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Everything posted by horse

  1. Grays a good player but if anyone from Huntingdon should have been nominated it should have been #36 CJ best all around player for Huntingdon. And never comes off the field.
  2. Probably shouldn’t have said anything.
  3. Today’s team would mercy rule that 66 team. Today’s team are bigger,faster, and stronger.
  4. I don’t think Huntingdon has any great passing plays. Some how every pass plays has 3 receivers within 5yards of each other.
  5. Where does the paper champions coming from?
  6. Waverly still like to throw the ball around?
  7. According to the score Loretta doesn’t have much of a defense either.
  8. They won’t make it to the second round
  9. Hearing this could be carr’s last year
  10. Mustangs need to come out of the gate fast and put this one away early
  11. Trenton’s fans sure have given up on the Tide. Bet they didn’t bring 50 fans to the game. After winning 3or 4 titles in the last 10 years you think they would still support the team.
  12. Yeah but their still 14 to 18 year old kids.
  13. Thinking it won’t be much of a game has got Huntingdon beat several times. 1st game of the season to name one.
  14. Ball game tonight and nobody even talking. Coach t sure isn’t what it used to be. Use have 100 page threads now if you get 10 it’s a hot topic.
  15. Thought you were a Mustang fan not supporting them Friday night
  16. How many seniors does Trenton have this year? I remember last year it seemed like it took a hour calling the senior players out on senior night.
  17. If I remember I think everyone that touched the ball scored on Milan
  18. Is it still hard to believe that Huntingdon could beat Haywood?When Haywood could barely beat Crockett.
  19. Mustangs keep on rolling in this one.
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