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Everything posted by Hawk17

  1. East Lit lost a solid group of seniors last year, especially Brandon Smith, and even though they lost four of their freshman(undefeated last year?), they still should have a decent team with their quickness.
  2. This district has had several "quick teams" over the past few years, and this year will be no different with East Lit, MLK, Hume Fogg, Springfield, and even Station Camp, but I believe who wins the district title will be decided in the post and which teams limit their turnovers. MLK will be strong with Dayton and others, Greenbrier has two 6'5" players and a 6'8" post player, Lipscomb arguably has the best inside game with Brock and Mayes, and there are several other good posts throughout the district.
  3. 1. MLK 2. Lipscomb Greenbrier 4. Station Camp 5. East Lit 6. Hume Fogg 7. Springfield 8. Portland 9. Macon County
  4. Greenbrier wins 2-0 Bobcats left several runners on base, and DC had bases loaded twice with no outs and failed to score. Brown started for the cats and Norton pitched the seventh
  5. Any details on the Macon-Portland game? Who pitched for each team?
  6. Greenbrier beat MLK tonight 4-3 to clinch the district title. Moffitt threw all 10 innings for MLK. Greenbrier scored 2 runs in the bottom of the 10th for the win.
  7. Any other details? Who led Fulton in scoring, did MLK hold the ball, any other details would be nice.
  8. Juggalo, when did you play for Doc, and why would MLK need to run another offensive play, when they win almost every game? Also, they have a pretty solid post game with Dayton and Smith.
  9. What kind of D did Central play to shut down Brewer?
  10. East Lit is playing well right now, but I believe the home court advantage and Brewer will be too much for East Lit. Portland by 8
  11. How did this happen? I know his team still won, but what did Westmoreland do to shut him down?
  12. What did SC do to make the game close? What was their gameplan?
  13. Westmoreland played well the last time these teams met and kept the game close. This time I think Brewer and his cast will dominate Westmoreland. Portland by 15 Brewer with 35+
  14. Who won this game and does anybody have any details?
  15. It depends on which Springfield team shows up. Some nights they are great, other nights it looks like they don't care. But since it is at SC then I will take SC by 8.
  16. Station Camp is having a solid year. Everyone assumed they would lose because they were a new school last year, but no one really realized they had a solid group of players and a good coach. I would look for them to be a serious threat next year, though they loose one of their best players.
  17. Station Camp played a good game and proved they could play, if it wasn't for their rocky start, they could have pulled it out.
  18. This is a tough game to call. SC is playing well right now, but Cory can carry any team to a victory. Also, Portland has handled pressure very well this year against Springfield and MLK (though they lost to MLK). It is really a toss up but i think Portland will take it by 6.
  19. Hawk17


    Congrats to station camp. Any details on the game.
  20. Hawk17


    It is tough to say. MLK will probably grab a spot in the regions, but the other 3 spots are up for grabs.
  21. I wouldn't rule out a sub-state birth, but they will have to play there best ball to get there. If Cheatham is not hitting 3s (though they usually do) then they are just an average team that will have a hard time getting out of the district. They are a very good team and if they are hitting who knows what could happen. Also, if they play a team in the region with some size, they may be in trouble. Good luck to Cheatham on the rest of the season.
  22. This should be a great game. Both teams rely heavily on their press and both teams have a lot of speed. I think the game will come down to Brandon Smith. If Station Camp can contain him, I believe they will win.
  23. How long is Ebanks ineligible?
  24. MLK has is too balanced and has too much speed for DL. MLK by 8.
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