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Everything posted by BarneySox2007

  1. I would go after Greg Ryan from Greenback. He did apply for the D-B job last year and appeared to be one of the two finalist until it was discovered all those coaches had applied at the Political Ponderosa. Greg knows next year is going to be rough at Greenback with heavy loses to graduation. If he stays at Greenback and has to rebuild his next opportunity would be very bleak with a nose dive on next years record. I would bet the house he applies.
  2. Maryville only took a few of the eggs out of Eagleton, Alcoa took the whole chicken coop.
  3. Your Dear Coach with all his Gold Trophies he is so very proud to show off. Whoops wrong picture.
  4. By the way for a Whiner you all sure enjoy reading every word I write. Also Barney knows who all the two faces and back stabbers are on here.
  5. If the TSSAA grew a set of balls and put a rule into play for every out of zone player you have to add 20 students per player you would see Alcoa in 5A in a New York Minute. For some reason you think I'm against Alcoa but I'm not. I would like to see them play the teams they should be playing. There is no doubt Alcoa will possibly have one of the best two or three teams in the state over the next three years and I can promise you the TSSAA will eventually bring down rules on open zoning like I mentioned because of the giant problem it has created with a select few schools. If they finally chopped the head off the Private schools don't think open zoning schools will be any problem. Far as Maryville losing to Alcoa I had nothing to do with that loss. I'm just a fan that went to the game but I did have something to do about it when I played which was a part of a 15 game streak over Alcoa. How did it turn out when you played? Or did you?
  6. Plan on keeping an eye on this one through Diamond Clear since I have already planned to go to receiving friends out at Heritage Friday Night or at least that's what it will feel like.
  7. Well this might be a very interesting game. Glad to see Alcoa step up to the plate and sign this one up.
  8. Willie I'm blind as a bat lately and just saw the ball being picked up down the field on the replay. Glad WB pulled the game off. That to me was a big win and one I didn't expect at all. Beating McMinn was one of those two games I thought before the season they could win if they wanted it bad enough and they did. Love to see them want the next one bad but that's going to be a tall order.
  9. In the last 28 years when the county decided to cut the main feeder program at Eagleton completely out the Heritage Football program has produced 10 teams with 1-9 records and this will be the 4th 0-10 team looking at who is left on the schedule. Even though football was eventually picked back up at Eagleton the damage was permanent. Hamontree done just about as good a job as anyone could ask for considering the situation out there. Speculation at Herb's Market is that he most likely won't return next year. If that speculation has any truth to it at all it will be an interesting few months ahead.
  10. I watched the replay and in the very end McMinn had an excellent chance to win by a point and wasted so much time and topped it off by not kicking an onside kick. Let me guess they probably never practiced that before thinking it would never come into play. Bo don't know S***.
  11. Remember when you pass Opie's Auto on the right going out 321 your only 2 miles from Heritage on the left.
  12. That Shadowens man is on every official in Tennessee High School Footballs S### list and it might be a good thing he is in the press box instead of on the field making matters worse for the team making it 11 on 11 instead of 11 against 16.
  13. I watched the replay of the game from Friday Night to try and get a finger on what the problems are this year at GCA. I followed GCA close two and three years ago when my nephew played there and enjoyed every minute. There are still a few players left from two years ago that I remember well. GCA has some very good players but as a team aren't playing as well. Seems like they still have trouble with teams with blazing speed from what I saw. I watched the Alcoa, Webb and Notre Dame games and all three were so one sided it reminded me of watching a Heritage High game. Much as I enjoyed going to all those GCA games and not having family there anymore I came back to watch Maryville as to see a team struggle for a .500 record and this year is even worse and I can't understand why. Even living here in Maryville I've heard a few whispers about the program that caught a breeze from Knoxville and blew this way. Just hate it with all my heart the team is going through so much and do miss all the great people I met there.
  14. I'm just curious if their going to have a bowl game again this year at GCA with two teams with the worst records to have a chance at a possible win. HTV would be the only person I'm aware of that could possibly know,
  15. Someone needs to cancel the order for the new hats for the fans of WB after last nights surprising win. They won't need them anymore.
  16. Very surprised with the game last night. Also was surprised the concession stand had Chick Fil A's left when I arrived but one of my sandwiches I believe was the Rooster.
  17. Well finally WB did something I said at the first of the season. If they really want it bad enough they can win two more games than the 3-7 record I projected. That was a great comeback effort by McMinn in the end but why in the world did they not do an on side kick with 1:42 to go instead of kicking it with no timeouts left. Hopefully Bradley Central will take the Govs lightly next week and they can go 5-5. Shad for mayor of Alnwick if they do.
  18. Poacher, isn't it funny when things aren't going just right it's got something to do with Maryville. To have so much information and to do so much research on how many players and percentages of kids are juniors and seniors it sounds as if Maryville is living rent free in someone's head. WB is very fortunate to have a great Middle School program like they have had the past few years only to be wasted at the high school level. WB reminds me of Hardee's, everything is made from scratch then someone grabs the biscuits out of the oven and drops them all on the floor and we start all over and do it again.
  19. Bradley by 50 tonight. Remember there are only two more episodes of The Twilight Zone left to watch after tonight for the Heritage Fans.
  20. My personal opinion is the young man is a very tough runner and I could tell he was missed very badly in the games he has been out, Don't see WB having a chance in this one at all without him. Hope I'm wrong. After seeing LC win over Stone Memorial pretty big that may be their only hope to meet my season beginning guess they would come in at 3-7 and better things maybe for next year. From what I do see the play has gotten much worse the second half than the first of the season making me really wonder now about that last game. After this season the big heads at WB are going to need to set down and ask each other if we're going in the right direction. Is the future of WB football going to be signing up two lower class teams and their brother from another mother across town for their only possible wins each year or will they all eat another piece of BS Pie and keep going down the same road hoping for different results.
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