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WHO will be the next Coach at INDY ? ? ?


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According to a second hand source Webb went into the interview and it was made clear that Dyson would run the defense. Apparently Webb has made it known to his buddies that he knew very quickly within the interview that Indy wasn't the right place for him. Also heard that Dyson got defensive when an interviewee questioned some of the things he wanted to do on defense. If Dyson is a good coach because he played in the NFL then wouldn't it make more sense for him coach the offensive side of the ball sense that is where his experience is?

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Wow you guys are incredible. Bottom line. If you have good players then you are a good coach. If you have bad players you are a bad coach. Coaches make players. We don't know how good Dyson is going to be perceived. That remains to be seen. If you are a good person, you probably can be a good coach. And we always talk about pro ball players being good this that and the other. We from where i sit you can be a good coach if you work at it. Good luck to the Eagles! if you're going to support them now is the time. either you're a fan or your not.

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Wow you guys are incredible. Bottom line. If you have good players then you are a good coach. If you have bad players you are a bad coach. Coaches make players. We don't know how good Dyson is going to be perceived. That remains to be seen. If you are a good person, you probably can be a good coach. And we always talk about pro ball players being good this that and the other. We from where i sit you can be a good coach if you work at it. Good luck to the Eagles! if you're going to support them now is the time. either you're a fan or your not.




Much like the Fairview deal last year I just wished they wouldn't have made a dog and pony show and wasted so many peoples time. This not only effected the Indy kids, but those of Spring Hill, Frankl,in, etc.etc.etc.

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Good point. Talented players + bad record = Hillsboro. Independence is a head scratcher right now.

Inexperienced coach + mostly average players with a few bright spots + Jerry Jones = ???? Time will tell. Hope it works out for the kids sake.

well pointed out about boro- and why would a good person make a good coach?

great players help make a great coach yes but look at state 5A champs Beech and cocah Crabtree- predicted 4th in district, very average players , mostly young soph and jrs but look what a great coach can do to average talents kids...

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Good point. Talented players + bad record = Hillsboro. Independence is a head scratcher right now.

Inexperienced coach + mostly average players with a few bright spots + Jerry Jones = ???? Time will tell. Hope it works out for the kids sake.

well pointed out about boro- and why would a good person make a good coach?

great players help make a great coach yes but look at state 5A champs Beech and cocah Crabtree- predicted 4th in district, very average players , mostly young soph and jrs but look what a great coach can do to average talents kids...

Wow again. If you think for one second those kids at Beech are average you're fooling yourself. They won the state championship. Average doesn't win. Once you keep winning, average goes out of the window. You are now a good football team. Win the state, you're great. All coaches do is make a few calls a game. The game is decided by the young people on the field. Very seldom do coaches' win games. I don't care what you say, there is no coach in this galaxy that has tackled a soul. He hasn't thrown a pass, made a block or nothing. All the work is put in by the athlete. That's called self discipline!!! Coaches don't lift weights. They get up at 6am but all they do is open the doors. The kid has to show up. Stop putting it on the coaches. Either way. If the players win they have talent....If they lose they have bad coaching.....all of that is poppy ####. If the Saints or Colts lose do their coaches stink, do they have bad quarterbacks. No. They just didn't play well enough to win, on that day!. Eagles work hard in the weight room. You don't even need a coach to lift weights. Work hard learning the systems. Stay off Coacht.com because you may start to believe the nasayers(sp). Believe in your coaches, your teammates, and most importantly, yourselves. You are going to be fine. I Promise!

