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What does it take to take Down a Mighty Bear?

MasterBlaster 1

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this is matt lettner and i think this hole post is stupid because me and nick wrestled our butts off and it really doesnt matter what anyone else thinks neither one of us were stalling we are just to pretty big guys that are hard to score on so who ever is putting either one of us down is stupid because we both wrestled hard o and by the way i wasnt tring 2 cut nick i was tring a croch lift but he countered it very well so sayin that was a stupid move 2 cut him is false you all need 2 get off our back bc we wrestled our buts off and nick is a awsome athlete he beat me straight up so he deserves the state championship congrats

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I don't want to butt in on anyone's fight BUT ............


At the start of the third Lettner shows the ref the cut signal and places his hands on Reviez's back in the same matter. Once Reviez moves Lettner does make a grap for Reviez. 3-2

Everything else was upper body.

I have not looked at this post for a few days because I was tired of some of the bull. So I will reply back to some. And BTW-Thanks TEX!

Young Mr. Letner, I apologize for anything that you might have thought I was saying about you.

I actually enjoy watching you wrestle, unless it's against Reviez. I'm not the only one on CoachT that thought you showed the Cut signal. Maybe you were asking your coaches should you cut? You know for sure so I trust what you posted.


Any way the discussion in the stands was why would you cut Nick since he is good on his feet.


Your Coaches had an opportunity to see Nick Wrestle at least 3 times this year and your coaches did win the traditional state so I know they had you doing the things that would give you the best chance to beat Nick.

I know your both great wrestlers and I watched both of you dominate other wrestlers. Of course I wanted to see both of you go after each other. Instead, it was a very cautious match.

Congrats, you deserve to be in that finals match.

BTW- great write up in the Chatt press on you helping SD staying the race for the Championship

I will enjoy watching you as a senior unless it's against one of our young grapplers and you should be favored at either weight.

Edited by MasterBlaster 1
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I have not looked at this post for a few days because I was tired of some of the bull. So I will reply back to some. And BTW-Thanks TEX!

Young Mr. Letner, I apologize for anything that you might have thought I was saying about you.

I actually enjoy watching you wrestle, unless it's against Reviez. I'm not the only one on CoachT that thought you showed the Cut signal. Maybe you were asking your coaches should you cut? You know for sure so I trust what you posted.


Any way the discussion in the stands was why would you cut Nick since he is good on his feet.


Your Coaches had an opportunity to see Nick Wrestle at least 3 times this year and your coaches did win the traditional state so I know they had you doing the things that would give you the best chance to beat Nick.

I know your both great wrestlers and I watched both of you dominate other wrestlers. Of course I wanted to see both of you go after each other. Instead, it was a very cautious match.

Congrats, you deserve to be in that finals match.

BTW- great write up in the Chatt press on you helping SD staying the race for the Championship

I will enjoy watching you as a senior unless it's against one of our young grapplers and you should be favored at either weight.

When you say that he gave the "cut signal" are you referring to showing an optional start? An optional start does not necessarily mean you are going to "cut" the man or give him an escape.

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When you say that he gave the "cut signal" are you referring to showing an optional start? An optional start does not necessarily mean you are going to "cut" the man or give him an escape.

That wasn't my post but from the top sections it looked like like he gave the signal but he said he didn't so I guess we can't arguee with that. It was a good match.

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this is matt lettner and i think this hole post is stupid because me and nick wrestled our butts off and it really doesnt matter what anyone else thinks neither one of us were stalling we are just to pretty big guys that are hard to score on so who ever is putting either one of us down is stupid because we both wrestled hard o and by the way i wasnt tring 2 cut nick i was tring a croch lift but he countered it very well so sayin that was a stupid move 2 cut him is false you all need 2 get off our back bc we wrestled our buts off and nick is a awsome athlete he beat me straight up so he deserves the state championship congrats


Classy post Matt. You two both wrestled great and it shows what a fine person you are to say what you said. The most important thing is you are exactly right that all the haters do not matter. I hope to see you back in the finals next year and would like to see you come away with the win.

