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Creek Wood Redhawks Vs. Giles County How Will This One Go?


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Guest catfish-hunter

I would say it would be big for Giles to strike first blood but they did that against both Cheatham Co. and David Lipscomb and those games were both blowouts for Giles Co. If the Creek Wood team that I saw beat Cheatham Co. last week comes to Pulaski they'll win. If the Creek Wood team that turned the football over against David Lipscomb and came out flat and got down big early against Marshall Co., who is very similar to Giles, then this could be an upset. Creek Wood certainly can't afford to play like they did against Station Camp and Page or they will get beat by an explosive Giles Co. bunch.


Personally, I think the Red Hawks are on a roll after beating a very good Cheatham Co. team last Friday night. I don't see them having a letdown here.


Creek Wood: 27

Giles Co.: 20

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giles county has a good bit of talent on their team and the last few years they just havent really put any of that talent to good use but now they are more disciplined with a new head coach and are a much tougher team this year. this week they will be fighting for their playoff lives and so will CW in a way if CW wins this game they play their 1st playoff game at home which will be good for them but giles is just straight up playing to makes the playoffs but i still see a very out standing defence of cw holding giles to under 13 points and CWs offence going crazy



CW ~ 34


i'd like to give a big early congrats to the CW coaches and players on their 1st playoff appearence ever GOOD LUCK

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Guest catfish-hunter

I'm not understanding all of these blowout comparisons. Yes Cheatham did crush Giles and Creek Wood beat Cheatham, but the Giles team we beat back in week two was not even comparable to the way they are playing now. They got hammered by DL, but so did Creek Wood. Giles Co. beat Page by a greater margain than did Creek Wood.


Don't get me wrong because Cheatham hopes Creek Wood & Lipscomb win this week so that we can wrap up the #3 seed with a win on Friday vs Mont. Cent. I will say however that you can't overlook a solid team after you won a big game last week. That is what gets teams beat.

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Catfish, Please don't listen to these people they are not part of this football team. Every player and coach knows what a great job Coach Johnson has done with Giles this year, and believe me we all know how athletic and fast they are. So there is no one from this football team overlooking Giles. :o

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