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Referee having a bad night


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I have read a lot this year about how bad the referees have been and I disagree with all of you. They do their best with what they see and they have to make a call to the best of their abilities. Over the course of a year, yes you will get some poor calls but in the end they usually even out. I was looking at some of my pictures for this year and wanted to share this with all you short-sided people that are always on the losing end of the call.......




click on the pictuer that says, "Bad night for Mr. Ref"



Edited by Bill#49
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Excpet for the guy in the Maryville/Central game that forgot to go to the bathroom BEFORE the game. We had an actual honest to goodness PP timeout...a TSSAA first my friends...

What does this comment mean? Player or official? Reg season meeting or playoff?

Edited by volref
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I have read a lot this year about how bad the referees have been and I disagree with all of you. They do their best with what they see and they have to make a call to the best of their abilities. Over the course of a year, yes you will get some poor calls but in the end they usually even out.


Having called games before I would agree with you that "most of the time" the refs get it right. In fact considering the pace of some games and how much feild they cover they do a great job.


I disagree with you however about all of them doing a good job. In fact the ones I felt like they were "off" were games we won so no sour grapes here. I do feel like however there were a few games called this way with a definite bias.


And as a past player, coach, ref, and fan that is just not right. I am not sure about TN but I know other states I have been in they do have a review board and when enough is said about a particular game they will usally go back to review the game as a "teaching excercise".

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Having called games before I would agree with you that "most of the time" the refs get it right. In fact considering the pace of some games and how much feild they cover they do a great job.


I disagree with you however about all of them doing a good job. In fact the ones I felt like they were "off" were games we won so no sour grapes here. I do feel like however there were a few games called this way with a definite bias.


And as a past player, coach, ref, and fan that is just not right. I am not sure about TN but I know other states I have been in they do have a review board and when enough is said about a particular game they will usally go back to review the game as a "teaching excercise".



The speed of the game is much too fast for most officials today. They do not have enough foot speed to get into the proper position to make the correct call. The day's of three yards and a cloud of dust are over and the spread offense and multiple set passing game is in. The officials that did the MBA vs Byrnes game needed oxygen during the first quater. They appeared to be old, fat and not in very good physical condition. On a serious note I worried about their health while on the field.

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What does this comment mean? Player or official? Reg season meeting or playoff?


It was the regular season meeting in early October at Central. Maryville had just kicked a field goal to go up 17-14 with about 3 minutes to play. After Maryville kicked off, the back judge went up to the referee, said, "I gotta go," and headed for the dressing room. The clock operator -- a second-year official -- became the back judge for the last 3 minutes...which would be all passes his way, no less. Everyone got through it fine, but I do know this -- that back judge got a dog-cussin' from his referee after the game. Not to mention that every supervisor in the KFOA, the supervisors from the Blount Co. association and several of the top brass from the TSSAA were at the game. Not a proud day for the KFOA.

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The speed of the game is much too fast for most officials today. They do not have enough foot speed to get into the proper position to make the correct call. The day's of three yards and a cloud of dust are over and the spread offense and multiple set passing game is in. The officials that did the MBA vs Byrnes game needed oxygen during the first quater. They appeared to be old, fat and not in very good physical condition. On a serious note I worried about their health while on the field.


So what do you suggest? If all the officials are old, fat and out of shape, who's going to call the ballgame? The best officials who are in the best shape get snatched up quickly to work college ball and make the big bucks, not drive 2 hours each way to work a high school game.


The problem is that fewer guys just out of high school or in their 20s are getting into officiating. First, they don't want to get yelled at by moronic fans/parents for 2 hours, 3-4 nights a week. Second, they don't want to sit around for 3-4 years and work only JV games (for fees that are barely worth the drive) while they wait for all the veterans to either retire or die so they can start working some Friday nights.


It's high school football, you should be glad that there are officials actually willing to work some of these games. I wonder myself why I do it sometimes. But I love the game and being around it, and just getting a little taste of Friday night that you can't ever get back when your playing days are over. And that's why most of them are out there. But some nights, it's just not worth it.

Edited by bigwes68
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