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Cumberland Gap - Rutledge


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  • 2 weeks later...

Anyone know any insight as to what took place in that game?



billybuck, I was there and saw the entire thing. a Rutledge player rounded third and took out the catcher when he crossed the plate. The catcher had the ball and the out. Runner either had to slide, go back to third, or give up. He chose the wrong path and "freight trained" the catcher. Catcher's coach comes onto the field after the Rutledge player and was evicted for making a move toward the player. The Rutledge player was evicted for running down the catcher with the ball in his mit. Both calls were textbook. Few plays later, same setup but this time it's the Rutledge catcher who had the ball in his mit and he got the "freight train" this time. Field ump calls the runner out and evicts him. A player came out of the dugout onto the field and was evicted. The Asst. Coach then came onto the field and was in the umpire's face like Tommy Lasorda. The ump listened to all he wanted to and tossed the Asst Coach. The home plate umpire asked if they had anyone else from the school to sit in the dugout and they didn't, so he called the game. Rutledge was WAY ahead anyway. All calls were textbook calls. Principal claimed the running over of the Rutledge catcher was not intentional. A photographer from one of the papers had pictures that showed different. Just like the big league! Nothing but the facts.

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billybuck, I was there and saw the entire thing. a Rutledge player rounded third and took out the catcher when he crossed the plate. The catcher had the ball and the out. Runner either had to slide, go back to third, or give up. He chose the wrong path and "freight trained" the catcher. Catcher's coach comes onto the field after the Rutledge player and was evicted for making a move toward the player. The Rutledge player was evicted for running down the catcher with the ball in his mit. Both calls were textbook. Few plays later, same setup but this time it's the Rutledge catcher who had the ball in his mit and he got the "freight train" this time. Field ump calls the runner out and evicts him. A player came out of the dugout onto the field and was evicted. The Asst. Coach then came onto the field and was in the umpire's face like Tommy Lasorda. The ump listened to all he wanted to and tossed the Asst Coach. The home plate umpire asked if they had anyone else from the school to sit in the dugout and they didn't, so he called the game. Rutledge was WAY ahead anyway. All calls were textbook calls. Principal claimed the running over of the Rutledge catcher was not intentional. A photographer from one of the papers had pictures that showed different. Just like the big league! Nothing but the facts.


How does a picture prove intent? Nothing can be gained by continuing to stir the pot. Only problems down the road between these 2 teams. My son got trucked just like this as a sophomore. Knowing the rules he never expected the kid to run over him and was waiting to make the tag. The player was ejected and I assume served his 2 game suspension. Don't know and don't care because that was his coaches responsibility not mine. You also would not have read any whining on coacht. It was done (whether right or wrong) and handled on the field. Enough said. I will promise this, as a catcher he learned from the incident and it never happened again even when some tried. Drop it and move on.

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How does a picture prove intent? Nothing can be gained by continuing to stir the pot. Only problems down the road between these 2 teams. My son got trucked just like this as a sophomore. Knowing the rules he never expected the kid to run over him and was waiting to make the tag. The player was ejected and I assume served his 2 game suspension. Don't know and don't care because that was his coaches responsibility not mine. You also would not have read any whining on coacht. It was done (whether right or wrong) and handled on the field. Enough said. I will promise this, as a catcher he learned from the incident and it never happened again even when some tried. Drop it and move on.



CHARGER81, You've got some good points, but old Agitator only moves on when he gets good and ready. I didn't start the whining, and didn't do any whining. You say a picture can't prove intent......you may want to swallow those words until you see the pictures. Emotions run high in most any sport...expecially when there is a potential injury from a bad call-illegal play-or anything else put in place to make sure the kids are safe. Had you read first and commented later you would see that I credited the Rutledge player for "starting" the whole thing. Kids retalliate and that's where a good coach comes into the mix. Not to say that good coaches weren't there, but as you said there is a lot of learning to come from any mistake. Everyone evicted asked for it, and knew what was coming before they all did what they did. I'm not whining....I agree with everything that happened with the evictions. Rules are there to protect the players but were ignored by both in this instance. Since I'm ready now, I'll drop it and move on.

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CHARGER81, You've got some good points, but old Agitator only moves on when he gets good and ready. I didn't start the whining, and didn't do any whining. You say a picture can't prove intent......you may want to swallow those words until you see the pictures. Emotions run high in most any sport...expecially when there is a potential injury from a bad call-illegal play-or anything else put in place to make sure the kids are safe. Had you read first and commented later you would see that I credited the Rutledge player for "starting" the whole thing. Kids retalliate and that's where a good coach comes into the mix. Not to say that good coaches weren't there, but as you said there is a lot of learning to come from any mistake. Everyone evicted asked for it, and knew what was coming before they all did what they did. I'm not whining....I agree with everything that happened with the evictions. Rules are there to protect the players but were ignored by both in this instance. Since I'm ready now, I'll drop it and move on.


New you just couldn't drop it. Just had to have the last word. I would ask you to enlighten me on the legal aspect of a picture but since I said that the best thing you could do was drop it then I won't. Keep talking it up and a young man (player) will make a bad decision down the road as a result.

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Guys...I read the account in the paper. It wasn't a good idea for the kid from Rutledge to try and railroad the catcher, but the coaches from CG ought to know better. Let the umps handle it then if you feel like it was one of those things that wasn't handled right TSSAA has incident reports for things that ought not happen with officials. Leaving the bench is the LAST thing any high school coach should do when it comes to a game.


The coaches at CG ought to hope and pray that the Claiborne BOE doesn't do anything drastic...like relieve them of their coaching duties after this season.

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New you just couldn't drop it. Just had to have the last word. I would ask you to enlighten me on the legal aspect of a picture but since I said that the best thing you could do was drop it then I won't. Keep talking it up and a young man (player) will make a bad decision down the road as a result.



Charger81, two young men made the wrong decision at home plate during that game. Another player did the same, as did two coaches. I didn't uncork this bottle, but I'll be glad to put the cork back in and drop it. Facts are facts, pictures don't lie. Neither player accidentally ran over the catcher. Both acted intentionally. Noone accidentally left the dugout and came onto the field. Actions carry consequences, and in this case those consequences were quite expensive. Consider it corked, unless you want to pull the cork out for more. Just kidding! Leave it in! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />

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Charger81, two young men made the wrong decision at home plate during that game. Another player did the same, as did two coaches. I didn't uncork this bottle, but I'll be glad to put the cork back in and drop it. Facts are facts, pictures don't lie. Neither player accidentally ran over the catcher. Both acted intentionally. Noone accidentally left the dugout and came onto the field. Actions carry consequences, and in this case those consequences were quite expensive. Consider it corked, unless you want to pull the cork out for more. Just kidding! Leave it in! /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />



Thank's for the insight (I guess) I was not trying to stir the pot or start an argument. Just wondered if anyone knew what happened? I do think they play again this saturday though. Does anyone know where that game is and what time?

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Thank's for the insight (I guess) I was not trying to stir the pot or start an argument. Just wondered if anyone knew what happened? I do think they play again this saturday though. Does anyone know where that game is and what time?



Billybuck, your a good man. Old agitator wasn't trying to "stir the pot", but just give a first-hand account of what happened. Maybe I included too many details for some of our other readers and things hit too close home. No bother. Both teams showed great sportsmanship towards each other as did both team coaches. No hard feelings between either team - just good old competetive sport! Only ones they were upset with were the umpires and they did exactly what they were supposed to do. Should be a good game Saturday.

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