We actually have a pretty good feeder program. I figured you would know that. Mason has been with the same club 11 seasons. I’d say he’s an ok wrestler. That same program built Max Norman, Titus Norman, Noah Watkins, Chase Smalling, and there’s more. Joe Kemmerer, Nahshon Garrett, now Zeke Moisey. Don’t tell me feeder program lmao you lost your mind. That is the furthest thing from the problem. Hard for us to recruit kids when we have kids getting recruited and leaving. Had Max and Titus stayed DB would’ve been a lot better.
Another problem is there’s not enough kids putting in the extra work on any of the teams up here. They think high school practice is enough when let’s be serious, it’s not. It’s not enough anywhere. All the weekends spent in Ohio at Miron’s and the best kids in the state that wrestled on top teams in the country would come in to get the extra work twice a week and do camps twice per month in the offseason. Those are kids that want to WIN!!! We have a handful. I see the videos of Cleveland wrestlers putting in the work. Enlighten me, how many of those kids go to high school practice only. Nothing else. Just high school practice….? That’s what separates Cleveland and everyone else. Those kids work their a55 off. Culture and resources. They have built a culture there that people want to be a part of. The shows (duals with Bradley and McCallie) You have great kids moving in there because they want to experience that. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Especially with the group of kids that started with Mattox and future champions Trey, Jaxon, Chase, Jakhai, Mauhons….Easier to “acquire” good kids. Josh Bosken is the man and deserves a lot of credit. And I mean a lot. I’ve witnessed it firsthand over 13 years.