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Nope, I don't like Couch at all, and I don't recall Couch beating Sweetwater at all I believe it was 7 to 2 at Polk County!!!! Nice try to help out your boy, I was just wonderin where he has been since all his trash talk only helped him give up two homers, and let Central take an easy win against yall!!!!! Couch please write somethin back, I want to know what happened? I would like to know what your chat name is so no one would have to read everything I'd like to ask you!

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First of all, I don't know who you think I am but I have nothing to do with Polk County or Josh Couch, sure I've talked to him before and he's a pretty nice guy but this isn't about Couch, this is about how gay people can get by getting on here and talkin crap about somebody you don't like. And I never said he beat you, I simply asked why your so sour about him, what's your beef? Could it be your jealous of him? I dunno! Oh and don't just assume stuff about people, I don't even go to Polk. Nice try tho!

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The reason I say stuff to anyone is b/c of people like you. You had no reason saying anything towards this post, but you did just to see what I would say back. Now since I said somethin back to you I'm talkin trash. I'll write what I want to say & you can too, but dont get into business that doesn't pertain to you!!!! I'd like to know where you are from, if your not from Polk.

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I'm still confused on why you even started this post. The reason I said something to start with was because you're acting like a little 2nd grader. Man, don't get on here talkin junk, if you really have that much beef with him give him a call, tell him to meet you somewhere, do somethin besides act like a kid and put it on a post on coach t, you might as well be writing him a note. If you really wanna know were i'm from, im from the valley, im a mustang and proud to be one, but this school is a little rediculous. Anyway ill ttyl man, peace.

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I'll do the talking here. The only time most of us at Polk County check coacht.com is when we are in computers class. I am basically the lone exception because I have a cable connection, so I can get on here in no time. Since we haven't been in school this week, I am probably the only member of the team that has checked the boards here. So I will respond to this post. Central hit our pitching, and we didn't hit theirs. There's your "excuse." We had maybe one error against Central, so it wasn't unearned runs that cost us. They just hit the cover off of the ball, and they put it in the right places. We played great defensively, but they just hit it by us. So we have ended our season, and you guys (Sweetwater) have also ended your season, so why don't we end this post because it is starting to get out of hand.

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