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Everything posted by CSense

  1. I'm thinking about switching over to the private side for awhile. Are there enough public antagonists on here without me? I may have to think slightly different, but then again it may not be too different!!
  2. I see, but baldcoach some of us are just trying to be nice and help you out with the next step of your "voluntary segregation"
  3. A merit system would only be as good as those making the decision to play up within the schools. I wonder how many schools public or private have moved themselves up a class or two because they knew they could compete? Any?
  4. I'll go on record to say Maryville needs to be DII and so does a few other publics on a case by case basis. That is if everything is true on how Maryville enrolls students that one hears on this beloved website! Now what.
  5. std, This is the exact reason many kids are in private schools today - the failings of others or other systems. The others are there because they are great athletes. (JUST KIDDING)
  6. baldcoach my friend (and other privateers): "instead of wasting all your time trying to segregate ours" It looks to me like you are not liking it because you think someone else is trying to "segregate your kids", but isn't the private school concept in general a type of "segregation" from other people whether it be for religious, academic, athletic, social, economical, or whatever other reasons? You want to be "segregated" from what you want to be segregated from and anyone else's opinion on how things should be segregated is not valid.
  7. Why would anyone in their right mind ever name ther child "x"? LOL Laz...I know you don`t want to give a lot of specifics, but what years did this transpire, and was this school then or now ever a Div. II school? VolGen, are you sort of insinuating that it is ok for a DII school to do that? If so, would you please tell Rollred this? It is to my understanding that rollred is under the impression that NO private school seeks student/athletes. If not, please excuse me because I misinterpreted where you are trying to go with your statement. CSense, see page 1 of this thread. I have already acknowledged (via the open house postcard comment) that private schools seek students. Just because you disagree with my views doesn't mean you need to attempt to insult my intelligence. I think I'll follow the advice of itzme et al. and lay low for awhile in this nook of the website. Too many chippy attitudes prevailing on these P/P boards. Rollred, I must have mistaken some of your posts. I could have sworn you were arguing with me that private schools under no circumstances try to get athletes to attend their school, aka, my friend and his son. Sorry about that, my bad.
  8. Baldcoach, I already know what has been hashed and rehashed on this thread and many others. Private education is just plain different than public education in just about every aspect of education including athletics.
  9. Why would anyone in their right mind ever name ther child "x"? LOL Laz...I know you don`t want to give a lot of specifics, but what years did this transpire, and was this school then or now ever a Div. II school? VolGen, are you sort of insinuating that it is ok for a DII school to do that? If so, would you please tell Rollred this? It is to my understanding that rollred is under the impression that NO private school seeks student/athletes. If not, please excuse me because I misinterpreted where you are trying to go with your statement.
  10. If everything is so great at the public schools, why are you at a private school? That's ok, you don't have to answer that question. We already know.
  11. rollred disagrees with you on this. Explain it to him rollred.
  12. Why don't we just give all students vouchers and tell them they can go where ever they want? Oh, that has already been tried and voted down hasn't it. Dang.
  13. This one gets the Pulitzer prize as far as I'm concerned.
  14. I agree , looks like the dunce cap is on the other head now.
  15. Is that "hearsay" or "heresy?" Both, see. I see! I see! Actually, I did not plan it that way, but heck it looks sort of cute now don't it? I may have created a new word.
  16. Is that "hearsay" or "heresy?" Both, see.
  17. How about a .8A? That's a thought and then a 5.8A.
  18. Recruiting and cheating in public schools? Heresay, heresay, I say, heresay!!
  19. Now that I have you seeing that my way here is the deal: split all privates from publics multiply the good publics (region champions) divide the bad publics (last place in region) then the playing field will be equal reevaluate the "good" and "bad" every three years. The 1.8 multiplier and divider will do. See how simple? You could do away with all those silly rules that are never inforced anyway. I need to apply for a job at the TSSAA. Only one slight problem which I am working on. What to do with bad 1A schools. They can't drop down any more classes. Maybe let two or three of these last place region teams form one team!! Oh, and the real good 5A publics. Split the team into two 3A teams!! Now, by golly we are getting somewhere!!!
  20. No, we need a divider for the bad schools.
  21. Rollred, VG, and Gov if it will make you happy I will ask the father exactly what transpired. There is no way a private supporter has ever admitted (and never will for some reason) that in the past athletes have been offered partial or all tuition paid to attend a private school in order to play sports (yes-recruited). It is beyond me of the arrogance that you guys show. I'm tired as are many others of trying to get you people to admit it. Excuse me for being an idiot. I apologize. I just did not realize that EVERY private school in the state of Tennessee has ALWAYS adhered to the proper admissions procedures and accepted pending admissions process who ever shows up at their doors without exception. At this point please spare me the "public's do it too" speech because if you start that one, you are admitting what you have vehemently have denied for years.
  22. I've gotten us off topic a bit, one last comment though, next time he just needs to place a competitive bid for profit and if he gets the contract he can sell it to the school and just donate his profits back to the school at a later date. That'll take care of that nasty red tape.
  23. I do not know the answer to most of the questions and besides it does not matter how I or anyone else answers those questions. They just told me they received an offer from Baylor for half tuition. They just said they would have to think about the offer. I did not ask if any other school was "offering" anything, what the dollar amount was, if they could afford it, etc.... Some of you simply refuse to believe and never will believe regardless of what some web sites say or some other private schools do... some private schools "aquire" students who can play the daylights out of sports. Do ALL great athletes go to private schools? NO Do ALL athletes who are offered a free ride or partial tuition go? NO Do ALL private schools do this? Probably not. From the words of another dear friend of mine who was involved in a local high school band booster program for 15 or so years: "You know, I've been involved in (ABC) school for a long time now and every now and then a student athlete gets an "offer" from XYZ private school(s) and they go there and succeed and that is fine, but the funny thing is I never hear or have heard of any of these band students getting the same offers. I wonder why?"
  24. Yep, your right. What was I thinking? I should have known Baylor's web site would have proved my good friend and his son a liar. Thanks for clearing that up.
  25. Or at least until the current private 1A DI schools start winning regions and contending for state titles every year in AA, then it will start all over again.
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