Just trying to reach out to members to encourage you to contact me with any issues. For example, an email from a member included: "I am having issues with the page loading and I am not sure if it is me or just something with the page. The page will load but looks simplified..." And, I have had a few other members contact me with the same, or a similar, issue.
If this is you, or you know a member who is having these issues, then
please contact me by email at [email protected]. It is important that you let me know of any 'friends' who are having an issue since they may not be able to get to this post in order to let me know themselves. The main issue seems to be the storing of cookies on members' browsers. If you are having this same issue then you need to delete your "cookies" and clear your cache. If you do not know how then you can research the topic for your particular browser (ie Chrome, FireFox, Microsoft Edge, etc) or email me and I will attempt to help you or find someone who can. Many of you have a tech-savvy relative or friend that can do this very efficiently, also. We are, of course, trying to find an "in-house" fix for this. (Even if you fix this issue yourself, please email me and let me know! I am trying to find out how wide-spread this problem is.)
We are now also covering both TN college and pro sports. This takes relatively little time compared to the high school site and hopefully will be useful to current, and new, members. I will be modifying the message boards soon in order to add and change the format for those additions.
My son, Mark, is coming aboard in mid-August, just in time for the fall football rush. I want him to not only help but learn the ins-and-outs of the website, for the future. He is super-sharp (especially computer-wise) and, combined with
our tech guru, Bradley Lambert, will be able to add lots of features that I am simply not capable of. Can't wait to have him helping us!
My wife, Elaine, is the person who responds to most of the 100s of texts (text final scores to 615-763-9150) we receive every game night. The main goal of covering high school sports will, in no way, change.
Links: CoachT.com now includes TN Prep, TN College, and TN Pro Coverage. Thanks
CoachT.com Colleges,
CoachT.com Pro. And,
beginning 6/14/24,
https://www.coacht.com/florida/ is back online.
Beginning 6/27/24,
CoachT.com/Indiana, and
CoachT.com/North-Carolina/ are now online.
https://www.coacht.com/alabama/, Arkansas
https://www.coacht.com/arkansas/, California
https://www.coacht.com/georgia/, Kentucky
https://www.coacht.com/kentucky/, Mississippi
https://www.coacht.com/mississippi/, Missouri
https://www.coacht.com/missouri/, Ohio
https://www.coacht.com/ohio/, Pennsylvania
https://www.coacht.com/pennsylvania/, South Carolina
https://www.coacht.com/south-carolina/, and Virginia
https://www.coacht.com/virginia/ prep sites are now awaiting site administrators to be discovered.
Anyone who has a business that you would like to advertise on CoachT.com then here is your chance. We are now using PlayWire as our ad company:
PlayWire.com Direct Sales. Targeted for your audience!