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bear cat brown

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Everything posted by bear cat brown

  1. Texaspetey, I knew when I hit post, that you would respond..Sorry my man but Soms is the only "entertainment" on the board. Hope to see you soon.. Unlike Pete Rose, I don't think about the hall of fame and I admit to gambling on everything.. Bcb iii
  2. If I may...... 1.Baker ttow 2. Matlock 3. Oliver ttow 4. Turbo SBG 5. Marchetti tpt and Stevens SBG For those people that ranked a young man that has not and will not compete this year, then I will throw in Cory Manson as my mythical top high school rassler.. They have rassled the same amount of high school matches this year and I think Cory would win by fall... Soms I kind like your list and I hate myself for it... Bcb iii
  3. A sad day for this old timer... Bcb iii..... Sends...
  4. Just wanted to say thanks to the best Soddy By God coach for all he has given to this sport.. His success with their program is unmatched, and will be a difficult job for the next coach to live up to.. So Coach Ashley Brooks, you will be.. My neighbor next door: sweetie, it's not coach brooks who is retiring its coach Henry ... Bcb: Henry? Mnnd: yes, you remember he lead his team to the title of greatest team in tenn this year.... Bcb: darn I thought he retired 4 years ago... Well it looks like I owe Coach Henry an apology , good luck to you Coach Stan Henry in your next endeavor ... Mnnd: it's Steve Bcb: tell him I'm busy Bcb iii
  5. Thanks, Cathy and I are very proud of him
  6. So this is what it feels like the day after...... First of all, I owe an apology to The Team Out West.... I now believe that you are the only team that can toe the line with the Soddy By God Mommies. Had I lived in Elvis's city, I would have been your #1 fan. Congrats to the Purple fish eaters and their leaders Pat Simpson and the stompin / Singin cowboy for a great tournament and excellent year. I am a huge admirer of the way you run your program and slightly jealous of the great support from your daddies and mommies. I believe that Soddy By Goddddddd proved this weekend that they are the top dog in the State of Tennessee. Another team that has excellent leadership in the form of the firm buttocks, Steve Henry....Their fans are like family to me, always borrowing money and never paying me back, and most of the time cheering for my boys to do well, thank y'all very much.......... What a very emotional weekend it was for the people that I love, some good and some not so much. I would like to clear up some myths about me before i hop on my shetland pony and ride off to retirement land 1) I think the JV div is inferior.... Not true.. I gave them that name only to get a rise or two out of the JV daddies. I respect and appreciate all wrestlers for toeing the line. I may have gotten on the Team out West a little to hard this year, and for that I'm sorry. Congrats Christian Bros on a great year.. 2) I am a womanizer... Kinda guilty on this one.. But if my reference to the beauty of some mommies offended any of them, then I am sorry. But I think that they kinda dug it. I'm an old harmless man plus if you have seen my neighbor, you would know that I don't think that the grass is greener anywhere. I do probably owe one lady in Nashville an apology, so here goes... Cathy Moseley, I'm sorry that years ago when you asked me to whisk you away, that I didn't. I can see Glen Moseley right now scratching his head saying, " so that's who Mathy Coseley is" 3) That we enjoy an adult beverage.... Not as guilty as people think, but not totally false.. When Jack hugged me after his match, I thought of all the help that he has received to finally get up there on that damnnnn top step. So thanks to Coach Art Johnson, Keith Helton, Andy Kranske, Kevin Emily, Tim Manley, Johnny Lennon, Ira Miller, John Mullin, Tim Voiles, and his brother Tee Boone. This sport has given me the opportunity to hang with some great people, too many to mention, what the heck it's my last post so here goes.. Pattonsboydad, Jakesdad , tylersdad, cupcake, glc, my big ol friend, old lion , buckypoo,soms,bayoubear, wresle90,da bears, bewhoyouis, raider76, mtn rasslin herm, Texas 23, mr wonderful, the late Ijtx, walkinvol, cityhigh79, all the Fadder Ryan clan, especially the mommies, bigredblooded , whiskey joe, and many many more that I will add later. Last but not least, my good friend Harry Thornton, what a great ride my friend. Someone suggested that I write my own obituary... Here goes Bcb iii Died today at the early age of 52....some think that he is seated in purgatory while others insist he is catching a great tan, probably a toss up. Bcb iii loved his kids and spent his life trying to be the father that his father was. He enjoyed riding horseback neekid, running with the bulls neekid, sky diving neekid and modeling neekid. He was banned from Ranches, Spain , all airports and had a restraining order from coming within 100 yards of any art classes, but still had a cheerie disposition He loved coaching the OLFFERS and enjoyed watching them grow into young men. He died today with a smile on his face, because he had an incredible family and a neighbor that he loved Funeral services will be held at Mayos between 3-8, which happens to be Happy Hour and donation to his favorite team EFT would be greatly appreciated.. I want to thank my two sons Tee and Jack for putting up with me for the last 21 and 18 years and thanks for choosing to participate in the greatest sport of all. So to the joy and happiness of the silent majority I am now signing off for the final time God I love this sport Bcb iii.
