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Everything posted by KimP

  1. Theres all the talk of an outsider coming in but won't you be in the same situation as you were 3weeks ago? There are still no teaching positions available till August. Will the new coach go unpaid from date of hire till September?
  2. Congrats to GPS and to Phillips...I think that is HR #7 or #8 for her this year...!!
  3. Not sure if yall realize this but snipes parking spot will be avaliable tonight..he will not be at the game due to illness. As for the game, lets let the boys who have worked their butts off decide the game. Both teams are well prepared and been looking for this game since last Friday night. Lets all show good sportmanship, remember they are just kids.
  4. I know, I know...I pulled my hand away, it was hard but I did it. I've got to go get my darling child....GO WARRIORS!!! Ooohhhhh Grads got my back!!!
  5. Slick you must be a pretty smart man since you agree with me!!! lol Yep me and the P's should be there, of course one of the P family will be on the "other side",but bless his heart, he don't know any better..lol Won't be on the front street, we have our reserved parking on one of the back streets, I would rather park my own car.
  6. Why don't we just let Slick, Zone, Ditka and Allstar play a little two on two before the game starts to determine who the winner will be. Lets make it touch since I think these guys really, really like each other!! We will let purplegrad and snipe ref just to make sure things don't get out of hand. Then afterwards you can go back to parking your silly little cars. Gonna be a close game but I have to go with the Warriors by a touchdown
  7. Slick Rick must be a young pup if he had to ask what a Snipe was...Take him snipe huntin' I am sure it will be a moment he will never forget!!
  8. I know that SP has their flag and it gets on the visitors side when yall run it around the track. But I think Baylor has one, McCallie and I think ND has one too but I could be wrong, it has happened once. I was just saying I would rather hear the whistle than have my view obstructed by a flag, no matter who's school it belongs to, and by a person standing on the rails (which I failed to mention earlier.)
  9. Not referring to any school inparticular but now that you mention it yea, SP is bad about getting in the way with that flag.
  10. It took me a long time to get use to the whistle but it is part of MC football. I think the whistle serves many purposes, first to grate the nerves of the opposing team (looks like it is working), to boost the fans and also to let all of Jasper that is within earshot and not at the game that something good just took place. I know on nights that I am not able to make it to a game I crack a window and listen for a whistle, the more I hear the better the outcome of the game. I know that most of the opposing fans hate to hear the whistle but I would take it any day over some jerk running up and down the field/track with one of those big flags the blocks the view of the game....can I get an AMEN!!!!
  11. Just wondering Slick, do you have a job or are you a stay at home mom?
  12. I remember that incident quite well.
  13. Great game tonight guys. Its good to see the spark back in MC football. It seems the only "stinging" going on in Grundy tonight was taking place on my little "P"'s finger. (Thanks Tracy, Joni and Scott Elliott for helping me out with the little man.) And what was the deal with all the injuries tonight? I have never seen so many timeouts for injuries. I hope everyone is well and it's nothing serious. BTW..what was the awful smell???
  14. I have seen the Pride play several times and I have to agree they are very good!!! Goooooooooo Lions Go!!!!!!
  15. Yep we are gonna load up the little "P's" and head that way tonight. I can see the GC coaches wanting to change things a little but when you do that don't you run the risk of opening up opportunity for mistakes if it's not something the boys (GC) are use to running. Yuck, can't imagine what tasting a football game would be like!!!
  16. How will Grundy handle the knowledge that Coach Evans is bringing to Marion. I would think that Coach Evans knows Grundy football like the back of his hand which would give MC a strong advantage over the yellerjackets. Marion wins this one...Listen to me, I'm a mamma and we all know that mammas are always right...lol
  17. No you should never get rid of a teacher just to fill a coaching position, (teaching IS what matters) but you could have went 2 blocks down the street, and offered the "hometown boy" that was interested in one of the open coaching positions the job instead of bringing someone else from the outside and is here just "for a cup of coffee." Congrats to Coach Evans...lets support him and the staff and fill the stands this season.
  18. Not fussing just asking. From what I have been told there were no interviews for these positions like there were for the football coach so I guess that is the question, why not put it out for other coaches to apply. (I know I am fighting a loosing battle here.)
  19. Pardon me while I climb on my soapbox for a minute... I have a question and it is not intended in any way to make someone mad or sound disgruntled. I understand the situation that we were left in and the need to rush and find a new head coach. My question is why was there not this must attention put into finding a new head girls basketball coach and a new boys head basketball coach? (Did yall even know we had new head coaches??)I know that you have to have a teaching position open and yada yada yada but it seems that when you holler football the wheels start spinning but with the roundball it's who ever is in the school and wants to take the job gets the job. And to add to that fact I was told this year that all the HS coaches had to be in house at all times so does that effect the volleyball team as well and what will that do to the softball program. If that is the case then I am afraid that we are shooting ourselves in the foot!!! Those of you that know who I am know who I thought should have been offered either one of the positions that were open, but he was never contacted about either position eventhough the approperiate people knew he was interested in either position (maybe i am disgruntled a little.) I don't know one of the coaches but the other should be a good job with the right support and help. I realize that football generates the most gate money but who is to say that with the right people in the right positions other sports will be able to contribute quite well. I will say that I am ready for MC football to get back to the way it was when I was first introduced to it...the nights where you HAD to get there an hour early to get your spot on the 50, fight your way to the concession stand and hope that you make it back to you seat before the 3rd quarter starts and you actually watch the game and not just socialize. (never thought that I would say those things about MC!!!!!)) Thanks for listening..I'll climb down from my box now.
  20. GPS got beat 4-1 (sorry not sure who they played) GPS and Baylor play Friday morning at 10
  21. Final GPS 10 PJPII 4 GPS plays tonight at 7
  22. The Deadline sure seems sudden, less than a week. How do they get the word out state wide in such a short time, or are they really just following procedure cause they know who they want? Hi DT...I finally made a showing!!
  23. I was snooping around on the Softball boards and saw someone had mentioned Pruitt leaving, then snooped on the AL.com boards and that Plainview bunch is still carrying on with their foolishness. So what is the real deal? Is it a possibility that Coach Pruitt is going home. I know that he has a really long drive and that has to be hard on the pocketbook (thanks W ) as well as on the family. If he does then all will still be well here at MC but from reading AL posts it seems those folks in Plainview just really don't like/care/or want him back. Is there any reason for that or is it just a few bad apples making the whole basket stinky. Either way best of luck to the Warriors..lookin forward to football season
  24. KimP

    Hoover Tournament

    Good luck to the girls at GPS. Jessica is my niece and she always looks forward to this tournament and the competition. Have fun and be safe!
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