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  1. My favorite part of the game is when the CAK player ran the Alcoa player out of bounds. alcoas trainer Miss Fat Or something like that took off like she was going to get in the scuffle. We told our players if we end up playing Alcoa in the playoffs if she gets in your face give her just what she deserves. I've never seen a trainer do anything like that. I think she may need to be reeled in a bit.
  2. Oh I don't know, I work 2nd shift so I don't get to go to any of the games, but, from what I hear he is a quality guy. I don't hear of very many people who wants him to leave, however, if he interviews at Bearden it will be the second time he has done so. Appears to me that he needs to evaluate his loyalty to his players, his staff and the people of Loudon. This is when they start talking about more money, better schools for his kids, better opportunity for the wife etc. The people of Loudon have heard it all before. The last coach left for all those reasons, I'm not sure,but, I think he has left that job now. Let's see it was for "more money, better players to choose from, better schools for the kids etc." Don't seem to me that it worked out very well. One question, how much money does it take? It's funny when they are interviewing they will tell you all the things they are going to do, how loyal they will be etc. They should include a clause that will be just as loyal to a dollar as the team. How much money does it take for loyalty. This is just an opinion and I don't claim to be in the know, don't get to be around the program, but, I do read the posts on coacht. I can say this though, if the HC wants to leave Loudon, then we will help him pack. He can chase his dollars and dreams just like the last coach, but, when it all comes crashing down don't look to Loudon. Our kids deserve more than a coach that interviews every time a job comes open. I know all the coaches will not agree with what I say and I understand that it's your profession and there is nothing wrong with trying to better yourself. I agree to a point just not sure how much money is enough. How big of a house do you have to have? How many cars do you have to have? How big does the swimming pool need to be? Again I don't know the man and I am not trying to down him in any way it just when people start talking about rumors and pointing fingers and people not knowing what they are taking about, I want to assure you Loudon people are a proud people and if the HC is not happy here, we will help you pack so you can chase your dream of more money and more players to choose from or whatever reason you have. Just remember this, if Knox Co has five head coaching positions open it may not be the great opportunity that someone might think. Again I am not bashing coaches, I know they have families to support, but, from what I hear no one in his family appears to be going hungry. I hear from a person who is in the know that he has the support of the school and the community. I wonder how long he would have that at Bearden. No disrespect what so ever for this man, again I hear he is a good guy. I just think he needs to evaluate what he thinks is important, and not make the same mistake that many coaches do. You know THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHERSIDE. that is until get to the other side and step in cow crap
  3. Shoot, I guess I will have to break it to the team Monday
  4. We have more private and open zoned schools. Come on, don't you know how this works?
  5. Just joking, have a lot of respect for Polk Co's program. Good luck to you next year. Look forward to coming to your place and watching a game. Always great atmosphere!!!
  6. I would rather talk about the playoff game at your place a couple of years back. 12-0 remember? hahahaha
  7. Wow that is a Smith and Hammaker smart remark. I don't remember Loudon being in the conversation.
  8. . Oh I wouldn't pay too much attention to Chief 15 and I hope you don't retire. I've read a lot of your post over the years and you have alway conducted yourself like a gentleman. Shoot. if your a Doctor I may be giving all my money to you in the years to come. (Ageing everyday a little faster). I think everyone needs to realize, as I do the older I get, is that it is just a game played by the greatest blessing that GOD could every give a man; OUR CHILDREN. Thank you GOD for this greatest of blessings. I ceartinly don't deserve it.
  9. Oh shoot let it go!! It is very simple. CAK is a good team who had more talent. CAK was not classless unless you want to count #25 and his teammates taunting the Loudon crowd at the end of the 1st half. As far as all that goes it just kids being kids. They be a little uppity (I don't think that's really a word) and spoiled but that's OK too. I notice Football Dad probably spends more time posting on CoachT that his son does practicing football at CAK. CAK is a good team that has come a long way in a short time. (Of course there is a reason for that) I'm sure their fans will say it is all hard work and just a great program and that's fine also. You know King David took a rock and killed Goliath, CAK just uses a private school status to do it. Anyway no disrespect and congrats to the CAK family, however, I will have to say: GO ALCOA I really doubt that #25 and the boy's will be taunting anybody, because TOC only has so many cast for the CAK team. I hope it is a very physical game.
  10. Quick Question. Can schools who play at Maryville wears their steel tip cleats on the new turf? Surely everyone would not have to buy different cleats just to play at Maryville. Just curious how that would work.
  11. Oh I was just ribbing you little. There is nothing going on the T during the offseason, so, I just decided to rib someone. No disrespect, just bored.
  12. Oh I guess there are more teams in that district that can say the same thing. Has CAK been the runner-up in that district every year? I really could care less about the private schools or the open zone schools. The private schools parents have enough money to send their kid where ever they want and more than a few parents have drove their kids to another zone just so they can win. It's all the bragging and chest beating (as Football Dad calls it) that gets me. The real winners are teams like Livingston Academy who have to compete with the kids that are in that zone. They won a state championship and you never heard the bragging. And they should know in their heart that they didn't have to have rich parents that send their kid to any zone to be called a champion, nor did they have an open zone that any parent who wants their child to win a championship (or get that great college scholarship that never happens) No, when they go to bed at night they should know that they are just a little better than those so called champions. BUY ANOTHER AND FEEL GOOD ABOUT YOUR SELF!!
  13. Wow I didn't realize that CAK was such a powerhouse that no one wants to play them. I thought Alcoa was the big dog in that region. I thought CAK was a soccer school. I sure bet everyone in East TN just hates the fact that they may have to play CAK, you know since they have all those championships. The coach probably doesn't teach a class so he has plenty of time to call all those schools and beg them to play. Hey, here is an idea, why don't CAK and Grace play about three times a year. I don't hear they name mentioned a whole lot except to say that they got caught cheating. "Imagine that"
  14. Oh well I can't resist. One thing to remember, when schools have to report their enrollment, rural schools have to report all the Hispanic population that is over taking those schools. Those kids do not play in the major sports (football, basketball, baseball etc.) but are counted in the enrollment. Some schools have about 35 to 40% Hispanic enrollment. Just curious, what do think the Hispanic enrollment is like in these private schools. Don't remember seeing that many at CAK or Catholic or Boyd Buchanan. Seems to me to be an unfair advantage even with the little multiplier those schools like to whine about.
  15. Let me guess. He is transferring for the academics.
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