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Everything posted by RudyWasOffsides

  1. Right. But I've noticed that if he predicts something like that, it means that the game isn't going to be close regardless. 17-18 isn't really a close game man
  2. Not a problem. I appreciate what you do for FREE. I enjoy checking every week to see what you've came up with. Your predictions are correct way more times than not. No one could possibly predict everything correct but these guys look to Hammer you every time something is slightly off.
  3. He was 8-0 last week in 1A and 2A so I'd say he's on to something. Just my observation from afar.
  4. 2015 Defense shut out CAK, ND and CPA in the quarters, semis and title game. Hard to argue with that team
  5. I'm gonna guess you're a little taller. Lol. I seen your boy on the news the other night. Had a close up of him that I didn't see in what little of the TV game I got to see. He's a fine lookin athlete. He's just one of those kids that physically looks like a football player. Very athletic throwing the ball too. I see why you guys are so proud of him. I'd say he's a great kid too.
  6. Welp, this one is getting locked tonight
  7. Listening to radio. Why did GB run the option? They didn't fumble but geez
  8. There is a game on tv in Knoxville. I thought they didn't do it per the t$$aa
  9. So.... the tssaa bans them from playoffs for 2 years for missing a playoff game but puts them in a 4 team region where they automatically qualify for playoffs but will have to miss the game.....again.
  10. GB will be up in the 4th quarter by a TD with the ball. CF will need a big defensive stop but Roberts will score again to seal the deal. GB by 2 TDs.
  11. good post! If CF can continue it's success in the short passing game, It should open up a few deep balls. If they're successful on their short passes and take a few chances on the deep ball and connect in some short yardage situations when GB is expecting run or short passes, they will have a legitimate chance to win. Roberts has big play potential every time he touches the ball and will likely have more than one big play. CF needs to at least match them on big plays.
  12. I expected to see Winn on this list. I have no clue on his stats this year but that kid is good.
  13. I've done made OnB mad at me. It's going to be a long week
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