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James Cox


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Just wanted to say that even though James Cox lost in the semifinals of the District, he is still an awesome young man. He called one of his own shots out in the match with Chris Brumit. James has won the respect of tennis fans throughout the region and I'm so glad Johnson County has a fine person like him on their tennis team.

Edited by Dukie
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Just wanted to say that even though James Cox lost in the semifinals of the District, he is still an awesome young man. He called one of his own shots out in the match with Chris Brumit. James has won the respect of tennis fans throughout the region and I'm so glad Johnson County has a fine person like him on their tennis team.


This Cox kid is one of the best natural, untrained players I have seen. Its just to bad the county doesn't put money behind their team. If these kids had a good coach and trainer he....meaning Cox... would be the best player there and headed to state. Its really a shame the people in JC must fight from the bottom because of money or should I say the lack of and concern for this sport. He was my pick to take this district but theres always next year. As for Chris Brumit... Good showing young man. Your the next number one if this district. We'll be watching you.

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I agree High Country 40. Supposedly we're getting new tennis courts up here and we need them. James has had help from Adam Cornett, Jim Flannagan and a couple of others, but more needs to be done. James, Amy Shutt and John Lawler should all be commended for their hard work. They spent hours in the worst of weather this year playing. Guess where they were Friday night after the Districts? They were on the tennis courts. As for Chris Brumit, you and your brother are fine young men and I know that must have been a difficult thing playing each other. Represent our District well in the Regionals and I hope one of you makes it to Memphis.

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I'm john lawler and i play for jc too.. I've played ALOT with james over the last couple of years and he will probably keep getting better.


By the way Me and Chris eller made it past the first round of the doubles matches but sorta got forced into playing the round 2 match on the wrong day. Didn't help that I had to be draged out of the pizza inn after eating my weight in breadsticks.. man those things are good.. So for a school that gets hardly no money for tennis, I think we did alright in the tourneys.


Oh yeah, the reason the JC Tennis team dont get much funding is becuase all our money goes to the football team.

Edited by kx_john
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This is James Cox, and i'm privledged that i am on a great team and people respect me. Even though most people wouldn't agree with me that we have a great team, but what really makes a great team? I respect so many people in tennis, i got to credit chris for bringing the best game out of me, thanks man that was a great match. You dont find many people that you can really have fun playing with in a match. There is so many people in this conference that has my respect, its just not how good they play but what really counts is there heart. Now for John Lawler, he is a great guy to play with and to just hang out with. He can be one of the best out there, if he tries hard. Also he is so right about our money, Johnson County dont have much money to do much stuff with, but if we do get money from the school its not much....but all the money is going to the football, baseball and basketball teams, is this really fair....you tell me! Anyways, thanks everyone in our conference for a great year!!! NO COMPROMISE!!!!

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