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Karns @ Clinton


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hes sayin one player doesnt make a team riddler, btw i hate the way u insist on these joker style posts and ridiculous assumptions and questions. u think your being unique and different but quite frankly you sound like an idiot. I find it funny how clinton has been the whipping boy of the area for so long and always beaten down and made fun of and how as soon as they get a little going for them everybody wants to rip into them, as for your question about the coach, no he probably wouldnt have taken him in if he wasnt an athlete mainly because, as a coach he probably wouldnt have enough interaction with a normal student to know his plight. A football team is a family and a for a coach to look after one of his players in this manner is completely acceptable. now if the coach is promising him a place to stay and gifts and money to just come play for us thats a diff story but i see no evidence of anything like that happening and this is all just a missunderstanding thats being blown out of proportion because everyone knows as soon as you start climbing everybody wants to drag u back down.

Riddle me this......Why do you care?

Riddle me this...... If i am a idiot what does it make you look like by addressing my posts??

Riddle me this.... Are you a little to close to this situation???

Riddle me this.... Are we all supposed to be miserable just because you are???


im not miserable i just hate to see anyone trash the program i care so much about in a online forum behind a made up name with no accountability, im not close to the situation at all, i barely know the sharpe kid, i played four years for the dragons and played alongside and blocked for weston and stone in 08', all u seem to like to do is stir up trouble more than you actually contribute to the forum, if you have a problem with jim davis, who even il admit is a little bit pompous at times then go have a talk to him or the school system dont get on here and talk trash. grow up a little man, im only 19 and i know better than that.

Ok your point is well taken however you need to go back through all my posts and tell me where i am trashing the program. I think you will find I was having a little bit of fun out of a situation that will probably prove not to be detrimental to anyone involved however it should never have happened. These situations are never as simple as everyone would have you think I know i have been around a few more moons than you have. As far as Clinton goes they should win many games this year but until the people have a enough nerve to stand up and address the issues (davis, administraiton etc.) Clinton will never be the powerhouse it once was. Now as far as I go I happen to enjoy this so if I offend you I apologize. As far as growing up goes you need to lighten up and figure out that by this time next year no one will remember we even had this conversation so dont get shook up about it. I will keep on having fun riddling and upsetting people that take themselves way to serious because I happen to get a kick out of it. And you in turn can ignore me or call me a idiot again either way we will both be satisfied.

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I find it funny that YOU!(AnythingIsPossible) get on here and start some sort of Rumor about something crazy and everyone get's all fired up about it! Actually you sound like one of those kids parents that just didnt "have it your way". Coach Shattuck is a good coach and a good man. And I believe that he finally has some good assistants that he fills like he can get somewhere with! And I also believe that he cares whether or not kids make it to a good college or not. and I know some people that could vouch for that personally, Some people JUST AINT GOT IT! it is time to get over it. TSSAA is probably not even thinking about it. And coach Davis is a good man with a good heart. He is just a little Different!

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Oh, it's not a rumor...it's a fact. Don't be in denial. Can't say much for Shattucks coaching ability or ethics....And I do believe that both of the Seniors last year "HAD IT"...they could have went on to play somewhere with a little dedication and help from their "GOOD" coach..and yes...TSSAA is thinking about it...they won't be able to ignore all of the questions...that's their job. Did you say Davis is a good man with a good heart? HAHA...if he was indeed what you say, then his actions would show it...He can talk a good game, but what he SHOWS is what is in his heart. He is so lucky that he has not cost CHS a fortune in legal payouts...

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I find it funny that YOU!(AnythingIsPossible) get on here and start some sort of Rumor about something crazy and everyone get's all fired up about it! Actually you sound like one of those kids parents that just didnt "have it your way". Coach Shattuck is a good coach and a good man. And I believe that he finally has some good assistants that he fills like he can get somewhere with! And I also believe that he cares whether or not kids make it to a good college or not. and I know some people that could vouch for that personally, Some people JUST AINT GOT IT! it is time to get over it. TSSAA is probably not even thinking about it. And coach Davis is a good man with a good heart. He is just a little Different!

Riddle me this... If this is all rumor why are you defending Sir Davis of the Dragon in such agressive manner????? :twisted:

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I hope he just wants a reaction because there's definantly not a rule about leaving a school and then punishing the school you left. Especially when he only played football at one school. He cant help he has had to move to jeff county and back and now back. My guess is that anythingispossible is probably a fan of an opposing team (OR or AC) and knows what's coming towards the end of the season. Anyway, I think Karns has a nice passing game but I think the D will come to play so

Clinton 42 Karns 7

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There were NO division I prospects on Clinton's team last year.


There are only three possibilities


1. Either he is one of the ones that went to Grace! (considering that he said why is people leaving Clinton, which their not anymore).


2. He is a fan of AC or OR or some other crazy place!


3. He is a parent of a student in previous years that he wanted to be a superstar, but just didnt have the talent to do it.



but anyway I say Clinton wins by 35!

