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Seymour Weigh-Ins


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Well put, Jakesdad. These are the healthful arguements that transpire in the great sport of wrestling, and it is great we have these debates. Unfortunately, these kinds of topics are the things that hurt the sport. No other sport has these issues. It's so rigid. I guess, my point is, with these rigid rules, coaches need to know that kids can be affected, so they need to over-react by getting them there way to early so as to avoid predicuments and such strict enforcement. This thread was started with excuses. Avoid problems with preventive maintenance. Then kids will not be affected.


I agree with your thinking. There should be common sense to bust hard line rules, but sometimes there are ramifications that come about by making concessions that open the "can of worms".

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I really hate to see something like this happen. The end result was the kids were the ones hurt. It never hurt anyone to be somewhere important an hour or so early. Surely the Seymore coach should shoulder the blame on this one being as important as it was for the kids. Everyone else made it on time. While I may not agree with everything TSSAA does, the same rules apply to every competitor.

To all the Seymore wrestlers. Sorry this happened guys. I hope to see you guys in it next year and good luck.

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I really hate to see something like this happen. The end result was the kids were the ones hurt. It never hurt anyone to be somewhere important an hour or so early. Surely the Seymore coach should shoulder the blame on this one being as important as it was for the kids. Everyone else made it on time. While I may not agree with everything TSSAA does, the same rules apply to every competitor.

To all the Seymore wrestlers. Sorry this happened guys. I hope to see you guys in it next year and good luck.

He did step up on an earlier post!

My question is what about bad weather or a car accident, flat tire etc.

What would happen in those cases if a team was late?

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For something as important as this is in a kids life, the person making the plans has to take into consideration what you have listed. Give yourself plenty of time. When I take a trip, I watch the weather a day in advance before I go. Go the day before if you need to beat the weather. Leave in time to change a tire if you have a flat. If you have an accident your not going to get there anyway. If something happens out of your control, call someone. At least let them know whats happened. They may have done this ? Just don't run in at the last minute.

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For something as important as this is in a kids life, the person making the plans has to take into consideration what you have listed. Give yourself plenty of time. When I take a trip, I watch the weather a day in advance before I go. Go the day before if you need to beat the weather. Leave in time to change a tire if you have a flat. If you have an accident your not going to get there anyway. If something happens out of your control, call someone. At least let them know whats happened. They may have done this ? Just don't run in at the last minute.

I think we all do the things U suggested but it was the coaches first time at state as a coach.

PLan your work, work your plan!

We all know this but things do happen and rules are guide lines that can be modified if it's for the right reason. The TSSAA has made exceptions for one of my childeren in the past. It took time but the made the decision in our favor. The situation with the bite and Seymour could have had the common sense ruled applied.


Rules are changed all the time. That's why they are guidelines that commen sense needs to be applied to every now and then. As long as it's the exception.

Edited by MasterBlaster 1
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How can anyone in their right mind believe that the punishment fit the crime in this case? A first year VOLUNTEER coach from out of town gets crossed up and the team arrives too close to time. So the right thing to do is kick the 15 year old kids out of the tourney - that will teach the volunteer coach a lesson that he'll never forget? Again, it is completely beyond me how any reasonable adult can agree that this was handled correctly. How about this for punishment, let the boys weigh in and inform the coach, AD, and principle in writing that next year no excuses will be accepted? What is the can of worms that you are claiming will be opened if they let these boys in the room 3 or 4 minutes late one single time - a single muligan if you will? Have none of you never unintentionally messed up something before? Man, I would hate to have to work for you guys. Your idea of leadership is way different then mine.

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Leadership? Punishment?


This thread has zero to do with either.


Its like you go to catch a flight that is scheduled to leave at 7:10, you arrive at the gate at 7:20 and cannot imagine they wont let you on the plane. But they wont. So the airline has shown bad leadership and is punishing you?


If you had a huge presentation to deliver in order to gain business or market share and you were a half an hour late and werent allowed to give the proposal, whose fault is it now?


And dont you think to a kid moving forward in the state tournament it is just as big as any business presentation for you or me?


I disagree that rules are guidelines meant to be fraught with exceptions.


We should change it to a book of guidelines. If a kid throws a crossface with too much force we penalize. BUT if he says he is sorry and didnt mean to, he gets a warning, but the warning must come within ten seconds, start the clock.


Rules are fully intended to be black and white no exceptions. That said, when a rule has a detrimental effect on the whole, then and only then should it be looked into. Period.


Take this perhaps for and example. On Thursday before weighins, a semi turns over on Monte Eagle and blocks any through traffic going east. Teams from Clarksville, Nashville, M'boro, Franklin, etc. are without a doubt going to miss weighins by one hour. This number represents forty percent of the tournament. I could see the exception in this case and delaying the tournament start.


