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Everything posted by warmachine7954

  1. No one assumed anything. I'm saying this very issue happened on another thread between @UCSportsFanand @SayWhat. UCSportsFan is the one the started in with Memphis being run by Democrats and other politcial stuff. There is alot of room for implication using the phrase "Memphis is run by Democrats". There are better ways to get your poitn across but he doesn't or won't do that. He uses the word "y'all" without stating previous context for the conjunction. It is very easy for a person to imply things in that manner. In one breathe he says Memphis schools can't win without cheating. Then the next posts he is saying he feels bad for the kids in Memphis because they can't play. He's comparing public and privates all while bashing a school that is a charter school. The coach of MASE literally said to a news outlet what happened. I, nor anyone else, has the right to judge what happened here as more than a mistake. The kids are the ones that lose out.
  2. I have to agree. Very talented, big, and long. Mason Miller is their most consistant player. Much of the time they look like a bunch of good players that just got tossed together and don't play together. They can be beat.
  3. If it was the coaches son (not an Arlington student) and a few players then they should be punished. If the coach knew about it then she should be fired. Kids that had nothing to do with it don't deserve to lose two years of post season because of the idiotic action of others. I got paddled weekly (probably more) in 3rd grade because our teacher thought the wrong doing of a few kids warranted everyone in class to get 3 licks. I lost all dances (homecoming, spring, winter etc..) in high school my junior year because 2, yes 2 people came to a dance drunk and got caught. The whole school (800+) students were punished. Collective punishment is a tactive of dictarors, tyrants, and terrorist. It is actually a war crime. It is also seen, by many, as intimidation. It is never the answer.
  4. https://www.wmcactionnews5.com/2019/03/21/collierville-assistant-principal-arrested-domestic-violence/ I guess Collierville is Memphis too?
  5. The TSSAA have people on payroll for this very thing. The TSSAA could have suspended the coach. They could have asked for Arlington to handle it internally and given them a deadline. They could have done nothing. Since the burden lies on Arlington for lack of security and the kid that atacked the coach wasn't a Arlington student there were different ways to handle this. They knew exactly what they were doing. From my understanding it wasn't Arlington that filed. It was parents of players.
  6. This issue has been from previous threads as well. You don't know the full story.
  7. Care to cite a source for charter schools thriving all over the country? https://progressive.org/public-school-shakedown/charter-schools-have-failed-bryant-200817/ http://www.buildingbetterschools.com/charter-schools-are-not-the-key-to-improving-public-education/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/new-report-finds-high-closure-rates-charter-schools-over-time/ https://districtadministration.com/charter-schools-fail-at-astounding-rate-report-says/ https://thehill.com/policy/finance/other/473782-failed-charter-schools-cost-federal-government-almost-505m-in-nine-years https://tultican.com/2020/08/17/charter-school-experiment-failure-documented-again/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergreene/2019/07/03/why-charter-schools-must-waste-money/?sh=3565e00f5bdc https://www.wsj.com/articles/charter-schools-success-is-an-illusion-11566859572 Are there indivdual charter schools that do well. Yes. The bottom line is charter choose the students they want and can get rid of a student (behaviour, grades, etc... ) anytime they want. Overall, charter schools are not the saviour that they were made out to be. If you want to be honest then let's say you don't know much about Shelby County and be done with it.
  8. I find it hard to believe that a full basketball team all agreed and participated in this beahviour. I'd be willing to bet that it was only a few that were involved and the majority didn't know anything about it.
  9. I agree. They lost face a few years ago when the went to court over Memphis East. I know they didn't like that.
  10. The big issue is the kids that had nothing to do with this will be hurt in one way or another.
  11. Charters are still under the public umbrella. There are no charter's that look anything like a private schools in Shelby County. The majority of charters in Memphis have failed time and time again academically. Many of them perform poorly over time in academics and athletics. They even operate with more freedom (most of the time) than public schools do and continue to be a bad experiment. There is no comparison.
  12. I don't care about private schools. They don't opperate under the same rules as public schools. The kids that go to privates are either their because they live in $500,000 houses and can afford the tuition or they're there because they recieve financial aid from the schools. This private vs public does nothing to help your case with the race issue that has followed you like a bad smelling fart. The private schools in Shelby County are overwhelmingly white. You'll also find that when it comes to private school athletics that many minorites are there because of financial aid. They literally keep spots of finacial aid open for athletes. Football and basketball are where the most African Americans are. Compare the facilites of CBHS, MUS, Harding, Lausanne etc.. to Trezvant. White Station doesn't even have it's own football field. Their baseball field is laughable compared to other public schools like Collierville, Bartlett, or Arlington. Germantown uses the city of Germantowns field. To compare public versus private in anything in Shelby County, again, shows how much you don't know about the reality of Shelby County.
