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  1. The fact that you thought I was in high school and continued to talk ####….. dude I was in the army 10 years ago slinging rounds in the sand ….Go meet up with the retirees at Hardee’s my man.
  2. Change your name to ####hat. It does better -just sayin
  3. How is it that I have the “mental capacity” of Joe Biden? Preeetty sure 90% of you coach t super stars predicted the same thing last season and were completely wrong… I was ONE game off. I predicted them to win out before the season even started. GET SOME!!!
  4. I agree with this post. And we’re not going to see the winning streaks we once saw because ALOT of schools are dabbling in the transfer area because politicians and mayors and coaches and principles are tired of seeing the same schools win. Bradley has upped their game last season and this season too. Bearden as well. Bradley has some monster transfers this year.. don’t call me a liar untill September then you can call me a liar. But wait till the first game and see if I’m lying before you call me a liar. Bradley has some monsters this year I’m not speaking names untill it’s public
  5. All 7v7 is is an athelete show down… you Get your fastest and we get our fastest and see whose the fastest for a couple plays simple… the scores if you wanna call it that was 4-0 Bradley 3-1 Bradley 4-0 Bradley. Bradley has a new running back from somewhere in Alabama… kids is freakishly fast. Several new players. That’s all I’m saying. If everyone is thinking it’s going to be a cake walk because boo is gone… they’re going to have some loooong Friday night bus rides home.
  6. Bradley just beat baylor,mccallie and Boyd in scrimmages and apparently from what I heard it was a total embarrassment. Bradley is MUCH faster and MUCH more athletic than everyone is expecting. Maybe someone who watched can relay what happened a little more than I can I just heard we moved through em pretty easily.
  7. Yall called BS on me last year when I was saying it before the season even started….. everyone said it’ll be another regular year for Bradley and then yall seen what happened, you specifically told me you apologized and that I was right lol ok well….. it’s 2024 and I’m saying it right here and right now… Bradley is going to be a MONSTER this year. Yes we lost boo and Terry transferred but there’s……. Some new players… that’s all I’ll say. Bradley’s overall team is going to be outstanding. The defense is going to be tough as nails.The offense isn’t going to be one man team.. it’s going to be a tough game for anybody that plays them. Cook the quarterback is phenomenal. Bearden is going to be tough as well no doubt.. bearden has a lot of talent we aren’t oblivious to that. Maryville is maryville always a tough game… Cleveland will be a lot better than last year as well. But everyone counting Bradley out because boo left…idk if I’d do that.
  8. I heard j Allen left but his replacement just came in… we will see. Open game is going to be the display.. we will see… 2 months
  9. Like I said, year books.. let’s see em. I’ll say it.. I absolutely cannot stand oaklands or any of the majority of middle Tennessee schools fake juggernaut programs … to have to wheel and deal and recruit just to play a high school football game. Let’s see them year books. Pull one out…. Prove me wrong.
  10. No sir, Oakland never beat maryville twice in the same season, maryville won against Oakland in regular season then lost in play offs against them or vise verse. Bradley is the first team to do it I think since 1980 something
  11. I’ve always liked maryville I really enjoy that community and their hospitality and class. Pure class……. Schools like Oakland aren’t authentic. They’re synthetic and by that I mean the players that play there didn’t grow up there. They didn’t play in the dirt of that town… they didn’t go to the restaurants in that town.. they didn’t play inside that high school gym as elementary kids hoping to one day play ball there. That community isn’t built on authenticity it’s built on a high school coach walking around wheeling and dealing trying to put together a juggernaut program and that’s all there is to it. Maryville was built off of the students they had and the kids that went to maryville schools all their lives and a good coaching program and wonderful athletic program can do that. Oakland is not that and that’s not just me being butt hurt that they beat us last year it’s simply the truth and if that coach reads this I’m sure his conscience will agree it’s true. There’s no way one town just so happens to have the biggest,fastest,the most talented players in the state every single year… that just don’t happen. Maryville has always had wonderful atheletes but their pictures were in the elementary school yearbooks. Show me oaklands players and show me the year book of the elementary school from 5-9 years ago and let’s just count in one hand how many of the players they have now went to elementary school there. I’ll challenge that to his face any day of the week and I bet he comes up empty handed. Bradley did get boo Carter and Kaleb Martin but hey… we have to do something… we have to do what everyone else is doing. Tennessee 6A football is becoming so corrupt it’s humerous. What’s Braeden doing? Yeah whats Cleveland trying to do? Yeah. It saddens me… I miss football back in the early 2000s and late 90s when you won games by the team who had the most guys and want to and heart..not having to go against juggernaut programs. Hats off to maryville for their accomplishments of winning all they did with simply an outstanding program. Oakland will NEVER and I mean NEVER be what maryville once was idc if they win 30 strait. Their trophies are synthetic and not authentic. Maryvilles trophies are authentic. Whoever disagrees grab some year books let’s see them grammar school year book pictures.
  12. Sorry to hear this, I will be praying. He will not leave this earth untill The Good Lord is ready to bring him home. Not a second before
  13. I kinda feel the same… but Only time will tell. I did just hear a little while ago Bradley has 2 D1 comitted transfers but i havent got their names nor will I share them on here untill it goes public.n. One is a tight end…supposedly a monster of a player. Had 3 lined up but one backed out…there’s some transfers going on between bearden and Bradley which means maryville is going to have a lot of catching up to do talent wise. I think game 1 is gonna be a display of talent lol honestly I’m glad these programs are getting on board. West and middle tn has done it for years
  14. I got this for the region take it or leave it. Pre season predictions are always risky to make but here it is. #1 bulldogs #2 Bears #3 rebels #4 raiders hopedully #2 and 3 don’t swap places
  15. Maryville is gonna be a tough game either way it’s looked at. I’m not getting into rumors because they’re just that… rumors.. and everything is hush hush but I heard Bradley has some D1 transfer activity for this year. But again that’s just a rumor I haven’t been to the fields much this year to see I been covered up.Either way about it. Transfers or no transfers …Both teams have an advantage though. Maryville is coming with vengeance at their own home field which is going to be huge but Bradley has a spark right now and after Oakland slapped us in the face the players are kinda pissed off. that new quarterback is something else. Cook is going to be a freaking super star… you seen him in some games last year and he did amazing. He was put in a couple times last year thrown to the wolves to give Kaleb a break and he did very well. J’Allen Terry is going to be one hard dude to stop.. he’s very fast, hits like a freight train and is pushing 200lbs now. But nonetheless maryville is going to be hard to beat. NOBODY has ever beat them twice in one season like that and they’re coming with vengeance but that’s ok we’re ready for that and expect it. Bradley is going to be very fast… not boo Carter fast but very fast offensively but only time will tell. I just want the East to take control again and put a stop to Oakland.. but that’s gonna be a tough one to crack. I hear Cleveland is going to be much better this year and “adapted” to the new coaching system lol God bless!
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