That might be a bit too hard core, but we have rules right now and they tend to cover everything, until you allow that first unwarranted exception.


the "jack"

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Its like you go to catch a flight that is scheduled to leave at 7:10, you arrive at the gate at 7:20 and cannot imagine they wont let you on the plane. But they wont. So the airline has shown bad leadership and is punishing you?

If we're using your example, you arrive at the gate 10 minutes late and the airline employees beat the teenagers who were hoping to travel with you.


You're typically a very logical poster to this board. I can't understand why you fail to recognise that the kids paid the consequences for an unintential mistake made by an adult.

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Rules are fully intended to be black and white no exceptions. That said, when a rule has a detrimental effect on the whole, then and only then should it be looked into. Period.


Take this perhaps for and example. On Thursday before weighins, a semi turns over on Monte Eagle and blocks any through traffic going east. Teams from Clarksville, Nashville, M'boro, Franklin, etc. are without a doubt going to miss weighins by one hour. This number represents forty percent of the tournament. I could see the exception in this case and delaying the tournament start.


the "jack"


You're contradicting yourself "jack". You said 'no exceptions...except when a rule has a detrimental effect on the whole'...that's good stuff...Stick to your guns or join the good guys.


You're getting soft on us. The old "jack" would have said that if a semi turns over on Monte Eagle, those Nashville folks had better have a helicopter in their contingency plans, because we have a black and white rule about weighing in on time.

Edited by jakesdad
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So are the seymore coaches first year coaches? But what is meant by "volunteer" coaches, just need clarification please.


walkenvol I do not think what you stated is the same thing as what the jackal was trying to say.


Maybe jackal should have changed his example. 5 wrestlers were entered in a wrestling tournament out of state. Their flight was scheduled to leave at 7:10. The coach who was driving them to the airport did not get them there until 7:20 and the passengers had already boarded the plane and the plane was ready for take off. The kids missed their flight. Not their fault, but in doing so they missed their chance to wrestle in this out of state tournament.


From what I have been reading on the forums, was seymore the only team that had an issue with the weigh-in process?


Adults in charge of transporting the teams, whomever they are, should be aware of the procedures, the check-in times, the rules, etc. and be willing to accept the huge responsibility and accountability that goes with it.


Again, I think it is terrible that those wrestlers did not get to compete at state.

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OK, Now its my turn. I'm Tyler McCroskey, son of Rusty McCroskey assistant coach of Seymour High school. Many people in Tennessee, mostly East Tennessee, Know me. My dad first off is a volunteer coach. This is his 1st year helping run the high school team. He has been coaching AAU - youth and middle school for i dunno 10 years approximately. Now this is what I got to say.


First off, our 103, 112, 119, + 130 and myself all were in the arena Before they got through with the 103 - 125 Weigh-ins. The Lady working the table and the guard, stopped us and said we were not allowed to enter without a coach or pass.

My dad and coach McGinnley were parking vehicles.


And Thurman32, Yea our Regionals were weighed in by teams. Not by individuals. We had no idea what type of weigh-ins it would be. We all thought it would go by teams like regions.


And Jackal, Weigh-ins started at 2:00 and Wrestling at 4:00. If you think 5 kids would delay the tournament and take an hour or two to weigh-in, then your crazy. There would have been no way we would have delayed the tournament even if we showed up at 3:55 to weigh-in.


Folks, My dad would be the first to tell anyone that it was his fault. He has never blamed or said that it was anybody elses fault but his own.


We were not there at 2:15 or 2:05 or 2:01. We got there right at 2:00! We walked in the door right as they started calling 103 - 125 to weigh-ins. Yea we probablly should have been there early to be sure but we got there as soon as we could.


I was there from Thursday at 2:00 til when big John won it. Oh yea, great job for everyone who won and placed and to all who made it to state. But the whole time I was there, Every one of the coaches my dad spoke to told him they were sorry and that it was crap and honestly, I really dont think any coach in that arena would have said anything if they had let us weigh-in 2 minutes late.


And quit riding Ronnie Carter so much. U guyz try running TSSAA for a while. Yea in the end it was his call but he only did what he thought was rite. Yea a lot of people ( including me ) might disagree with it but the rule book states ...................................................................................................................................... and yea.


Listen - Whats done is done. Whats happened has happened and there is nothing anyone can do about it. It was a bad call. I will not get to go back and get four years at the high school state tournament. Would it have mattered if I were a Senior or If I wrestled for another team? Yea maybe or maybe not.


I know this sounds like I am a wuss or what ever, but I went back to the hotel and balled my eyes out for ever. Put yourself where I am. To work your butt off for the whole season, win regions, beat a man that got second last year at state, cutt weight, bleed, spit, puke, break up with a girl who you really care about because she said you spend to much time wrestling -


And then in the end get told you can't wrestle because you were 1 second, Just one second a way from missing weigh-ins.


You know, I will never ever in my life get a chance to wrestle the state tournament my freshman year. But life aint fair some times and You live with what you got but you can bet I will never forget what happened to me last Thursday.

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