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  2. yeah....right....somebody please shoot me some n2o
  3. Actually pump, I do know. Please see my comments on the Big 9 basketball thread for proof. Some people call me a prophet.
  4. You maybe right about it not hurting South, but it's hard to throw a mud ball. My main point was, that the weather could be a factor in the outcome. GO CANES! Actually, it would have to rain a lot to get mud balls. South's field is grass, but it is the finest kept grass field (except for maybe Happy Valley) in east Tennessee. If you are counting on mud to save ya, I wouldnt count on it.
  5. LOL...I KNOW that you must be a pumpkin head that knows nothing about football. And that last sentence.."Thats why it is 2008, and not '06, or '05"....LOL...you must be a south graduate......
  6. some people call me a prophet.....lol
  7. fact is, the MLC just stunk this year. South is good, but better than the last few years, I don't think so. I know that this years south team could not beat the mowest team of 2005 or the moeast of 2006. I havent seen moeast play this year, but if i were a south fan i would be worried.
  8. Berliitz translation "WAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAAAA"
  9. going back to the initial question that headed up this thread, i suppose we can now answer in a resounding THEY WONT
  10. LOL....any truth to the rumor that coach Carter has a golf date wth Mr Barger tomorrow......in Palm Springs?...huhhh.....wonder what that is all about......
  11. Not to worry. Rumor has it Carter is buying property just off Wautaga. ROFLMAO
  12. The great thing is....Central can start concentrating on basketball today and db and sh can probably start next saturday.
  13. This game was not as close as the score would seem to indicate. South literally pounded the vikes. Now, on to the chiefs.
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