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Everything posted by eF5

  1. So...not a fan of TPB are we??? Heh.
  2. Er..he isn't talking about Alcoa losing anyone.. It's Murvil.
  3. Ehh. Either come clean with the evidence there, Grissom or just keep on floating down that creek you are so fond of.
  4. That's just it. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE, EVIDENTLY, THAT IS "IN THE KNOW" Can you not figure it out? Keep slinging it - one will stick soon.
  5. Both of you guys are so full of green jealous envy that it eats to your core and you surface on the first week of December every year to gather a new legion of sheep to follow you the the Hermitage in protest. But it ain't Gonna. Happen.
  6. Years, huh....OK. The perception is out there because someone, like yourself, just throws crap against a wall and hopes that it sticks. But, to no one's amazement, it never does. Funny how that works, huh?
  7. Go away Indian....your days here as a mod are numbered anyway
  8. What is there to elaborate on??? You are the one with this alleged "fresh" info-------that only you seem to be privy too. Again, dumber by the second.
  9. LOLIf Geeker and "The Manila Folder" were at the county barns you would probably not be amazed at the idiots that would surface.
  10. So...the price of Gatti's buffet is going up? Is that what I understand here?
  11. So why is there is currently no complaing about open zones on Basketball/baseball/soccer/etc. threads????(Hint:because Alcoa is not dominating there....)
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