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Everything posted by lax5091

  1. Because he had shoulder surgery and is out for the whole season this year.
  2. Franklin won against whitestation 15-4 and lost to houston 14-9
  3. you speak alot of wisdom in this. But as a player its the fun of playin in a division where its unpredictable what the finals could be. In d1 wit almost no new teams comin in and the same three teams ballin every year its more of seein who can have a lucky win or come the closest to the win. it shouldn be that way. as a player i have seen the whole spectrum as a d2 state champion to a complete loss of a season in d1. i shouldn be able to say which division is more fun. i should be able to say each is equally as fun and competitive. we shouldn worry so much about how uneven the divisions are. since its a new growing sport they will even out over time when it grows to be like it is in yexas or the north. i believe strongly that while this sport is still in its developmental stages we should put the focus on gettin the sport known and make sure the athletes enjoy it. But you fellas know what your talkin bout im just a player givin my nickels worth on what i think i know.
  4. yeah i think this season is gonna be an interesting one. just to see how some teams (in both divisions) have built up from last year.
  5. i agree that moving down is the last thing that any team would want to do. but in some cases a team will have a ton of talent and move up after that talent has left and struggle. people dont get better by gettin steam rolled in the division. Im goin to use franklin as an example they were state champions. then they moved up and with some of their great players comin back they did alright. then they left, they changed coaches 2 or 3 times. which led to a 2 win season, yes they have a new coach and we about to see what he does for the team. if they were to have another 2 win season or something. im sure they wouldn mind steppin down into a "developmental" league and let another come up that may have put to work in to be a d1 program. I'm in no way trying to bash or belittle what the rebels have accomplished but i believe that they were one of the teams that kinda rushed their program into d1.
  6. I agree that the fact that division 1 has only grown by one makes no sense. But i dont think that if your in d2 long enough you get to move up. i believe that we should make the divisions even in number of teams. The state champion has the option to move up and replace the worst team. If they choose to stay in d2 that would be their decision but if they were to win again it would be automatic movement. The worst team in d1 would move down.
  7. lax5091

    2010 Lacrosse

    Franklins goalies would have a hard time with some lower teams. They would have to be playin there best game to just try and stop mccallies and mus shooters from gettin the ball in the net everytime they shot and i think if franklin made it to the playoff thet would be impressive for them comin off the season they had last year. But with several solid defense men and their one huge attackman lets see if they can have a winning season before we start talkin bout them and playoffs.
  8. I would have gone for it. but in both of the touchdowns before that franklin threw passes and brentwood wasn even close to bein in position to defend them. all game franklin had been gettin bout a yard or two on runs with a few big breaks. i would have thrown it again for the extra point not tried to run it. and if i didn feel comfortable throwin it for the extra i woulda kicked it and see what happened next time
  9. lax5091

    2010 Lacrosse

    Ravenwood as some very good players (i cant think of their names off the top of my head right now) but i was far more impressed by brentwood tho. Their goalie was playin very well on saturday, while their talent is tremendously good i can never respect them because of how they play the game with no respect for the game and o so very dirty. Now franklin when all their starters are on the field are incredibly good and could run with ravenwood and brentwood. i would even say they could put up a struggle against the best like mccallie and mus. but the moment the starters leave the field it becomes a little iffy whether the bench will come to play or not. Franklin will have yet another rebuilding year. but atleast they should go .500 this season instead of a wopping 2 wins
  10. lax5091

    2010 Lacrosse

    Im lookin for franklin or ravenwood to get an upset on those three teams, granted it will take a perfect game but it would still be amazing to watch.
  11. lax5091

    2010 Lacrosse

    Franklin as a very young team, with a entirely new coaching staff it will be interesting to see how they do. But with about 10 returning seniors id say its gonna be another building year. I would agree that MUS and McCallie are the teams to beat this year.
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