone on any team and I don't care about what the coach thinks or what the parents think. Just as a person is there watching a team that since the 1st quarter in the game you could tell the game was over and who had the best team. I know 20 points can be gained quick but when you are playing a team who cannot even get the ball across the half court because of press and you press every play then you know you have the upper hand in a game. With 3 minutes left in a game even the crowd knows who will win the game. It doesn't take a coach to look at a clock at 3 minutes in a game and say well I don't know if we can win when the team you play cannot take a press and is only in the game because you have told your team to not press and play. I know what I saw at the game I am talking about and there is not any way this team could had won unless the winning team sat down and gave them the ball. I have seen this happen in more than one game with this team and for the older players who sit on the bench I feel it was a slap in there face. #1 is the coach has to be that player to know his or her feelings and they don't know the kids feelings so you cannot think you do. If a coach really has feeling they would notice all the players on the bench and treat them like they are a part of the team. As I said I have noone on any team but to me it looked like the coach was being either selfish or that the coach isn't worried about next year. You cannot expect a child to come off the bench and be put in a game and be perfect. All they need is just a chance to play. It is a sad world to see so much respect for adults when the adults don't give the respect back. How will these kids grow and do others when they are done this way?
  10. The coach was a 12 A coach. Each player is paying there respect by doing as the coach ask when asked but in return all they want is just to get to say they got to play. I do feel the reason this happens is for the coach to show his power over the kids who do not get to play. It is a sad thing that someone wants to boost the score and they do not care about the team only the top 7. The team does not win or lose when the coach feels this way only the top 7 that play get to feel the win or loss. Coaches need to be coaches and remember all the kids not just certain kids.
  11. I think all players should get to play if a team is winning or losing by 20 points. For the players on the bench they work just as hard if not harder than the starters. I know some starters that don't even make all the practices yet play and some kids who go to every practice and never touch the floor even if the score is over 20 points ahead. Coaches need to learn part of coaching to respect just as a player has respect for their coaches by doing all they ask. If a coach respects his team he or she should play each player when such a lead in a game.Everyone knows with 3 minutes to go in a game and a team up by 20 who will win and that it will help the team to let all play. This is something I saw in a game Tuesday night and the team I saw was up by 20 and not all players got to play even Seniors and Juniors. At least they could had played the guys who has been giving there all and been to all the practices .
  12. There are good and bad in all. Coaches,Parents,Teachers,Refs and in all humans but the thing is why throw blame at others when you can fix a problem without throwing words to one another just to hurt someone. A player learns from what he is taught. Control is something they see in everyday life. Noone has to lose control for a child to understand something isn't right. There is something everyone should think of is a smile is contagious. Anger only hurts people. Sure games get close and everyone wants to win but it is a game. But put yourself in the childs shoes you have bad days and do you want someone yelling at you for your mistakes? Alot of times if you say to someone "good try"" don't worry about it" Hey its ok you tried your best" then they can do better. But to scream at a player for a mistake is wrong. We should all think how would we feel if we had made the same mistake and how do we think we should handle this mistake without hurting their feelings. The kids do not want to do bad. They practice and work very hard to please not only the coach but the people in the stands but most important they work very hard to please themselves and make themselves proud. We should all think of keeping control and teaching the kids they are human and things will always be ok. And stop putting blame on others when we can help the kids if everybody will do their part and care about what is the best thing for the kids.
  13. A true coach knows his players and as some said before has time for them. A parent also should have time for their child. As with life we all lose control and even though we all have been guilty of being upset over something we all must teach the kids what is right and what is wrong. Alot of parents lose control as well as coaches over sports and to me this is wrong. If you tell kids things in a possitive way they learn better and will always respect and remember you for it. I have seen coaches scream at the players and was told they used bad language when they went into the locker rooms but how many also go home and hear the same language from their parents for a bad thing they did. We all need to remember to smile at the kids and say its ok you can do better next time or hey we are all human and we all make mistakes. Some kids you can yell at and it doesn't bother but what about the ones who you worry such as I know a kid who the coach lost control blaming all the team for losing when this kid never touched the floor yet when practice was over he stayed over shooting because the coach was mad and he felt he should stay and shoot to show the coach he cared and wanted to play and help the team yet never got put in. Some coaches take out there anger on the team yet only 5 get to play and they don't care what the coaches say. Basketball is a team sport and parents,coaches and anyone with anything to do with kids should remember these words "DO INTO ME AS YOU WANT ME TO DO INTO YOU! There are some good people in the world who can control themselves in all challenges in life. We all need to learn to teach the kids what is the best for them and we need to show them there is always another day and noone is perfect.
