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Everything posted by scooter

  1. Whew, tired of talking about where a kid from East TN will go to school. I'm sure you are exactally like me - talk about local topics that matter and fun to talk about.
  2. Most will be back, still have some out.
  3. Pray for me big man (LOL) Seriously though, we ALL need it, prayer !! Hope no injuries tonight on either side - both teams play to their potential and the winner can walk off the field and act like winners and the loser realize they have some work to do. All these kids know each other, have played baseball with or against each other and are good friends. Adults need to act the same way. Good luck the rest of the year.
  4. Hey Steam - sorry that the young man is out for a while, hope he has a speedy recovery - believe me, SC fans know about injuries this year. You are not alone in the boat. Good luck
  5. SC's secondary is very talented. All are around 6', VERY talented,rangy, physical and had a good game against Alcoa's passing. It appeared to me that they are a strength of the defense. I could very well could be wrong though.
  6. My goodness - lets just wait until season is over and see where he goes. Who cares where he goes? He might not go anywhere.
  7. On one trip the team stopped to eat and Mayfield went over his kickoff coverage in the parking lot of the restaurant for the first time - needless to say, the opponent ran the kickoff back for TD. SC could write a book on "how not to coach". Added note: He was killed in a car accident - he was on Cannon County's School Board of Education.
  8. Must have moved Zeke up from the 7th grade. Not legal but he is the best kicker you have.
  9. I was trying to get to the part where you were a GA, many may not know that a GA is a " graduate assistant".
  10. Everybody has a right to exxpress their opinion. That is what CoachT is.
  11. Refer to post #98. I think you said TSU or someplace is where he will go - discuss this with Coach Rankin and tell him that you disagree with him - also ask him if he has your and fresnostaterules (fsurules) game plan in order. , You have the number to call him !!!! That is where I got my information.
  12. Welcome to CoachT - haven't heard much about them but I guarantee you that by playoff's they will be tough.
  13. Postie's small children can ride rides at the fair that he can't ride - he is under the height line.
  14. See post #98. Info. came from Alcoa coaches. Steam Roller said you were walking under a saw horse and hit your head and took 6 stitches. Is that it?
  15. Call (865) 982-4631 and ask for Coach Rankin or Coach Nix. Tell them they have lost all credibility with you. Also check to make sure they have your game plan in and ready to go against Maryville.
  16. This will be a good game. Won't be any surprises this game about the QB for MC.
  17. DC doing a great job at WC - Proud a home town boy doing good.
  18. Not real big, fast and will get to the ball in a hurry.
  19. I think SC will have to stop the QB throwing the ball, with an offense that they haven't shown very much. Spread SC out and no huddle to confuse DB's. Use the draw , Utah pass and bubble screen to try and catch SC's defense out of position. Very high pace offense. SC will run the ball with multiple running backs, the QB has improved tremendously and has five or six receivers who are fast and can catch the ball. Oh yes, one of our running backs, Milan, is a step away. I think those who are predicting a blow out are mostly posters from other communites. I look for a good close game, with the Owls winning, of course.
  20. I understand the QB from LA has a little trouble throwing the long ball. Man up on outside, chuck at line of scrimmage and get pressure on QB and make him throw long if he has time. Have to have DB's that can handle the short pass. Back off and let the receivers have the short pass to wide outs fits LA's QB perfect. I have no idea how SC will play the receivers when we play them, but we have tall athletic DB's.
  21. "But as a program do we just throw our hands in the air and say, well they just have better athletes? The mistakes we made are all OK because they are bigger, strronger, faster? Is that what champions do? These are the questions you asked me in reply to my post. When in any of my post have I said we gave up because Alcoa has better athletes? I repeated many times we stood toe to toe and head to head with them. When did I ever mention the mistakes we made were OK because Alcoa was bigger, faster and stronger? I was very careful to NOT mention that due to SC so many players out. I have never said that we needed a soft schedule, I have always said we need strong competion to make us better. I don't know where you got that I was talking about your team, I was talking about you in a respectful way. The only team on Alcoa's schedule that might be able to contain their TB will be this Friday, Maryville. Maybe that answers the questions you asked me in reply to my post. After over 2000 posts. I would have thought you would already know the answers to the questions you asked. Yea, it ticked me off as it would have Termite, Antwan, Big reid, Old ball coach baby and others. I was ticked off when I responded yesterday. I do admit that using the words "picking on" was a bad choice of words on my part. The posters who know me, as one called me saying "Lil Scooter got picked on" was a laugh. My bad on my part. GO OWLS !!!!!
  22. I sure didn't compare your team, my team or any team to Alcoa. IF you will read ALL my posts you will see that I have boosted the effort given, 110% and every aspect to boost the Owls as to the willingness to stand head to head with Alcoa. Now, as to the years you played, I know the situation very well. No, you did not have a good team, very few athletes, I will say you gave the effort needed, but very little game preparation and so on. Just go back and read my posts related to the Alcoa game and I think you will want to delete your post. What SC fan has made any of the above charges that the Owls gave up because we were playing Alcoa? As I stated earlier, the players were wanting to play them again. Didn't I say it was going to be "FUN" watching this years team? You are picking on the WRONG person hoss. NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!
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