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  1. Everyone is wrong on something from time to time I guess.....I hope your hunch is not correct in this situation..
  2. What makes you think Massey is Leaving?
  3. I think you missed the Wave..........
  4. I agree.It is not fair to the Public School who has to play with the kids who "live" there vs Kids "recruited from other areas...
  5. Why is White House looking for a Defensive Coordinator?
  6. Who would be considered front runners for this job?
  7. It is not open....Geisenger is new coach....Why not Brent Alexander? Any details?
  8. He played........Got in foul trouble and had to sit for long periods......It looked like SC was finding out if they can play at the end in tight games without him at Point and still win.They have depth.
  9. It is seems that it is quiet on here for the Cobras......What happened to cause the opening to begin with?
  10. Are there athletes in the school who do not play? Or is there just not enough? What kind of support does the Administration give to the program?
  11. Anyone know who might be the front runners for this job? What type of team do they have coming back? What does the future look like for the Cobras?
  12. He is running ads on tssaa.org for coaches for next year.......Does not appear to be going anywhere.
  13. Interesting.......Is it a pipeline?
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