  14. Coaches should have the same control in a gym as they do in a classroom. Even though at times things get sometimes over excited in a gym more than a classroom we should still set examples for the kids. At the same time the crowd should show the same control as a teacher would. Alot of the attitudes of the kids reflect on what they have been taught from adults. Noone ever thinks everything in life is perfect so why do coaches think the kids or parents are perfect. Like the refs they call bad calls and so do coaches. No one is perfect in the world. So we need to show the kids even though things are not always right we have to accept things and go on without losing control.
  15. Perry Co will have to play better if they want to win against Santa Fe. They are not playing team ball. They have to many shooters. They do not work the ball into the post as much as they should and they do not rebound. Last years team worked as a team better. Perry Co is going to have to play team ball to win any games this year.
  16. This year has been a bit rocky for the Vikings. Now that the new year is almost here there is time still for the Vikings to play with pride and start a new year with more wins and less losses. The team is struggling in working together and rebounding. Good Luck Vikings. Start a new year with team work and making your shots count. You still can do it.
  17. The Perry Co girls are playing great this year. They have such talent . Congratulations to you and best of luck for the rest of the year.
  18. There is still alot of time for changes in the district. Noone knows who will end up on top yet . The race is not over until the last game. Wayne Co has to play alot of the teams yet and there may be some upsets. I am rooting for Perry Co to make a comeback. You never know what can happen in BBall.
  19. This is a great post. I have a daughter and son playing basketball for their schools and it gives me great pride to know that they love the sport and they are deducated to it. Neither of my children get to play much but they sit on the bench and cheer on their teammates with pride. I feel blessed to have my children playing sports and enjpying being part of a team. It really gives them a possitive feeling and a feeling of pride when they do something good. Thanks for the great post earlier. I am very thankful for my children participating in sports and getting to be a part of a team. Neither of my children have ever missed a practice or a game and they have pride in knowing that they are deducated to their team. For all the parents out there who make all the games and pracitces for their children you should be proud of yourselves for helping your children become responsible and for giving them a chance to be somebody. I have seen many children who do not have parent support and it makes a difference too. We should all think of the things we are thankful for more and spend more time with our kids. Work will always be here but your children will grow up fast. Take time to enjoy each moment with your children and we all should be thankful for all the treasures they give us just in their smiles.
  20. I am from a small county in Tennessee and Indiana Coach came here to our county to watch a player from here and that player went on and played for Indiana and then went to play pro. I would keep her where she is and if she is as good as everyone says they will come to her school. She would want to stay where her friends are and she needs to enjpy herself now. The size of school doesn't matter as long as the word gets out of how good this player plays. Good Luck.
  21. I will agree the game was good between the two teams but the refs did not make anymore mistakes on calls will Lewis Co than Perry Co. The calls went both ways. Both teams played hard and it was some mistakes made by some young players that P.C. has that cost P.C. to fall so far behind. But that happens to all. No excuses Lewis Co and Perry Co both played a good game and Lewis Co won. Best of luck to both teams. They are both solid teams and should have a good season.
  22. Perry Co is having a rough year. So who is favored to win this game? I know its homecoming for P.C.
  23. Perry Co did lose 3 starters from last year and they have fallen short the first couple of games but all together this is a good team. They picked themselves up and played a very good game with C.A. With losing 3 guys who played alot throughout their high school years is tough. And the guys stepping up have not had much playing time but they are working together very well and are doing a good job. I really think they will turn around this week and start a new road for victory's. The coaches are doing what they think is right and we will see how it turns out. Yes Slatten was a good coach but Haskins is too. Good Luck Vikings!!
  24. The top teams will be Perry Co. Wayne Co. for sure. Yes P.C. has had some really tough games with getting it together but they will pull together and end up on the top. I also think tonight Perry Co. will upset Wayne Co. P.C. is ready for the game and I know they can take care of business if they pull together. Good Luck Vikings.
  25. That game is over but theres another one to go. Perry Co played hard and they have nothing to be ashamed of. They know what happen in the game along with all the people in the stands that were there saw what happen. Perry Co is a good team. They will win the next match up game with Clifton.
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