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Everything posted by Waterboy96

  1. i said i went McCllie til the 8th grade, then transfered to Signal. if you had more education in reading rather than majoring in horseplay you would have understood. And the other terrible joke you made twice was the one about the chicken suit and Brokeback. I think the brokeback thoughts had your mind all jumbled, Jerry. Try and keep up.
  2. You shouldn't invest to much in what you hear at the beauty shop. Just because something is loud and opinioned doesn't mean it has any truth to it. Us men know that and it's why your posts are taken so lightly. That last line is a joke. Signal Mountain gets in trouble and it's Greenville who gets all excited and benefits, now this year it's Giles County and you are all excited because greenville benefits. The really question is will Greenville ever win a Championship against a field of other teams that the T$$AA doesn't handicap?!?!? Don't be a quitter, yake care of that itch.
  3. That wasn't funny the first time you posted that joke. It falls even flatter the second time. Is the thrill gone with brokeback? What happened, Jerry, did he he get his drivers license?
  4. Where have you been the last two hours, Jerry? Mandatory time in the yard?
  5. Greenville doesn't follow the "real rules," they made up their own "rules" so that they wouldn't have follow the"real rules" that everyone else does. Thank you barb for making my point. That's best post you ever made. I'm not surprised it was by accident. You got that elusive itch taken care of yet?!?!?!
  6. You need to grow a set and a brain and quit lying to yourself about how Greeville cheats more than anybody. You can blow tha paperwork smoke somewhere else you sound like some San Fransisco lawyer. You sound just like the private school people. We just want to compete, blah blah blah. no you don't, you want to compete with kids from outside your zone against teams that can't do that. One of these days you're going to look at this non objectively when your dementia isn't raging and realize how bad you look on here trying to justify that crap. But there is HOPE, your dementia will kick back in and then you can live blissfull again in your ignorance. Sorry your having trouble with that itch, but if at first you don't succeed........
  7. You can attempt to think all you want just like you can attempt to breath under water, but you weren't born with the ability to do either. That lasso move sounds like it's right out of yalls own personal Division III playbook. Now go on and tell me how yall's cheating is legal for yall and illegal for anyone else.
  8. And here's our first person without a brain. Greenville can't win a game to start the season and then the team with the better record is punished for doing the same thing yall do, just like last year. Only in bizzaro world Greenville does that make sense. And then yall get on here all self rightous talking down to people for doing exactly hwat you do. T$$AA is gonna hold your hand through the playoffs just like they did the last 2 years and yall want to think you earned it. Then when someone tells you like it is, you get all pi$$y and call people names, you act like a child. What a joke. You know what you need to do next..
  9. Yeah, sure, this all just one big coincidence. I hope you picked up on the sarcasm, I layed it on pretty thick.
  10. I'm even more correct about the second part of my post.
  11. Everyone saw this coming. Not just because of Giles' rep. But because Greenville was worried about them. Greenville has a rackett on recruiting in 4a. Greenville shoves Giles into the guillotine for doing exActly what Greenville does everyday and the T$$AA is more than glad to drop the blade and. Like I said everyone with a brain knew this was coming.
  12. Two Division III (recruiting allowed and not punished and no multilpier added) will square off in this matchup. Not to see wether Kids from Greeneville or if kids from Alcoa can win but to see which program can grease the wheels and poles at the T$$AA to lettheir program recruit the most. Alcoa held/payed for the top spot for a decade but the last 2 years its seem that Greenville has learned to curl the T$$AA's toes even harder. That and they didn't even schedule Alcoa until they started sucking. Let the Great Scratching Bowl begin!!!!!!
  13. It's funny that most teams makes and breaks of the season involve players getting hurt, big wins and losses, but in Greeneville it's the T$$AA that contributes the most to their title shot by clearing out the competition. If i had a nickle for every OOZ player that their coach calls everyday recruiting, I'd have more nickles than vlasic has pickles. He's probably on the phone right now, scratching.
  14. You sound like Joe Amendola. LOLOLOLOLOL
  15. Wanting to help kids escape?! That's your rationale? What's your coaches name Schindler?!?! Why don't you man up and accept the fact that your Coach is a cheater.
  16. Your talking to morons they are sheep. The only responses your going to get are " naw man it's not that way" " they are out to get us" "we are innocent" WAH WAH WAH WAH "life is hard and it's not fair" They are guilty as heck and they got caught with there pants down.
  17. Who didn't see this coming?! Everyone did. Old Man Giles you sound just like you did during your trial "I didn't contact that boy, he contacted me." HAHAHAHAHA You see where that got you, Tickle Monster. HAHAHAHA
  18. You're a great example of one that runs his mouth when things are good and then bashes your own team when things get tuff. You're the common SP fan. Common.
  19. I don't know why yall are even surprised by this. We've all seen what SP players do when the going gets tuff.
  20. Well look who sobered up long enuff to crawl over to the keyboard. Good morning CRAWFISH!
  21. REALLY???? You have to be one of the biggest moerons in whitehouse. If you guys are lucky enough to meet up against us in the championship game, we will mercy rule your second rate team .Just wait youll see! Now do me a favor and go scratch!
  22. I bet you spend most nights checking out all the cross dressers. Your cousin would make even more money slinging dope in your neck of the woods. Have another drink CRAWFISH.
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