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This thread is comical to me it really is in many ways but I have enjoyed the ride. If good people can make good coaches then why did Coach Eubanks get forced out. Again I am not a personal friend of Eubanks but always knew above all else he was a good man with morals and character. However I agree coaching is overrated. I mean look at Mose Phillips good coach but at Hillwood its not happening. In high school football I think the biggest part of success is program management. Playcalling and all that is overrated but in the offseason a coach must develop implement and maintain a system that fits the kids and be adapted every year without putting in a new offense. Then in season simply run this system. Coaches better not be sitting in an office in August putting their offense in beacause its to late then. Develop the system that fits the kids and then run it. Also the day in day out of the program is important. Instilling discipline, work ethic, and character. Also holding players accountable. Football is all about mentality and a coach maintaining a consistent program is vital for success. Bottom line players make plays to win games and this year if three plays had gone different Indpendence would still be fine. What gets coaches in trouble at all levels in my opinion is two things: 1. Not running a disciplined hard working progressing program that is moving forward with a bright vision for the future. Parents, Players, and Administrators alike must know without the shadow of a doubt that the team is working for championships daily without organization this cant happen. 2. The future again some coaches make excuses and simply say Im doing the best I can. A vision for the future with high expectations goes along way. In the end if players want to play for the coach and will run through a brick wall for him then succes will be had as long as in the offseason a system is developed that fits the kids on both sides of the ball. Coaches instills discipline players utilize talent many places have one but not the other must have both for success. Dyson will be fine though its comical the way it all went down. The kids will want to play for him and hiring Anthony Law is a great decision with his experience and toughness. Defense in high school is very simple and all about players wanting to play for their DC and run to the football. Offense is where games are won though defense wins championships. Dyson will do well hey he will have administrative support that so many schools lack. Players and PArents give him a chance. Maybe more African Americans will want to go to Indy. Not trying to make this a racial issue but has their ever been an African American Head coach in Williamson Co?

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This thread is comical to me it really is in many ways but I have enjoyed the ride. If good people can make good coaches then why did Coach Eubanks get forced out. Again I am not a personal friend of Eubanks but always knew above all else he was a good man with morals and character. However I agree coaching is overrated. I mean look at Mose Phillips good coach but at Hillwood its not happening. In high school football I think the biggest part of success is program management. Playcalling and all that is overrated but in the offseason a coach must develop implement and maintain a system that fits the kids and be adapted every year without putting in a new offense. Then in season simply run this system. Coaches better not be sitting in an office in August putting their offense in beacause its to late then. Develop the system that fits the kids and then run it. Also the day in day out of the program is important. Instilling discipline, work ethic, and character. Also holding players accountable. Football is all about mentality and a coach maintaining a consistent program is vital for success. Bottom line players make plays to win games and this year if three plays had gone different Indpendence would still be fine. What gets coaches in trouble at all levels in my opinion is two things: 1. Not running a disciplined hard working progressing program that is moving forward with a bright vision for the future. Parents, Players, and Administrators alike must know without the shadow of a doubt that the team is working for championships daily without organization this cant happen. 2. The future again some coaches make excuses and simply say Im doing the best I can. A vision for the future with high expectations goes along way. In the end if players want to play for the coach and will run through a brick wall for him then succes will be had as long as in the offseason a system is developed that fits the kids on both sides of the ball. Coaches instills discipline players utilize talent many places have one but not the other must have both for success. Dyson will be fine though its comical the way it all went down. The kids will want to play for him and hiring Anthony Law is a great decision with his experience and toughness. Defense in high school is very simple and all about players wanting to play for their DC and run to the football. Offense is where games are won though defense wins championships. Dyson will do well hey he will have administrative support that so many schools lack. Players and PArents give him a chance. Maybe more African Americans will want to go to Indy. Not trying to make this a racial issue but has their ever been an African American Head coach in Williamson Co?

1. Moose Phillips, Hillwood I dont care if Knute Rockne was the coach, the talent at Hillwood is zip zero nothing you need to have some sort of players - whom is too say Moose is a good coach ?

You said Law was a good hire (25-25-50% winning percentage) and if you listen to what moose said" I’ve been told by other coaches the talent is there every year at Whites Creek,” Phillips said. “It’s just how you nurture it and develop it and get it on board with what you’re trying to accomplish" YOu would think that LAW should have had a better record one and two that he didnt know how to "nurture"his talent. ALSO why was Law suspended for one game this year?