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I highly doubt that Reveiz would beat Coffey! Reveiz may be a beast but so is Coffey. This should leave the rest of the match to technique and I know for a fact that Coffey would win in that category (and trust be by no means am I a Pope John Paul II fan in any sports). Also, MasterBlaster, I respect the fact that the past two Farragut state champs (Knox and Reveiz) worked their bodies off hard and were extremely disciplined in that aspect of wrestling but when is Farragut going to get a state champ that is not phisically a total beast but is just a great fundamentally sound wrestler.

FRom all the post I've seen it looks like about a 50/50 split on who would win and since no body from the Coffee Camp will answer if he's going to nationals the point is mute. I'm sure we couls arange a work out at a nutraul site.


On the "just a great fundamentally sound wrestler" you would have to tell me how you define that. In our 6 years at Farragut we have had-

Joe Knox Coached

Wrestling 2006 Division I 215 Weight Class Champion Nick Reveiz


Wrestling 2005 Division I 171 Weight Class Champion Justin Knox

*** I thought Justin Knox was very fundemental but was a beast at the same time.

Wrestling 2005 Division I 215 Weight Class Champion Nick Reveiz


Wrestling 2004 Division I 140 Weight Class Champion Scott Dix

*** Dix didn't use muscel, he won on technique.


Wrestling 2004 Division I 152 Weight Class Finalist Chad Turner

***Very phyiscal, great double leg and good on his feet.


Wrestling 2004 Division I 171 Weight Class Finalist Justin Knox


Richie Houston

Wrestling 2002 Division I 125 Weight Class Champion Eric Faris

***Very fundamentally sound wrestler***

Wrestling 2001 Division I 215 Weight Class Champion Eric Watkins

*** Fundamental Beast*** :thumb:


Dual Wrestling 2000 Division I Team Fifth Place


Our kids have all ways been good on their feet. Leg's isn't our deal.

I've been told Coach Knox was good on his feet so I guess you teach what you know. Also, the Webb kids can tell you he runs a very phyiscal practice.

Edited by MasterBlaster 1
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my 2 cents:

i had the honor of being in the midst of bear haters this past weekend. it was comical to here and watch the behavior of adults and kids from various areas around the state. every match a bradley kid was in he was stalling, head slapping, cocky, and he should have lost his last match anyway! i understand the "root for the underdog" thing going on but this was taken to another level, almost like anybody but these guys win. i enjoyed every single match. this sport is incredible.

the guy with a collierville firefighter shirt on was a complete jackass, he and his crew decided in an overtime match to get up and talk to a group 3-4 rows behind them. an old man 150lbs soaking wet said" hey buddy set down or move i'm trying to watch the match, the big bad fireman was ready to fight now, he had his big bluto fist ready, chest out, and then had some big boy words. i've got my little girl with me so i said grow up, set down, and try to be alittle more respectful of others behind you and there would be conflicts. needless to say he was a complete jackass the rest of the tournament. the funny thing was he had a big ol' gray mullet.

congratulations to soddy and to all the other area teams that did well.

i guess we'll do it again, all 6 of those bears will be back next year!

Wow, I saw the same thing happen when Ian Merrideth father ask some Bradley folks to move when he was watching his son against Reveiz. In that case the young bear wouldn't let it go. Just kept on mouthing off to Doctor Merrideth.

Wow, bad mouthing a guys dad trying to watch his son. He really made folks love the Bears that night.

We all have jerks who only care about their group.

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Wow, I saw the same thing happen when Ian Merrideth father ask some Bradley folks to move when he was watching his son against Reveiz. In that case the young bear wouldn't let it go. Just kept on mouthing off to Doctor Merrideth.

Wow, bad mouthing a guys dad trying to watch his son. He really made folks love the Bears that night.

We all have jerks who only care about their group.


Dr. Meredith asked 1 Bradley fan, "Me", NICELY to move over so he could see his son wrestle. I apologized for standing in the way and I quickly sat down as I realized I was in his way. Moments later some fans and 1 young Bear, as you put it, were in the way and that is when Dr. Merdith shouted rudely "Either sit down or move out of the way!" The young Bear kept pushing it until he got the APOLOGY he desereved and once he got the APOLOGY it was a done deal. Later some of the Notre Dame fans came up and APOLOGIZED for Dr. Meredith and said that he is a very nice man. I have been nervous and tense when my son has been wrestling and we Bradley fans thought no more about it. Intensity of the sport as a Parent may make you react poorly some times, but I think for the most part we are all pretty good people. I see no good from bringing up this situation, as it was over as quickly as it began. NO BIG DEAL! MasterBlaster relax and quit trying to make an issue out of everything, Go outside enjoy the sunshine, smell the air and Thank God for all you have been blessed with! Have a Good Day!!


