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Everything posted by baylaredraydaz

  1. McCallie was missing a starting middie, two starting defensemen, the LSM, and others. They were forced to move Alex Gregor, the normal faceoff middie, to longstick for the duration of the game. Also Penn Brafford, the attackman, had to play some on the defensive side as well. Without those weapons plus others, their offense was struggling. Kyle Hansen still stepped it up in the goal again but they still lost 5-4.
  2. is walter really a freshman? and is he as good as everyone says he is?
  3. i dont think ive seen any so far...probably because starters dont have to talk trash, they can talk enough trash by playing well while we watch. i think most kids on here fall into the "probably gonna start next year/backup this year" category.
  4. i like how there are not as many teams in chattanooga and only 2 divisions of lacrosse. I n baseball or football, you would have to go through at least two or three pages to find something about your division. i think we have individually gotten to know and hate each other better on here than other sports get to do.
  5. all you usn/farragut/cbhs guys, i wasnt saying that yall had no chance. ill provide a little support for my rankings. 1.a bucket of chicken always of fresh legs, while plenty of the farragut guys were out of breath by the 4th quarter. 2. fried chicken tastes just as good on the outside as the inside, but against cbhs they didnt have great outside shooting. 3. a bucket of chicken won't yell at the refs when it's never gonna make a difference (cough, usn, cough). end of controversy.
  6. i think teams can get by not lifting as much, they just have to have a little different more finesse-like style of play, like mus looked like they had. but noone would survive a day in mccallies program if they didnt make lifting an important part of their routine, i guess its just the different styles.
  7. just my opinion, no offense to anyone.
  8. how about putting up a poll to see who everyone thinks is gonna win? heres the order i think in terms of chance of winning 1. mccallie or mba 2. mus 3. a bucket of KFC chicken 5. Usn, Farragut, Christian Brothers 6. Webb 7. Ryan Burns by himself 8. Father Ryan
  9. you weigh 160, bench 300, squat 400, power clean 250, then wake up.
  10. whoa redtwin, we posted at the exact same time. creepy. yeah i agree, the same goes for football too, power cleans are the best for an entire body workout as well as forming proper mechanics. But they also require the best technique and are hard to be good at.
  11. tnlax, do you/did you know charlie ramsay back in the day?
  12. i think there is a huge dropoff from the top 3. Thats pretty sad if Christian Brothers is the 4th best team, considering that they got shut out by a tennesee team. From my two games against them, i saw nothing impressive at all, except for that #85 i thought was pretty quick and decisive. Their goalie didn't impress me, my friend who shoots maybe 60 scored twice on him from more that 7 yards out. I would say the next closest team would be Farragut, with their talented longpoles and good size.
  13. four times a week is more than enough for lacrosse i think, but if the players are willing to go in at 6 in the morning and no practice time is wasted then i think mba has some dedicated athletes. i think you can really tell a difference between teams who lift and dont lift, from what i saw i didnt think that webb lifted at all, because nearly all of them had cankles (no distinction between calves and ankles).
  14. no offense but the only way this topic would be useful would be if everybody responded, which isnt gonna happen. and we already have the "who are you" thread, which i think would include what position you play.
  15. as lacrosse gets more and more popular, simply being able to twirl the stick better than others isn't necessarily the defining factor of how great a player is. How much do the teams around the area lift weights? do you feel its vital to a teams success? as state champs, we lifted twice a week at a minimum.
  16. if anything on the internet can keep me (and countless others) up at 11 pm missing chapelle's show, then it has to be a success. and thanks to redtwin for moderating
  17. i think the board did a good job of nut just judging teams from their stats on paper. ryan burns is a great player, but his stats are a little inflated considering they only played 2 teams out of the region, those teams being very mediocre and/or new programs. plus at mccallie, we take the starters out as soon as possible to keep thier fresh legs, coach kemp isn't about running up the scores. he even told us that coacht was for "jokas"(jokers). from what i saw, burns and caroland etc. would stay in for a majority of the games, no matter what the scores were in the 4th. but even so, ive heard that burns is a humble guy and a team player so nothing against him.
  18. http://f2.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/samgnelso...5&.dnm=86ba.jpg thats the studs of the mccallie varsity sophmore class- im the stoaked guy on the far left and no, im not clint brakebill (although he did model his style of play and skills after me) also, actionjackson19 is the third from the left.
  19. hey godawgs, way to be number 10 on a crappy tennis team
  20. MUS and MBA seem to have a brighter future than the Big Blue in Chattanooga. They have no returning defenseman, and their midfield lines will be thin. Also throwing a new goalie in there who will have trouble with Burns, Cahill, etc.
  21. Recently on ESPN.com's page2 section, they had group of sports experts "mathematically" rank 50 sports in terms of difficulty. Lacrosse was out of the top 10, and was beaten by tennis, baseball, soccer, wrestling, hockey, boxing, and a few others. I'm thinking its just because of lack of knowledge about the game of lacrosse. Do yall agree?
  22. One more thing. You and Monica Seles should seriously meet up sometime.
  23. hey dusty this is wes nelson. I have never made a comment on here until now. I try not to respond to anything I see but this just pisses me off so bad that I had to respond to this one. After the match we went home and my dad had a a tape of the match. I saw many negative things on that tape but there is one thing that sticks out more than anything else on the tape. It is 5-4 in the second set, 30-30 and yall are both having an incredible point. Parker hits an awesome shot and all you can do is bearly get it back to the service line. Parker has an easy winner. He cocks his racket back and all of a sudden I hear you scream as loud as you can intentionally to distract Parker. My dad has watched the mccallie baylor tennis match for the past 6 years. He has seen some of the biggest jerks on the court ever. And believe me, they werent from mccallie. But he said that he has never seen anything anywhere close to the yell that you did against Parker. What was going through your mind? I dont know if being a cheater is cool to you or something but what you did was worse than cheating. Everybody there was wondering what you were doing. You might not care about what everybody does as long as win but that is wrong. I hope one day you realize that in your senior year you had to cheat to beat a sophomore.
  24. What I've learned from the past is to take at least 15 m.p.h. off any "clocked shot speed" listed on the internet. Any 13 year old with a keyboard can claim to shoot 80, but most of the time he can't back it up. 115? with a legal stick? 115 kilometers per hour is rare, much lesss anything over 100 by a high school kid.
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