2. playcalling at this level is not overrated, but gambler- i agree with you 100% on you saying the """a coach must develop implement and maintain a system that fits the kids and be adapted every year and Develop the system that fits the kids and then run it. Also the day in day out of the program is important. Instilling discipline, work ethic, and character. Also holding players accountable. Football is all about mentality and a coach maintaining a consistent program is vital for success.""""


3.what three plays at INDY are you talking about?


4. you said """Defense in high school is very simple and all about players wanting to play for their DC and run to the football"" what about tackling. i saw the defense of indy running to the ball but they lacked tackling skills (fundementals) and i would call Rectors, or Webbs defenses simple at all


5.African american coaches in wilco - Page had Palmer a few years back, Palmer also was the head coach at Franklin HS -


okay JAY 5 = Beech is a great team, they have the golden ball to show us all - All i was saying that they were a bunch of average kids with a few studs and they bought into crabtrees system and played all around sound fundemental ball... I think we can agree that gallatin Coach Lassiter is well respected but during the post season he stated " that Beech talent wise was almost out matched all year ,But they bought into the system,they play hard nose fundemental football and they have bought into the us against the world"

So a good coach does get the best out of his players = look at maryville no way year in year out do they have the best talent of the field, but they do have the best coach in the state, along with a solid staff, middle school feeders, and so -forth-yeah it helps if you have some studs as Smyrna did with gray and Wilkes as well...

you SAID ""All coaches do is make a few calls a game. The game is decided by the young people on the field. Very seldom do coaches' win games. I don't care what you say, there is no coach in this galaxy that has tackled a soul. He hasn't thrown a pass, made a block or nothing. All the work is put in by the athlete. That's called self discipline!!! Coaches don't lift weights. They get up at 6am but all they do is open the doors. The kid has to show up. Stop putting it on the coaches. Either way. If the players win they have talent..."""


coaches make more then a few calls a game - coaches have tackled ,throw a pass, made a block they have lifted weights - Jay 5 yeah you are gonna have a few studs that have the god givin talent , but its the coaches that put the offseaon workout plan in place, the game plan in place, it is them that teaches them to tackle the correct way, , the coach teaches a QB to read a defense, teaches a WR to break off the line of scrimmage, teaches a CB bump and run, teaches an OL to pull, teaches a DE to shed a block---yeah the game is decided by the young men on the field but its a reflection of the coaching staff.....

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Law is a good coach and has head coaching experience. That was a good hire and kind of a surprise. From what I understand Law resigned due to lack of support. If that is indeed the case then can you really blame him for resigning? I dont know the facts in the situation but Law will do a good job. I also agree with mindless. I see this getting closed down very soon.



Law announced his resignation as head football coach on Tuesday.

“It’s due to personal reasons, which I’d rather not get into,’’ Law told The City Paper on Wednesday. Law will continue to teach at the school.

He had a 29-29 record in his five seasons with the Cobras,

Law was suspended by the school for one game in October for a sidelines incident during the Cobras game with Pearl-Cohn. Law however would not elaborate on whether that incident in any way contributed to his resignation.......

CANT FIND ANYWHERE THAT TELLS US WHY a coach would be suspended..... anyways , its dysons tean and he can bring in anyone he wants, look for toast deron jenkins to be the d- cord or rocky c.

someone earlier said dyson would be a good coacah casue he played football in the nfl - news flash just because you played in the nfl does not mean you can coach - as for his two masters heck i am sure he will be named the new IHS principal in 3 years the rate he is going-resume he has none for coaching let alone as an AD- someone PLEASE tell us why webb declined the offer......

Law actually announced his resignation on Tuesday, January 5. Its odd that a principal would suspend a coach and can't tell anyone why. Had to be something to that.

