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Everything posted by JIII

  1. I can verify that it is true. You are absolutely right if the board allows for this not to happen they all need to go.
  2. Amazing that since this was posted that the silence from leadership speaks volumes.
  3. So why would they not announce it and how does that make any sense at all.
  4. Any coaches want to post there line ups?
  5. No coaches are in question now sir. They can wrap this in whatever reasoning they would like for everyone to believe but there are exactly zero trade secrets requiring an NDA within a wrestling board. The fact that they have sold it as necessary is unbelievable.
  6. Come on sir do you really think the coaches in question would put kids at risk. All are among the most respected in the state. Furthermore if it was witnessed as alleged then our leadership should have intervened immediately. None of which happened on either side I suspect as I was not there. Stop acting like our leadership takes the moral high ground. That is simply not the case which I have seen first hand on more than one occasion. No screen name necessary Purple Wrestler. James Bradford
  7. That NDA came about cause they alleged something happened and there were exactly zero witnesses other than our leadership who has zero credibility. It got him and the other board members a nice letter from an attorney prior to this years meeting. If you don’t believe me just ask a board member. You can wrap it in a nice bow if you want too around protecting kids but that is just smoke.
  8. Let me do some research but I should be able to obtain that information pretty quickly.
  9. I hardly think that it is coincidence that the rules for being able to vote have not been published anywhere. I want the leadership changed and Mr. Black said the only way to make that happen was through voting him out. I will do my best to keep the forum updated. Just so it’s clear my real name is tied to my profile here for all to see.
  10. For those of you who would like to see a change within our USA leadership you might want to read very closely this next section. Your club must be registered before the last day of April of this year and registered for next year as well prior to this years meeting. This is the exact way it is written in the bylaws. This criteria will be used to eliminate those that would vote for a change.
  11. So the word is that there is a meeting of the tribunal/board this week because a member broke the NDA. Not everyone can be a sheep as there are some outstanding members on the board. How many more quality people have to be sacrificed due to the leadership that is currently in place? How long are people going to stand by and let it happen. USA wrestlings response was pretty simple to my questions. If we don’t like was is happening vote for change in September.
  12. Look at that another option has presented itself. People will shop somewhere when the product being provided is questionable.
  13. Does anyone else notice that there is not a single reply from a board member? I spoke to one today so the idea that there was a vote and it was unanimous is laughable at best. How many 501c organizations have you sign a confidentiality agreement? Zero because it is not for profit and should be transparent for that reason.
  14. So we all know that board members read this message board. I would like to hear how this cost decision was made. What was the vote? I thought the purpose of having an established board was so everyone was on the same page. Was everyone in favor and if so that’s fine or was this voted on at all because this gets back to what I said in the beginning of the conversation about the total lack of transparency.
  15. So is Bowers paying $3,000 for his kids? Who exactly are the coaches going to be? I got questions and they are not going to stop until there is some transparency. So is it $1500 for Kids Nationals and Fargo Girls as well. I mean why screw just one age group when you can screw them all.
  16. So is Bowers paying $3,000 for his kids? Who exactly are the coaches going to be? I got questions and they are not going to stop until there is some transparency.
  17. $1500 and zero transparency. Guess I will start submitting my questions to the leadership of USA wrestling. There is absolutely no way that the cost can be justified if it was $300 last year. I don’t mind an increase but 400% more is ridiculous. Just eliminated 75% of the kids from attending. I think Forest Gump said it best “Stupid is as Stupid does”. I used to think no state wrestling organization could be more screwed up than Alabama’s. Tennessee just said hold my beer!!! Unbelievable!
  18. 1. Who is running said training camp? Is it going to be in Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga? 2. Not likely as it will most likely be on your own. 3. Singlets, Shorts, T-shirt maybe a bag. $200 tops and does it get bid out or does someone profit from that also. Valid question! 4. What if you dont want to stay in the dorms and have other arrangements. Do I still have to pay the full amount? 5. So they took extra money last year for coaches meals. Might want to ask those coaches if they received any of that money. I have spoken to several of them and no one seems to know what that money was spent on at this point. Zero transparency I agree that $300 is not enough but we have 56 spots and we will not fill half of them. I bet at $1500 we don’t fill 10 of them. The referee situation is terrible. Hard to teach kids what to expect from officials when you don’t use actual officials.
  19. That is correct it was $300 last year. There are several rumors that it will be in the $1400 range this year. Not sure what you get for $1100 more dollars. I would think that the numbers will greatly decline if that is the cost this year.
  20. When is the cost for Fargo going to be posted?
  21. I have not met the new coach for Cleveland but I can tell you he started off on the right foot here IMO. He came by and congratulated all four of the boys that won wrestling state individual titles this past weekend. We only had two wrestlers play football the last two years because of the lack of relationship building by the previous group. I have a feeling that will be changing in the future.
  22. Top 6 kids could go in any order. Not a clear cut front runner at this weight because 5 out of 6 have won State titles. Uhorchuk should probably be Top 3 though. Eason probably to high.
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