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Everything posted by crockettlegend

  1. mosier comes readt to play for this big one!!!! with him finally healthy he has a big game against a tough dburg defense!!! AL LEWIS got released this week will he play maybe maybe not not sure if pratt wants to get him a week or so of practice before he plays but could be interesting if he could contribute somehow!!! i think the game will be decided by how well crockett d tacklles in space!!! should be a great game!!!!
  2. like i said mosier and lewis being out would eventually catch up to the cavs and it happened . . whoever these crockett boys are on here yall dont rate to talk like yall did either im die hard crockett fan but yall aren;t in the top ten teams that crockett has ever had so try doing something first for you talk all that smack cause see now you look stupid!!!!! im actually glad yall took a whoopin yall were getiing way too cocky so this should bring yall down to earth and MOSIER AND LEWIS should both be back in 2 weeks for obion and ripley so things are lookin up for crockett they will bring a big big boost to the team!!!
  3. well i know alot bout mosier status i guess you could say we are LIKE BROTHERS . . and he donnt have the burst he did he needs 2 more weeks out in my opinion cause next week is frazier no need in risking him gettin hurt in that game but if they do play him they need to pick certain times to play him!!! but cavss3 i agree dont think pa is gonna risk him but we will see what happens
  4. thats a negative on him recovering the kick i was standing on the field but regardless crockett deserved to loose cause they didnt play good yea the refs made some terrible calls but the game shouldn't been close and bout the chargers running down our throat if mr JARVIS PERRY was playing things would been different!!!!! but like i said covington deserved the win they came out ready and crockett had to wait to half time to finally start playing
  5. ok bout who crockett has beat and bout them having a 1-9 recoerd you have to think like i said before crockett has there 2 best players out and still doing this so give them credit!!!! and mosier may try to play i personally dont think he ready he is still hurting but he tried to practice the last couple days so he is tryin to give it a go that would be a huge lift for the cavs if he did . .
  6. i dont know bout in a big way i thik it will be close!!! eventually its gonna catch up to crockett that mosier and lewis are out!!!! both them make big impacts on offense and defense!!! crockett done a good job thow with pruit and bass running the ball but at some point there gonna need mosier and lewis and with that group together and healthy crockett will be tough!!! i still think crocketts line hasnt been tested they have played good to this point but havent faced a line like haywood or d-burg yet so i think that will be the deciding factor in the game!!! it will be won or lost by crockett in the trenches!!!
  7. i think the game will come down to crocketts o-line because of haywoods ability to be physical!!! as far as crocketts 2 best players al lewis wont play and travis mosier is questionable!!!
  8. with all that being said it should be a good game . . i would say crockett strength on defense is the secondary . . it will also be interesting to see how the vikings d-line does against crockett o-line!! crockett has a very very young o-line only one player has experience so that should be interesting!! the backs of crockett are good the loss of speedy al lewis is gonna hurt but mosier runs the ball really hard and will lower his shoulder on anyone so im also looking for that matchup with him and the humboldt linebackers from whats being said it should be a good game
  9. how did humboldt defense look? crockett has so many young players with no expirience so that could be an advantage for humboldt but like i said earlier with crockett at home and pa pratt and his staff crockett should take this one!!!!
  10. Crockett wins 21 14 . . if Al Lewis was playing it would be by more points but with crockett being at home and crockett having better coaching they win this one!!!
  11. i said mosier would be a big boost and yall see why!!! thanks for the comliments on him!!! im his brother!!! good luck to dc
  12. it doesnt matter if ya like us or not you have to respect what they did this year!!! having so many injuries before the year even started then havin qb jake whitby in a very bad wreck and coach andy brady stroke . . then losing 5 or 6 other starters who were done for the year!!! and everybody knows what type of talent crockett lost last year!!! to stll be in the thick of things till the end ya cant help but tip your hat to em!!! great season boys!!! good luck to all the playoff teams wish ya the best!!! region 7-3a show everyone how dominate this region really is!!!
  13. crockett needs mosier to play in a bad way!!! not sayin if he does the cavs win but he will give the cavs a big boost!!! with dyer county passing attack he is the leader in a very young secondary who has already bean hurt by inuries!!! if crockett comes out and plays like they are capable it will be close!!!! even though they have improved throughout the year they still havent played like they are capable!!!! and i dont have one problem calling them out they all know who i am i even got a brother on the team . . SO BOYS ITS EASY PULL YOUR HEADS OUT YOUR BUTT AND PLAY OR GO HOME . . im not totally downing them cause they have showed heart with ALL the injuries and im proud of them for that!!!! but even if dc beats you come out one time and show everyone how good you really are!!!! good luck to both teams!!!