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This thread is comical to me it really is in many ways but I have enjoyed the ride. If good people can make good coaches then why did Coach Eubanks get forced out. Again I am not a personal friend of Eubanks but always knew above all else he was a good man with morals and character. However I agree coaching is overrated. I mean look at Mose Phillips good coach but at Hillwood its not happening. In high school football I think the biggest part of success is program management. Playcalling and all that is overrated but in the offseason a coach must develop implement and maintain a system that fits the kids and be adapted every year without putting in a new offense. Then in season simply run this system. Coaches better not be sitting in an office in August putting their offense in beacause its to late then. Develop the system that fits the kids and then run it. Also the day in day out of the program is important. Instilling discipline, work ethic, and character. Also holding players accountable. Football is all about mentality and a coach maintaining a consistent program is vital for success. Bottom line players make plays to win games and this year if three plays had gone different Indpendence would still be fine. What gets coaches in trouble at all levels in my opinion is two things: 1. Not running a disciplined hard working progressing program that is moving forward with a bright vision for the future. Parents, Players, and Administrators alike must know without the shadow of a doubt that the team is working for championships daily without organization this cant happen. 2. The future again some coaches make excuses and simply say Im doing the best I can. A vision for the future with high expectations goes along way. In the end if players want to play for the coach and will run through a brick wall for him then succes will be had as long as in the offseason a system is developed that fits the kids on both sides of the ball. Coaches instills discipline players utilize talent many places have one but not the other must have both for success. Dyson will be fine though its comical the way it all went down. The kids will want to play for him and hiring Anthony Law is a great decision with his experience and toughness. Defense in high school is very simple and all about players wanting to play for their DC and run to the football. Offense is where games are won though defense wins championships. Dyson will do well hey he will have administrative support that so many schools lack. Players and PArents give him a chance. Maybe more African Americans will want to go to Indy. Not trying to make this a racial issue but has their ever been an African American Head coach in Williamson Co?

Gambler, best quote of the thread to me. You have stated some good things in my opinion. Some are just looking for a way to tear up Indy before it gets built. Now, how long does Dyson get to get the winning going?

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This thread is comical to me it really is in many ways but I have enjoyed the ride. If good people can make good coaches then why did Coach Eubanks get forced out. Again I am not a personal friend of Eubanks but always knew above all else he was a good man with morals and character. However I agree coaching is overrated. I mean look at Mose Phillips good coach but at Hillwood its not happening. In high school football I think the biggest part of success is program management. Playcalling and all that is overrated but in the offseason a coach must develop implement and maintain a system that fits the kids and be adapted every year without putting in a new offense. Then in season simply run this system. Coaches better not be sitting in an office in August putting their offense in beacause its to late then. Develop the system that fits the kids and then run it. Also the day in day out of the program is important. Instilling discipline, work ethic, and character. Also holding players accountable. Football is all about mentality and a coach maintaining a consistent program is vital for success. Bottom line players make plays to win games and this year if three plays had gone different Indpendence would still be fine. What gets coaches in trouble at all levels in my opinion is two things: 1. Not running a disciplined hard working progressing program that is moving forward with a bright vision for the future. Parents, Players, and Administrators alike must know without the shadow of a doubt that the team is working for championships daily without organization this cant happen. 2. The future again some coaches make excuses and simply say Im doing the best I can. A vision for the future with high expectations goes along way. In the end if players want to play for the coach and will run through a brick wall for him then succes will be had as long as in the offseason a system is developed that fits the kids on both sides of the ball. Coaches instills discipline players utilize talent many places have one but not the other must have both for success. Dyson will be fine though its comical the way it all went down. The kids will want to play for him and hiring Anthony Law is a great decision with his experience and toughness. Defense in high school is very simple and all about players wanting to play for their DC and run to the football. Offense is where games are won though defense wins championships. Dyson will do well hey he will have administrative support that so many schools lack. Players and PArents give him a chance. Maybe more African Americans will want to go to Indy. Not trying to make this a racial issue but has their ever been an African American Head coach in Williamson Co?

1. Moose Phillips, Hillwood I dont care if Knute Rockne was the coach, the talent at Hillwood is zip zero nothing you need to have some sort of players - whom is too say Moose is a good coach ?

