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Everything posted by Guy001

  1. And the most obvious reason they would choose litigation
  2. Might be the association has cost themselves thousands of dollars by being sloppy initially.
  3. OR Fayetteville gets all the calls for fear of that accusation.
  4. Agree as well. Assuming those are the facts not sure what the problem was/is. Hopefully the resolution will make clear/transparent what the issue(s) were.
  5. Learn something new everyday. Is that tuition setup like tullahoma? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.tullahomanews.com/news/local/tuition-students-benefit-themselves-city-schools/article_214d84d6-8a27-5c66-bd87-95228f83a751.html&ved=2ahUKEwie7J3_rsDlAhXxY98KHdtBBasQFjAMegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw2mN5f1uHXAXpo3gQa81VLm
  6. What I'm hearing now (not confirmed by an official yet) is TSSAA had already reviewed and cleared the player in question. Twice?
  7. I'd agree someone dropped the ball here although doubt I would have thought to ask "so does a bus have to run by his house?". I would have assumed he moved to the county which is serviced by the school. And that would have been enough. Seems common sense enough to me. Oh well, live and learn.
  8. Wow, so it sounds like even though he lived in the county it basically comes down to there was no bus to his house? Ouch
  9. From what I've heard/read I'd have to agree. Hate to compare opponents, but SP dispatched Huntland easily. It was a struggle for FHS from the start (Huntland easily could have come out on top).
  10. Thanks for the updates Southtowner. The margin of victory is surprising, unfortunately not very shocked about the rest of the story. Safe travels.
  11. Ceremony after the game much appreciated. Very thoughtful. Thank you
  12. I look for this to be a much tougher game for FHS than they expect.
  13. Ssshhh. He too came with the coaches from out of state. TSSAA is investigating that as well.
  14. He too came with the coaches from out of state. Shhhhh, don't tell anyone
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