  14. let me break down for you since your obviously slow . . if you can read i said i give ss credit they won . . so why you sayin southside did win like i was makin the arguement that they lost!!!! all im sayin is mosier would of been the difference!!! but he didnt play not makin any excuses cause crockett still had a shot but ss made plays and crockett didnt!!!
  15. im not shoulda woulda coulda nothin i give the hawks credit they won all im sayin if mosier plays the mistakes crockett made dont cause them to lose!!! the hawks didnt beat crockett they beat themselves!!! but good luck to both teams this comin friday!!!
  16. they still should of won!!! but if mosier plays crockett wins!!! but he didnt!!
  17. what will be a huge key in the game is if mosier can play for the cavs he missed the game against southside which if he plays the cavs win!!! he is the leader of a very young secondary which has lost there startin safety for the year a couple weeks back!! but i see d.c. coming out ready to play like everyone has said they takin some spankins from crockett the past couple years and even though they have the region locked up its a pride thing now so they will work hard and be ready friday night!!!
  18. i have to agree . . . we dont like each other!!! i know first hand cause i was part of it!!! but on the other hand the last time these 2 teams met the seniors were freshman!!! both teams will still bring there A games but it want be your typical southside crockett game cause they havent experienced it themselves but they still know what its all about so i still expect a good game!!!!
  19. i feel ya cuz and i think crockett has to play there best football to make it a game but i think it will be closer than that!!!!
  20. ok you obviously dont know anything about football!!!!! dburg is loaded im not questioning that one bit but go ahead and put the 3 or 4 string players in and they wouldnt want anymore after 1 quarter!!! thats stupid!!!! but anyways im a die hard crockett fan and i know they been playin better but they just cant seem to catch a break they lost thtere safety last week with an ankle injury and he is done for the year!! they also have defensive end jordan spraggins out after an injury last week!!! and with jake and big matt reynolds already out its just too much for the cavs!!! they will play hard though but dburg has too much fire power!!! but not from ther 3 and 4 string!!!!
  21. just letting everyone know . . jake is doin as good as possible he is at home now he is walkin around some . . yesterday he went to practice for i little bit i think he may try to be at the game tonight but i know the family very well and i know they appreciate the prayers!!!! just keep em comin cause the family needs them!!!
  22. im not gonna make a prediction but the game will be close!! sonny will not be a factor he isnt ready yet!!! but the cavs can stop the run they got a shot!!! easier said than done with witherspoon and ward back there but if the d-line can penitrate crocketts got a chance!!!
  23. I want to start off by saying thank you for the prayers!!!! Jake is a very close friend to me and i been at the hospital bout the whole time!! He has very significant injuries . . he has a broken neck and broken back , broken ribs and has a bruised lung!!!! I got to talk to him last night and today he is not in very good spirits but thats to be expected so just continue to pray for jake and his family!!!!
  24. Well i can give yall the low down on crockett since i know them better than anyone and since they had a couple of new coaches i prolly know more than half the coaching staff!!! They will be very competitive but how good they will be will determine if they stay healthy!! Junior running back travis mosier had minor knee surgery 2 weeks ago but will possibly be ready by the season opener he will have to play a big role . . and junior Al Lewis has been bothered by a hamstring and hasnt been practicing but he may possibly be tryin to start practicing again this week . . those who know football knows crockett runs the double wing well the 2 juniors are both startin running backs they will also lead the seconadary with mosier at safety and lewis at corner so we need both them to come back strong!!! we also have three lineman out right now!!! 2 of them will be back practicing before too long and the best lineman tyler archuletta will be at least about 3 weeks if not longer!!! so the injury bug has already hit crockett hard!!! on the other hand though linebackers Baker Porter and Elliot Marbury will make there presence known on defense along with defensive lineman Cody Johnson Mathew Spry and Matt Reynolds!!! I am also expecting a big year out of the full back Terry Lyons!! He will prolly get a big load of the carries on offense!!! And we should be solid at the qb position with Jake Whitby runnin the team he proved hisself his sophmore year when he lead crockett to a 8-0 record why Craig Massey was hurt!!! But like i said they will be competitive but they have to get healthy and stay healthy!!!!
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