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Everything posted by volball625

  1. I don't see anyone doing what Hume-Fogg did last year.
  2. i just think its is lame that someone is gonna try to talk trask behind a computer screen. if you had a problem with us, then you should have handled it on the field. but you didn't when it came down to the region championship. and they you preceded to get knocked out in the first round of state. congrats
  3. you sure you were at the game because i played 75 of the 80 minutes and i didn't see this at all. We had just as many quality chances if not more, they just finished better. We scored first, and 5 minutes later had a shot that caks keeper made a ridiculous save and got a fingertip on it to push it out for a corner. We had a ball roll across the box right to our forward who whiffed it, and then a corner that our sweeper hit just wide after the keeper misjudged it. The last ten minutes of the game we did nothing but attack and we had them on their heels. Ask big G i was jogging up the field past caks bench as he was screaming for everyone to "DROP HARD". The only thing CAK did in the last 10 was tarr took the ball to the corner which i took from him and played a ball up the sideline which led to another quality attack. Like i said we had our chances we just couldn't finish. They had four quality chances tarr's goals a tarr shot that rang the post and a good header off a free kick which went straight to out keeper. Other than tarr's three shots not one of their shots from distance was even close. Also we did possess the ball and saying that all we did was bang the ball up top is ridiculuous. You make us sound like a bunch of drooling retard rec players who don't know how to posses the ball at all and can't connect a pass before tripping over our own two feet. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks, we hung with them easily, and guess what CCS, and CPA couldn't score on the so called iron curtain but guess who did? Thats right the retard rec players which all they did was bang the ball up top. FUNNY HUH? so once again im not sure what game you were at but im pretty sure it wasn't this one. One thing about CAK however, they are the classiest team i've played against in my high school career. Everyone of their players and coaches talked to me for about ten seconds easy after the game. Those boys are very very talented and deserve that fifth title and if we had to lose to somebody i am glad it was them. Congrats on your fifth title CAK and thanks again for your compliments and encouragement. Big G i really appreciate what you said to me after the game and i think your one heck of a coach and CAK should definately keep you around.(not that your in any trouble of losing your job)
  4. Well i guess well just have to accept that no matter what hume fogg does we will never get any respect. Hardly anyone thought wed beat notre dame we did that. Weve beaten CPA, beaten mggavock, and tied wilson central, we deserve more respect but its ok we know its never gonna happen. Its gotten to the point where even if we do win on saturday, which i agree will be difficult to say the least, it will just be because tarr had a bad game or it was a fluke goal, not hume fogg played their tails off and earned that win. Its just getting ridiculous, i don't care what anyone says, we deserve to be there and if you don't believe it, come to the game saturday and i guarantee we will make it very interesting.
  5. I watched Notre Dame play for a while before our game tonight and they are indeed a very talented team, however, they did play for 110 minutes on a pretty hot day as mentioned before and we played very well and in my opinion won easily. But it will be a very good game but i think a lot of people underestimate hume fogg and tomorrow we will show we shouldn't be overlooked regardless whether we when or lose. Hume fogg has a very talented back line solid midfielders and one very good forward plus hume-fogg has 3 to 4 players that have very good shots from distance and i think that we have the potential to get a goal off a long shot and play solid defense and pull off the upset. I know im biased but im going to say 1-0 hume fogg on an early goal that holds out. Either way both teams are very talented and deserving of going to the finals on saturday.
  6. Do the two middle tennesse teams have a good chance at going far in the state vs. east and west tenn. teams. Yes Or No and why. What do yall think about this one?
  7. ccs cpa knox. catholic hume fogg
  8. hume fogg over MTCS 4-1 going to state tourney
  9. hume-fogg over cheatham county 4-0 should have had more, had poor finishing and starters hardly played at all in the second half
  10. i think that hume fogg has the ability to play around the bigs of cheathem co. They might be bigger but hume fogg can beat some people one and one and put some shots in the back of the net. Hume fogg wins 3-0. cpa also wins 3-0
  11. hume fogg v cheathem co. cpa v montgomery central what are yall guys thoughts on these matchups
  12. i seriously doubt that they will. every year 9 a/aa kills 10 a/aa and looks like that will happen again this year. cheathem co. and mont central both look to be decent but not good enough to beat cpa or hume fogg
  13. How can FRA be ranked in front of hume fogg even though they beat hume fogg early in the season, FRA lost twice to Lipscomb who was in the bottom of the district and hume fogg beat lipscomb twice and lipscomb put FRA out of the district tournament in the first round and yet hume fogg is in the finals again with CPA so please explain to me how FRA a team with a 8-4-4 record is two spots higher than hume fogg with a 13-2-2 record and finished second in the district and FRA finished fifth and got put out in the first round of the district tournament and hume fogg is in the final. Sounds a little political to me don't you think?
  14. i play for hume fogg and we have a player that has gotten thrown out of four games this year. i wouldnt be surprised if you have heard of him
  15. fra beat hume fogg 2-0 earlier in the season but lost to cpa 1-0 fra beat hume fogg 2-0 earlier in the season but lost to cpa 1-0
  16. i see hume fogg and cpa in the final with fra and dca losing in the semis. possible sleeper pick of dca because they seem to be playing well lately. i see cpa winning the district over humefogg. what are yalls thoughts
  17. i would say 1-1. both teams have looked to be unstoppable at times and then other times theyve looked vulnerable. i say the defense for hume fogg keeps them in it
  18. hume fogg 3 david lipscomb 0. we controlled most of the game. could have had more. one was called off when they called offsides ona guy who received a throw in and put it in the net. referees were pretty clueless
  19. i would say cpa gets the one seed and hume fogg will get the 2 seed. with fra at 3 and david lipscomb at 4
  20. Daniel Collins from hume fogg is tall atheletic with good foot skills and a very strong accurate right foot. Hes only scored three times but makes alot happen and is excellent out of the air and is an overall very good midfielder and deserves some credit.
  21. The tournament of champions ended saturday, hume fogg won all three of their games. 1-0 McGavock, 4-0 USJ, and 4-0 over Oakland. The championship was at 5 on saturday, but we let our JV play in the championship because our prom was at Seven oclock and nearly our entire starting lineup wasn't able to play because of that. As far as i know Hume-Fogg won the tournament, but ill find out and make sure. If anyone does know the result of the final please post it.
  22. Hume Fogg defeated USJ with ease on Friday April 20th 4-0 and looked very good doing it. If Hume Fogg plays the way they played tonight, they will be hard to beat by anyone, period. The first goal was a volley from 20 yards out placed in the upper ninety. The second goal was a rebound off a missed shot , the third was a one touch shot off a pass and was also placed perfectly, and the fourth was a another long shot that sneaked in the near post. We owned the midfield the entire game and one nearly every single fifty fifty ball in the game. Basically, We Dominated! We would love to here your comments and thoughts on this victory.
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