You said Law was a good hire (25-25-50% winning percentage) and if you listen to what moose said" I’ve been told by other coaches the talent is there every year at Whites Creek,” Phillips said. “It’s just how you nurture it and develop it and get it on board with what you’re trying to accomplish" YOu would think that LAW should have had a better record one and two that he didnt know how to "nurture"his talent. ALSO why was Law suspended for one game this year?


2. playcalling at this level is not overrated, but gambler- i agree with you 100% on you saying the """a coach must develop implement and maintain a system that fits the kids and be adapted every year and Develop the system that fits the kids and then run it. Also the day in day out of the program is important. Instilling discipline, work ethic, and character. Also holding players accountable. Football is all about mentality and a coach maintaining a consistent program is vital for success.""""


3.what three plays at INDY are you talking about?


4. you said """Defense in high school is very simple and all about players wanting to play for their DC and run to the football"" what about tackling. i saw the defense of indy running to the ball but they lacked tackling skills (fundementals) and i would call Rectors, or Webbs defenses simple at all


5.African american coaches in wilco - Page had Palmer a few years back, Palmer also was the head coach at Franklin HS -


okay JAY 5 = Beech is a great team, they have the golden ball to show us all - All i was saying that they were a bunch of average kids with a few studs and they bought into crabtrees system and played all around sound fundemental ball... I think we can agree that gallatin Coach Lassiter is well respected but during the post season he stated " that Beech talent wise was almost out matched all year ,But they bought into the system,they play hard nose fundemental football and they have bought into the us against the world"

So a good coach does get the best out of his players = look at maryville no way year in year out do they have the best talent of the field, but they do have the best coach in the state, along with a solid staff, middle school feeders, and so -forth-yeah it helps if you have some studs as Smyrna did with gray and Wilkes as well...

you SAID ""All coaches do is make a few calls a game. The game is decided by the young people on the field. Very seldom do coaches' win games. I don't care what you say, there is no coach in this galaxy that has tackled a soul. He hasn't thrown a pass, made a block or nothing. All the work is put in by the athlete. That's called self discipline!!! Coaches don't lift weights. They get up at 6am but all they do is open the doors. The kid has to show up. Stop putting it on the coaches. Either way. If the players win they have talent..."""


coaches make more then a few calls a game - coaches have tackled ,throw a pass, made a block they have lifted weights - Jay 5 yeah you are gonna have a few studs that have the god givin talent , but its the coaches that put the offseaon workout plan in place, the game plan in place, it is them that teaches them to tackle the correct way, , the coach teaches a QB to read a defense, teaches a WR to break off the line of scrimmage, teaches a CB bump and run, teaches an OL to pull, teaches a DE to shed a block---yeah the game is decided by the young men on the field but its a reflection of the coaching staff.....

Obviously, you have NEVER been to an "inner city" public school. You mentioned a word called consistency, I believe. Well, there isn't any in metro and it probably won't ever be. The middle school football is bad, therefore high school is going to be bad. If I'm not mistaking, Law did go 0-10 in 07. The same year that he started 18 freshmen and sophomores. 08 4-7, losing to Mt. Juliet in double overtime in the first round.and 09 semi finals while beating Goodpasture(program), Hillsboro(talent), Hunters Lane(Wes Elrod-wing T Guru) lost to Mt.Juliet 15-12 (9-1, program every year) From what I read in the paper he sat 5 defensive starters vs David Lipscomb. Law had 5 head principals in 5 years as the head coach. Only one in the history of football to have to go through that. What about coach retention? If i'm not mistaking, didnt law lose three ball players to gang violence. it must have been tough trying to keep all of that together. Dyson may have done a decent job hiring Law. That remains to be seen. I also think if someone can be a head coach in metro they're going to ok in the county schools with the necessary support. Dyson-metro,Law -metro. Which brings me to this.....who are the other coaches. we just keep talking about these two. its going to take more than that. I'm going to try and find out why Law was suspended.

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