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"Clinton is going to trash Karns. I've been hearing that the Dragons are going to shoot for 70 points and the state record for offensive yards in a game. It should be a painful evening for the Beaver"


As JarJar Binks might say: "How wude". You guys beat a watered down Dobyns Bennett and all of a sudden you're going for the state record for offensive yards in a game. I was talking with one of my Oak Ridge friends about the game today and his comment was "If you've never been over there you need to realize that those folks are different". Then he went on to describe how a group of Clinton fans spent a portion of the game he attended using pea shooters to put different objects into the OR band's tubas. Anyway, you may be underestimating those Karns guys and/or you might be overestimating your team at this early point in the season. If the above attitude is indicative of the community I'd think the Dragons will have some trash talkers, but win or lose I hope both teams play hard and with respect for each other. I'm hesitant to predict Karns will win against an obviously strong group of Dragons but then again bigger upsets have happened. Go Beavers! :bored:

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hes sayin one player doesnt make a team riddler, btw i hate the way u insist on these joker style posts and ridiculous assumptions and questions. u think your being unique and different but quite frankly you sound like an idiot. I find it funny how clinton has been the whipping boy of the area for so long and always beaten down and made fun of and how as soon as they get a little going for them everybody wants to rip into them, as for your question about the coach, no he probably wouldnt have taken him in if he wasnt an athlete mainly because, as a coach he probably wouldnt have enough interaction with a normal student to know his plight. A football team is a family and a for a coach to look after one of his players in this manner is completely acceptable. now if the coach is promising him a place to stay and gifts and money to just come play for us thats a diff story but i see no evidence of anything like that happening and this is all just a missunderstanding thats being blown out of proportion because everyone knows as soon as you start climbing everybody wants to drag u back down.

Riddle me this......Why do you care?

Riddle me this...... If i am a idiot what does it make you look like by addressing my posts??

Riddle me this.... Are you a little to close to this situation???

Riddle me this.... Are we all supposed to be miserable just because you are???


im not miserable i just hate to see anyone trash the program i care so much about in a online forum behind a made up name with no accountability, im not close to the situation at all, i barely know the sharpe kid, i played four years for the dragons and played alongside and blocked for weston and stone in 08', all u seem to like to do is stir up trouble more than you actually contribute to the forum, if you have a problem with jim davis, who even il admit is a little bit pompous at times then go have a talk to him or the school system dont get on here and talk trash. grow up a little man, im only 19 and i know better than that.

Ok your point is well taken however you need to go back through all my posts and tell me where i am trashing the program. I think you will find I was having a little bit of fun out of a situation that will probably prove not to be detrimental to anyone involved however it should never have happened. These situations are never as simple as everyone would have you think I know i have been around a few more moons than you have. As far as Clinton goes they should win many games this year but until the people have a enough nerve to stand up and address the issues (davis, administraiton etc.) Clinton will never be the powerhouse it once was. Now as far as I go I happen to enjoy this so if I offend you I apologize. As far as growing up goes you need to lighten up and figure out that by this time next year no one will remember we even had this conversation so dont get shook up about it. I will keep on having fun riddling and upsetting people that take themselves way to serious because I happen to get a kick out of it. And you in turn can ignore me or call me a idiot again either way we will both be satisfied.


Idiot, i admit was a little harsh, your way of posting does annoy me, but this is a public forum and you have your right to post anything u want same as me, your right i got a little carried away and hot headed too quick but its just cause i really care for the school and its football program and i hate when issues like the one brought up come about and everyone assumes the worst immediately and tries to take away from what these kids have done. like i said before i played with several of them and have watched them evolve into a tremendous group of young men with alot of promise this season and id hate for them to have it ruined by something like this. Im sure davis and company have crossed the line a few times to help the athletics at Clinton but i really cant blame them, in todays world of highschool sports we all know its win or go home when it comes to coaches to they are obviously going to try to protect their livelyhood in anyway possible, i just hope that it isnt at the expense of the boys season. I also agree with a few things anythingispossible said. Shattuck doesnt do enough to promote players, or atleast he hasnt in years past. there were several young men in my class who had tons of college potential who didnt get near enough help in recruiting. and thats def a shame because as a good friend of a couple of them its sad to see them not reaching their full potential. But i will give one thing to shattuck and davis, in the last few years they have brought in some absolutely great coaches for the football team, Marsh, Stone, Phillips all helped put this team on track. while i dont agree with everything hes done i do respect the man and care alot for him i guess mainly since i played under him 4 years and am a little biased. Again riddler i apoligize for getting a little steamed, i was more mad at the situation than you.

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"Clinton is going to trash Karns. I've been hearing that the Dragons are going to shoot for 70 points and the state record for offensive yards in a game. It should be a painful evening for the Beaver"


As JarJar Binks might say: "How wude". You guys beat a watered down Dobyns Bennett and all of a sudden you're going for the state record for offensive yards in a game. I was talking with one of my Oak Ridge friends about the game today and his comment was "If you've never been over there you need to realize that those folks are different". Then he went on to describe how a group of Clinton fans spent a portion of the game he attended using pea shooters to put different objects into the OR band's tubas. Anyway, you may be underestimating those Karns guys and/or you might be overestimating your team at this early point in the season. If the above attitude is indicative of the community I'd think the Dragons will have some trash talkers, but win or lose I hope both teams play hard and with respect for each other. I'm hesitant to predict Karns will win against an obviously strong group of Dragons but then again bigger upsets have happened. Go Beavers! B)


Yes they are shooting for 70 and the state record in yards and no its really not a slam on karns just a compliment to the talent on this dragons team. Although DB is a little less than usual they still are a talented team and the dragons hung up over 500 yards on them, to say that they have a much better D than karns is pretty accurate so saying the dragons might put up 800 yards on you guys isnt really too crazy. and yes as much as i love the dragons there will be alot of trash talk and a very wild student section that will drive you crazy, its just part of clinton football, were loud and obnoxious lol but this year we have a team to back us up. and as far as the pea-shooting goes ive never heard of that but thats hilarious!! serves O.R right

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It seems to me that if the only infraction the Clinton player has allegedly been involved in has to do with an address change, then by T$$AA standards, he should fair well. A certain 19 year old, private school juvenile deliquent, in "state" custody, who aided an accomplice in the kidnapping and rape of his own cousin, who walked on at UT this past season (with scholarship in hand) was allowed to play football, then this young man should have no problems at all. B)


...then again, who knows? An address change is a terrible thing!

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