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Everything posted by uawake2

  1. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shingaling71 Today, 08:56 PM Post #12 Camper Group: Guests Posts: 6 Joined: Sep 24, 2004 Member No.: 65,159 hey i play for central and this boxhead guy must be a jv player not gettin to play or something because we dont teach to run a mouths. boxhead shut ur dang mouth. im tired of u runnin ur darn mouth on here. if ur a true central football player then u would have a little pride for ur self and the team. as for are defense. herdon might of ran for 250+ yards so what. that was last week. it shows why there ranked 3rd in the state. i think they will be playin in the state championship game come dec. but as for giles we will come out ready to play. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx here is the scoop on this guy
  2. "greenbier will killin sycamore. herdon has great speed and should run all over them" if you will check his previous post you will see this is another Montgomery Central fan... who can't spell killing, Herndon's name or put a sentence together.
  3. cbarkley we agree on this point^.
  4. "Garza is an easy target to put out. Keep hittin him and he'll crumble apart." i dont think he is such an easy target. i dont think he will crumble. look at his past performances against you.
  5. i remember last year.... rumors were flying around about Garza and a hurt shoulder. it was posted that he wouldn't play but he showed up and played. The whole thing was a hoax. i don't buy it...if he plays he plays, if he dont he dont...he did get helped off the field last year at Greenbrier and the rumor was a concussion. i think he sat out the following game against Giles Co.
  6. what was the greenbrier score BOXHEAD
  7. the show stinks now... if i wanted play by play i would go to the game... just the highlights and move on please or i will move on from your station
  8. this is the answer to your question i quess. east robertson can not get any respect because everybody is worried about private schools...just kidding east continue your program in the direction you have it going in. Libscomb has one of the best programs in middle Tennessee and they don't want to take no crap off of nobody...thats pride sorry about the jabs....your coaching staff wouldn't put up with the cheating. they are class acts good luck to both of you friday
  9. that hurt i said i wouldn't bring it up again... don't have too,,,
  10. carefull Antwan...you will stir them up. They just don't see "it" because they are "it" i quess
  11. sorry bomb I sure didn't mean to dis you i guess the answer is your school is private... you say "have to" and i say "get to" either way you step up to 3a...i wonder why TSSAA finally put a multiplier on private schools... could it be that little advantage of chosen students...notice i didn't say recruited this time.. just a little pun
  12. Lipscomb Recruits and the others don't..... Lipscomb gets to change regions next year.....
  13. Respect is not something you can write about or talk about. It is not bought or taken for granted. It is earned through ones own actions. Continue playing with class and it will come. I am sure your team is well respected by those you are playing.
  14. yes they can but.... look out for the big plays
  15. This should be some smash mouth football. How are you going on this one CBarkley?
  16. the tennessean has him with 156 on 26 carries
  17. good luck to both teams next week. White House will meet northeast who is looking better and Greenbrier is playing Mont. Central who is hungry
  18. i noticed whitehouse still had their starting qb and #84 in the game with 1:10 on the clock...starting backfield also usually the team with the lead subs first.... glad the D stepped up and prevented a second half score.
  19. Fairview could never recover from the flags.... MC came out and ran it down their throats on the first two series. After that Fairview got on track and scored. after several penalties they kicked a field goal before haltime. Great kicker.. in warmups he was good from 55 yards several times. after half Fairview came out and ran right down the field and scored 21-16 the xpoint failed. Fairview just had to many penalties these teams are a toss up of momentum. Each did good and each can improve. MC will take their best came to Greenbrier next week. good luck to fairview
  20. I'll go with Greenbrier.... Cbarkley can't pick his nose much less this game.
  21. You are as clueless about me as you are your football picks...BUDDY
  22. Good to see you are back C Barkley.
  23. Cbarkley, Cbarkley where are you today, why have you left us here all alone. We searched the field over and thought we found a guru but Sycamore lost another one and, crap YOU ARE GONE.. Signed Victorious Oh Knit, Oh Knit where are you today, Typing on the internet wanting to play, we have searched the school over just looking for you boy but your in the bathroom just got flushed away.... Signed Victorious
  24. Cbarkley, Cbarkley where are you today, why have you left us here all alone. We searched the field over and thought we found a guru but Sycamore lost another one and, crap YOU ARE GONE.. Signed Victorious
  25. According to you and tink Creekwood will finish first. Are you now reconsidering?????????? Did you overload yourself???????? Big region with a lot on the line tonight with page and marshall. Too early to tell still.
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