  7. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=US#/watch?v=qii499Pfwc0 Bcb iii
  8. Very easy dec, I go with my neighbor... She lets me cut her grass and lay tile and lay her hardwood floors and feed her dogs and cut down her trees and paint and many more fun things Bcb iii
  9. I think glc with his new growth will give Jakesdad a run for his money Bcb iii
  10. I feel the change of your meds is not working, I'll look you up.. Joe Waddell
  11. 1) who is your favorite coacht posters?"...................UncleBucklateral and Bigredblooded 2) Who is your most despised coacht posters.......keefejams, until I found out I was played 3) Who do you think the best technical coach in Tn is...I hear Shane Turner ain't to shabby 4) Who is the best motivator?".......so many but I gotta go with Pat Simpson and Ben Smith and Steve Henry 5) Who is you favorite ref?......all of Chattanooga, we as a city are blessed 6) who is your favorite wrestler to watch?.............Houston Clements and Alex Seeley 7) Who is your most hated team/ fans?.wish I had one, that would've meant a heated rivelary 8) If your son had to wrestle for someone else who would you want it to be?......John Lennon 9) What team best fans..............tie TBSFBAG and TBSFMAW 10)Who do you predict will be the top teams 5 years from now?...Cleveland, sorry bayoubear 11) What gym do you like to wrestle in the most?.....I personally like the old McCallie gym 12) what gym do you hate wrestling in?..."......................................................... 13) What coacht poster do you think is the most knowledgeable?..................... SirGhouse 14) What coacht poster do you think is the biggest Homer?.......wrestle90, god rest her soul 15)who has the best singlets?...."..................................................................EFT 16) who is the hottest wrestling mom?".............................................................. Tie between the 3 from ooltewah, a couple from SBG, and my neighbor 17) Who is the hottest wrestling dad? ( I put that for the female posters on here, bcb you cant vote for yourself)..... Jakesdad 18) what coacht screename would you most like to know their real identity?........chattcity 19) what team has the best/unique tradition? ............ EFT, the trip to Atlanta to the gentlemans club for the week prior to the start of the season 20) will Bcb really retire from coacht this year? ..With much happiness to the silent majority, yes Bcb iii
  12. Heck I think he may have been out of the county that they started rasslin in never mind out of bounds.... Bcb iii
  13. I like to wager from time to time. I think that the match should have been stopped, would anyone like to throw a Benny into the pot to help cover my expenses this weekend? Bcbiii
  14. I am a small school daddy that does not have a pig in this show, but I would like to wish some seniors good luck in their last hurrah and I hope you end up on the top step Mr Watson, without a doubt the cream of the crop. Matthew Cate Cole Moseley Spencer Craig TJ Holmes And one of my all time favorite kids and future ruler of the world... Tim Westbrook Bcb iii
  15. http://chattanoogan.com/2012/2/11/219276/Soddy-Daisy-Turns-Out-The-Lights-On.aspx
  16. Hope we are in the mood to celebrate fri nite, you 2xing hussy. Cody sends.....
  17. 51 @&$&@$&, nice job to little cupcake, let's do it again sat nite. Bad day to start my fasting of multiple adult beverages. Bcb iii
  18. Amen brother to the older woman comment........can't beat em Bcb iii
  19. Cody, please refrain from using my spinningthingamacallit. You ain't in my class, and haven't earned it Bcb iii
  20. I have too old woman chaser. I still remember the 1st time I saw Isaiah , looks the same as today, just shorter. He was pinning all his opponents with the wicked "warrior" I believe that Coach Kevin Emily even made up his t shirts to look like Isaiah . What impresses me most is what a great young man he has become, I know that his parents are proud as are all the old Mighty Warriors. Good luck to all, especially EFT. Bcb iii Cupcake, as far as my nude modeling career.... damnnn right that was one of my jobs, while studing abroad. I am a little embarrassed though, I just assumed all women artist wanted men to paint... On a side note, jail over there ain't as bad as the slammer here
  21. I believethat you might be the most mis-understood poster on this here board, since the late idiot, Stovepipe. I said "believe" Good luck to my other son. Bcb iii Tell your mommie that if you boys need a place to stay in Chatt again, call me....
  22. Ok Sherlock Holmes, I'm guessing a kid named C.S. Also congrats on your recent engagement Bcb iii Sorry short fat ASSt coach, I still owe you though
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