  13. Why do you think you have to call someone out. Everyone in the country knows what happened. Had Penny not been a U of M alum none of this would have been an issue. The only reason the NCAA said it was an issue was because they determined that Penny was a booster. You won't answer questions that people ask you. That is intelectually dishonest. You won't answer these questions but I'll ask anyway. What is the real issue at hand? If the TSSAA clears a player then why is it "wrong"? Why not word or phrase your sentence to say the teachers of SCS instead of saying y'all? Which teacher's association are you speaking about? There is more than one union that teachers can join. I personally am not a member of any. If a teacher chooses to be then that's their choice not yours. Your opinion isn't what's valuable here. The "facts" that you say you speak are what needs to be stated. That means there needs to be some evidence other than what originates in the grey matter between your ears. The last thing here. I'm a teacher of 14 years, 6 in SCS. We have absolutley no say in any of these decisions. That shows how ignorant you are about anything that goes on in Shelby County. Don't try to be wise and blame teachers for anything. We have been working ever since last year. We have taught classes everyday virtually. I've been on campus 90% of the time. We've adapted to new technology, new demands, and new methods of instruction in the blink of an eye. Students and parents are doing the best they can. Until you've done that at any point in your life for an extended period of time keep be quite. We have done the work and gotten the correct pay for it. To say people got paid for nothing is just ignorant.
  14. There is no deflection. I have stated the reasons why it happens like it does. I've also never said that is was an ok thing to do. However, what is, at the moment, is. All you see is what you think is cheating. In this case you have no idea what actually happened. You have an idea of what you think the rules should be but you don't look at what the rules actually are. The fact is when the TSSAA clears a kid to play that kid had to have meet their requirements. Not yours but their's. You can't say justice was served when you don't know the full story. For all we know the coach told the kid and the team that the kid was eligible to play. If he wasn't that wasn't on the kids or the player. That's on the coach. The kids are the ones that suffer. In the end it's the kids that always pay the price. The players at MASE are the ones that get the bad end of this.
  15. You wanna talk use the @ symbol. I've never insulted you. If you speak the truth and everyone knows it then all you're doing is blowing hot air because you like the sound of your own typing. We all know water is wet so why do you need to tell everyone? Why do you need to complain about it? I like how you use the word, y'all" to group the 40+ schools in SCS together. It shows how far your bias goes. The "rehotoric" bothers you a great deal or you wouldn't reply so many times to so many people. The TSSAA didn't do the right thing or wrong thing. I'd like to know why you're so worried about a bunch of 14-18 year old kids, that live 100+ miles away from you, go to school or what color jersey they wear? Kinda of a weird thing for a grown man to get so worked up about? I mean if your care so much about the rules lets see the other posts you make about all the other rule breaking that goes on in our world. Do you complain this much about tax evasion? What about all the speeding? I know! Jaywalking! You have to really have a problem with jaywalkers. Is there an internet forum that you us to ramble on, for years, about jaywalkers and how the local PD does NOTHING to stop it. How dare a person not use a crosswalk.
  16. Everyone know this. I hate it for them as well. I hate that kids didn't get fall and winter sports. However, it has nothing to do with @UCSportsFan and his viagra driven tirad that happens EVERYTIME a school from Memphis is mentioned. He cannot let it go. He has progressed into using "democrats" into his posts. Then he doesn't quite get the idea of how a term like, "you people" can be misunderstood or seen as inappropriate. He seems to think that teams in Memphis cannot win championships without cheating. It is old. It is tired. He provides no other commentary than the same stuff.
  17. The Shelby County Schools superinendent and the Board of Education are have contact information online. That's phone numbers and emails. Write them and ask them why. I've told you I'm just a teacher. I don't make the big decisions. You'll come here and complain EVERYDAY and make stupid comments above but you won't do anything about it. See the links below to start your journey to the answer you seek. http://www.scsk12.org/ http://www.scsk12.org/board/maps?PID=654
  18. You seem new here. You'll find the @UCSportsFan (not from Union City) will go out of his way to remind everyone that there has never been a legitimate state title winner that has ever come out of Memphis. Every school, and I mean 100% of the schools that are in Shelby County are nothing but low down no good cheaters. He cannot stay away from it. It is impossbile for him. The man has 6,600+ posts. I bet 50% of them mention Memphis schools cheating and how the TSSAA does nothing about it. Recently he has been throwing the word Democrat around. He also has a vested interest in knowing exactly what the largest school district in the state needs to do.
  19. Point that biased finger all you want. This incident happened well outside Memphis city limits.
  20. Since you like to harp on this so much and have brought up the Democrats why don't you explain to us how you would do it. Then give us how the Republicans would fix it all. Since I'm a teacher and a teacher in SCS I have a bone to pick here. I'm not a member of any union either. Teachers in SCS have been working and working hard the whole time. It's not our choice but to say that teachers are sitting home and collecting paychecks is ignorant. I've seen my coworkers more stressed than eve in 14 years of teaching. You really need to evaluate the trash that comes out of your fingers. Pack that stuff up and take it to the curb.
  21. I have no need to mesage anyone for you. You are the one challenging people. I know you won't beat Houston or CBHS. You'll have no problem getting a bus for SS to come ot Memphis and play those two teams. Better yet call IMG and take a trip to Florida. Give the kids a vacation and play them since you're not scared of anyone.
  22. https://portal.tssaa.org/common/bulletinboard/
  23. Watch the tape. It's out there. The Wooddale and Melrose players were acting tough and being stupid. Tossing a ball back and forth to/at each other. One of them pretends like someone is holding him back. I think it's one of the Lawson kids. They weren't going to do anything. The TSSAA has acted in the past and will continue to do so when they deem it appropriate. The incident at Arlington was terrible. The TSSAA did the right thing. I image that McCord has a very good case for litigation and will probably win. I bet Arlington escorts all opposing teams and coaches from now on even if it's bowling. If they don't they're not very smart,
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