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Everything posted by JohnnyLawrence

  1. LOL That was probably Coach Rang that posted that mess...Better look out for those Greenback boys, tho. they can get quite nasty. https://www.hudl.com/video/3/5556907/5839c608c124de2a44f471fb
  2. LOL. Alcoee couldn't score against air the last two weeks....They're due a decent offensive game. It's either 21-0 or 42-0.....and the D will outscore Tech.
  3. They stink out loud, dog. This may be the WORST game we see on Friday... Turrible.
  4. Even Booger coach has a little Goon in him!!! What a great guy.
  5. Goons a dozen deep on the road to.Bugtussle! Hope those moms are good looking.
  6. Well fine then. We will just root for Greenback because of you. Alcoee by 40.
  7. You know what, Mike? Me and the Goonies might just head down to S. Pitt after Alcoee run-rules the Squatches in the first inning.... Tell Roy he better have my fudge rounds.
  8. Well, I'm coming down and I'm not going to be in good mood when I get there... They better have more than candy bars and Corn Dogs at the concession stand or someone is going to get a boot to the head.
  9. The Legend told me today that Alcoa will "beat them as bad as they want to." I agree. Take Alcoee (-14.5) and lay the points. Easy money. I know the Murvil Mafia spread will be much larger. (-34)
  10. Talked to coach Fugate today and he is going to look for those 77 and 79 championship game tapes v Lake City.
  11. Yeah, were pretty dumb around here....we have been told this at least 14 times..... 1977, 1978, 1979, 1989, 2000, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015........
  12. Hey hey hey hey hey!!!!!! Remember that time when Upperman and Alcoa were tied at 7-7...... Then 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  13. For serious..Trickster has been on a milk carton since that game. But really, Marion, ND and last week, I never thought to myself "they could actually lose this game". Defense always had a handle on things.
  14. I agree. Alcoee was never in a position to lose any of these games being talked about. Never trailed in any of them.
  15. A good 15-0 team... but almost blew a 28 point lead in the finals and did not have a lot of discipline. Just my opinion, offer not valid in some states.
  16. Hooked me a fish on Facespace tonight.....I still got mad troll skills..... Squatch gonna get ham-mered.....
  17. I know the coaches...when I see them I will ask. I was at both of those games as well.
  18. Here's the 1978 Alcoa v Sweetwater semifinal game.......
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