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MurphyCollege last won the day on June 17 2023

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  1. Interesting take on blaming the move ins. I’m sure you’re right as far as maryville football goes. But we have the opposite problem in sevierville. We like the status quo now. In the past we hired an outsider from north broadway and it worked out really good for us. Now we promoted the local yokel from fairgarden. Apparently being mediocre gets you a new party deck. Here’s to being average.
  2. The offended telling people to sign out. I dern near rolled over in my grave.
  3. Nice try. Kid’s got pipes. He’s no Keith Whitley tho.
  4. You’re dam right he took a dive. He was handed the golden ticket and he sold out for a cheap pop. Cheap heat doesn’t last, just ask Val Venis. But he did marry a white woman with a muffin top. I hope he’s happy. He’s the reason I stay from Levi yoga pants and politically correct policies.
  5. People in jacks boro work overtime for 6 months just so they can wear jeans and Reeboks to the Kodak flea market. No on cares who their coach is. Jacks boro will be lucky to get to the first round. But it’s Friday so I hope all you cougars enjoy your 6 south paws and $5 scratcher.
  6. Vince sued for defecating on a woman. But expired tags makes the T.
  7. I’m all for drinking beer on the lake. But I grew up on a lake surrounded by trees, deer, and an occasional trailer. If your idea of a lake house is 5br/3ba on 2800 sq ft then you’re not really country.
  8. Ultimately Chris Gaines was a bum. But No Fences still hits.
  9. CuckoldGuru is still upset because an Austin roadrunner mercy ruled his wife.
  10. I bet CuckoldGuru refers to himself as sherminator in person. Do you want to bet me?
  11. Rascal flats killed country music. When I was a young lad wearing pointer overalls and stringing greenbeans on Dixon branch we didn’t have frosty tips and bedazzled jeans. R.I.P. country and western.
  12. Found out our guy turned it down. After hearing what the pay cut would have been, I don’t blame him one bit for staying. Littons needs to add a surcharge to help boost the coaching supplements in fountain city.
  13. Austin roadrunners have people outside the school committing crimes. Sevier county hillbillies have people inside the schools committing crimes. Austin-American schools are safer than Appalachian-American schools. Do you want to bet me? I’m captain Murphy and I approve this message.
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