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Everything posted by BarneySox2007

  1. BC I think they went out and brought in some new players this year at Catholic so they can compete with the privates. Thank goodness the kid you all had that body slammed Tee is gone.
  2. Anyone else that wants to leave the program, now is the perfect time to get the F out or quit your moaning and whining and shut up and stop causing drama for the others.
  3. A great gift for all the Rotten and Lazy Parents that don't have time to take Junior to Practice and ROB them of a little Structure in life because their all self absorbed with their own lives while destroying someone else's.
  4. That would be a great contest to see how the line is, why go to Cookeville and play Endsworth when we can just stay local and play the best team money can buy.
  5. That's the 64 thousand dollar question Solomon. That was one of the reasons I was hoping to have scrimmaged in the spring to find out.
  6. Word of the Day at William Blount is Window. I'm a big William Blount Fan on the side but for some strange reason we never Window.
  7. You know Knoxville Football very well my friend. Your my go to man when ever I have a question regarding the inside scoop over there.
  8. Not sure about that but I did hear one of their fans say "That's alright, That's okay, You'll be working for us someday".
  9. I think their moving down 411 near Mama Kerns Fill Her Up and Keep on Truckin Cafe.
  10. Just having some fun with ya. We're glad for you all also.
  11. I know throughout the years if one part gets hurt another picks up the slack. Great to know some size will be coming up shortly.
  12. I hope the young man only the best at Greenback and will be pulling for him all year long. My biggest concern is not QB but the offensive line. Oakland just simply manhandled us in the last game of the season in 2018 up front. I still wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking about getting beat in the worst one sided games in school history. The only game worse than that was in the late 50's when Everett beat Maryville 59-0 but I wasn't even born yet when that happened. That was one of the reasons I hoped we would have scrimmaged in the spring to see if that was just a fluke or not. I'm sure they have worked hard this off season in the weight room but if you don't have anything up front you can't beat teams like Oakland. I stayed home one night last year and just watched the Science Hill game on NFHS and I remember Tee having to earn almost every yard he got that night because the line just simply didn't do a good job even in a blowout game. Can't wait for fall practice and scrimmages to see how the line does, the rest of the team I'm not worried about.
  13. Didn't know that, do you know when? Those were the good ole days for Loudon when he won the 69,74 and 75 State Championships in 2A and that was when there was only 3 classes.
  14. He'll have a lot of fans from Maryville pulling for him for sure this year.
  15. Greenback picked up a good kid and all of the Maryville fans will be pulling for him and hopes he does well. The young man has been in some big games for us including the win over Oakland last year. I'm sure he'll get more playing time at Greenback then he bargained for and who knows , he may see action on both sides of the ball.
  16. This is a game I went to at Austin-East in 2015 against GCA and it's homecoming and you can count the people in the stands. Back in the mid 80's when LeRoy Thompson was there you had to go early to get a seat. Now it looks like a funeral.
  17. Greed kills everything that is good and if the T$$AA has a $413,000 loss in business from one year to the next someone needs to make some changes because their business model isn't working.
  18. All this watering down caused a handful of schools to dominate certain classes because enrollment is not the clear overall solution. Same ole thing like clockwork every year and people are sick of it and quit going.
  19. Well pull up a seat and let me tell you some of the reasons from someone's eyes that has been around a long time now. Back in my playing days there were more rivalries than today but a lot of that got swallowed up by schools consolidating and the watered down 6A format from the original 3A. Other reasons are long distance away trips for games that are meaningless and very predictable not to mention the mercy rule which was put into place simply because classification does not work or we wouldn't see the run away games that are happening within district competition. After the third week of the season the rest of the year can easily be figured out by most fans who choose to do something else on Friday Nights from that point on. Another reason that differs from my time and today is the fall vacation thing can effect attendance a week or two when fans go out of town. With the games being carried by the internet has caused me to stay home a few weeks a year with many as half a dozen windows open jumping from game to game. College Football has started trying to steal some of the Friday Night High School crowds also. Biggest threat is the T$$AA and having 6 classes which is an absolute joke but their not about to let go of the money their making to change back even though their actually killing the game. We all know that 95% of the first two playoff games are a total joke and if bad weather happens the schools take a financial bath. Now if the T$$AA were partners in the gate for those first two games and shared the loses the schools suffer then we would get rid of this crap. Go back to 3 classes and forget this everybody has to win a trophy garbage before they kill the goose that laid golden eggs.
  20. The New Word of the Day at William Blount is Defense. Shad informed the school if you want me to quit filling out applications then build Defense at the Loudon County Line before I lose every player I have to Greenback.
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