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Everything posted by curious70

  1. Pitching makes the difference. Kyle Waldrop can go head to head against anybody in the country. I'm not saying that it wouldn't be a good game, but Waldrop can pitch.
  2. The Oakland team that had 5 division one pitchers (Sharber, Williams, Knox, Kline, Hicklen) and a shortstop (King) who could throw harder than any of them (kind of like Delmonico) was the best high school or summer league team (Cobb teams included) that I've ever seen. If memory is correct, Georgia Tech's freshman homerun record holder Slayden was right fielder on that team. I would have loved to see that team play last year's Farragut team.
  3. May God bless the rest of your lives seniors. I had a junior pro football coach in M'boro Mack Thweet get it right: Our priorities are God, family, school, then Franks IGA. I can't argue with #1. #2 means family, teamates, friends, people, communities etc. #3 can be debated even though I think that he meant lifetime learning. Franks IGA was my team or "fun" at the time. Stay busy :^)
  4. curious70

    7-AAA Scores

    I must admit it, I've become semi-addicted to reading your comments on coach-t. Nothing like talking religion, sports, and politics with people and to get their take. As far as the schools in Rutherford County, do you guys think that the zoning of Seigle and Blackman had something to do with curbing the advent of private schooling in the boro? We've seen private schools thrive in Nashville, Chattanooga, and Memphis. Is Murfreesboro on cue for the next explosion of privates in the next 10 to 20 years? Just curious.
  5. Great opinions. I've seen Waldrop and Price. Both are excellent pitchers. However, I'm talking projection. If Price gets one more pitch, we will be seeing him in the big leagues quickly. Yes, high school is about team but going strictly on talent, I still believe that Price is the best in TN and one of the best in the nation (maybe 1st or 2nd round pick). What I love about baseball is that any pitcher on a given night can go toe to toe with the Price's and Waldrop's of the state. :^)
  6. 6' 5", left hander, throws in the 90's, slider faster than most people's fastball, accurate, goes the distance, need I say more?
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