One other thing about that situation, after all the talking was done Dr. Meredith got up and moved over to an empty seat where the Bradley fans weren't in his way. When this happened his son's match was the very last match going on, on Friday night, there were plenty of empty seats at that time to move to because most of the folks had already left. I was there and if I were Dr. Meredith and I had to shout that rudely at folks to see my son wrestle, I would have just gotten up and moved instead of embarrassing myself.

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NO BIG DEAL! MasterBlaster relax and quit trying to make an issue out of everything, Go outside enjoy the sunshine, smell the air and Thank God for all you have been blessed with! Have a Good Day!!


I just followed what jackass was saying about another teams fan.

You're right "Intensity of the sport as a Parent may make you react poorly some times, but I think for the most part we are all pretty good people."

I was to the right of Dr M and the majority were young folks just tlaking and not thinking aout the other folks trying to watch. It happens.

I wasn't close enough to hear the apology. I don't know if one was due.

However the Merrideth family is a class act and most folks know that.

It is tuff when a entire section gets up to leave but thats the sport.

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Wow, I saw the same thing happen when Ian Merrideth father ask some Bradley folks to move when he was watching his son against Reveiz. In that case the young bear wouldn't let it go. Just kept on mouthing off to Doctor Merrideth.

Wow, bad mouthing a guys dad trying to watch his son. He really made folks love the Bears that night.

We all have jerks who only care about their group.


MasterBlaster/Rigger101/Whom It May Concern,


I am the "young bear" that you referred to, Ben Smith. And let me first say this, I apologize furthermore to anyone who may have seen the "incident", whether they be from ND or BC...not too many people were there.


Anyone who has known me during my 3 years of coaching or my years spent wrestling for UTC and BC knows that I am a very intense/competitive person with a slightly hair trigger (much like my newly reinstated mentor). They'll also tell you that I love my job, my kids, and our sport and that I do my best to model the character that we try to instill in each of them. But, like you, Rigger, I am human and I do make mistakes from time to time. I'll be the first to say that an intense personality or a hair trigger does not excuse me or anyone else from doing anything unprofesional or acting in that manner. In retrospect, I did and I was. I apologize for that. Being a teacher and a coach makes me a public figure (whether I like it or not), and I am to do my best to act professional at all times. ..much like a doctor. That night, at that moment, I had a knee jerk reaction and did not.


Now, let me explain my side of the story...since every story does have two sides and I'm sure that you were honestly and wholeheartedly going to look at it and tell it from my perspective too, Rigger. I was unaware that Dr. Merridith had already asked our fans to move. I was oblivious to fact that Dr. Merridith's son was wrestling and that I was in his way. I was more concerned with getting my guys and stuff together and getting them home and into bed. Then, all I saw was some ND man coming unglued about me in his way. It goes without saying, I was caught a little off guard. I apologized, maybe not with the proper tone for Blaster's liking, and then moved out of his way. Honesty, I was equally as rude to him as he was to me and those following me up the stairs. Neither of us would drop it. I apologized several more times as did he. He was hot. I was hot. We both handled it and it was over. I can see his side of it and I take it for what it is worth. It is over now. I wish that the situation would not have happened and I wish we both would have handled it differently.


Not liking Bradley is one thing, name calling ("jerk") is another. If you, Blaster, would like to speak to me about it further, I'm in the BCHS wrestling room every day. I'm not hard to find. I'll even be at McGavok this weekend. So, rather than call me, our fans, and our program derrogatory (sp?) names, talk to me like an adult would about your complaint with me. The State is over...I won't be wound up so tight (hopefully).


Ben Smith

Bradley Wrestling


P.S. Your coach, Joe Knox, and I were buddies in college. He will vouch for me, but I'm not so sure that he would vouch for you and your comments on this board at times.


P.S.S. That incident occured Thursday night and I believe that Ian was wrestling Aaron Birman from Cookeville on Mat 3, not Reviez. So, if you were honestly there nearby, I'm sure that you would have known that. Quit trying to stir the pot Rigger. It gets old.

Edited by drmedulla
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