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Everything posted by Chomp

  1. Your understanding is the same as mine on that point. The schools can practice after school officially ends in helmets and shorts any time except during a two week dead period. I don't know how all schools handle their summer workouts but at Dobbyns-Bennett, except for the two week dead period, up until August 26th the expectation was that the players would show up for workouts - but it wasn't mandatory. August 26 marked the beginning of mandatory workouts, in helmet and shorts for the first week, but the "beginning practice date" in football nonetheless. To equate the "beginning practice date" with the first date for full pads simply isn't justified by the rules and like I mentioned before if that's what TSSAA intended, they could have easily written that into the rule. The rule is anything but clear cut and unless schools were having mixed practices or scrimmages prior to three workouts into their start of two a days, I don't think they should be considered in violation. Just my opinion - but I think that interpretation is protective of our young athletes and in keeping with the spirit of the rule. Query: If you use the TSSAA's same strict interpretation of the rule with respect to the TSSAA calendar for the "first contest" will any week 0 game be legal?
  2. The Govman's observations remind me of a condition known as the "Grasshopper Syndrome." (Check out Numbers 13:30- 14:1) Ever notice how when you look across the field to the other side lines, that other team always looks like a bunch of giants? Works the same way when East looks to Middle - but it's a myth. As Bud points out, statistics favor Middle Tennessee bringing home more championships year in and year out - but as far as good athletes or good teams - East Tennessee is just as good as Middle Tennessee, period. As for Karns, if that game taught DB anything, it taught them that on any given night, on any given field, any team can win... Middle Tennessee powerhouses will do well to remember that when they head East this year! There are at least two East Tennessee powerhouses that will duke it out this Friday for the chance to dispel "the Myth." ROLL, TRIBE!!!
  3. Well, let's hear it for that Junior leadership, too!!! My bad - but he plays like a seasoned Senior, and that's good news for next year. How's his leg? Did the Tribe come out of last night's game pretty healthy? ROLL TRIBE!
  4. Congratulations to the REAL Tribe - the Dobyns Bennett Indians! This team constantly amazes me - their ability to take on bigger lines, and bigger and faster backs and convincingly beat them is a tribute to the coaching staff and the heart of these young men! Many thought the Karnes game exposed a weak team, but nothing can be farther from the truth - it steeled this team's resolve and has caused them to focus each week - to the point they are making good teams look bad (no disrespect to Soddy Daisy or McMinn - they are good teams with size and speed). I know there are some excellent athletes waiting in the wings at DB - it's exciting to think about- but I hope they are watching the Senior leadership being displayed by guys like Chase Flanary, Walker Throp, Tyler Nottingham, Cedric Hodge, Philip Tritapoe, Dustin Gaines, Ben Cotey, Ryan Powell, John Lunan, Carter Lovelace, Ben Taylor and others I'm probably forgetting to mention. That's what it takes to transform potential to present reality! It's a pleasure to watch you guys get better and better every week! You're hungry for a State Championship, Kingsport's hungry for a State Championship - work hard, stay focused and ROLL, TRIBE, ROLL!
  5. Good post, Art. Ben Cotey is a Senior who waited his turn and has had an outstanding year. He hasn't just been standing around though - he excels in the classroom, too - with a GPA that makes him either #1 or #2 in his class. GO, TRIBE - in the classroom AND on the field!!!
  6. DB freshmen were all awesome and many others deserved to be recognized with a promotion to the varsity at the end of an undefeated season. Unfortunately (really, fortunately) DB has such outstanding participation among upperclassmen that it would be very difficult to assimilate all the deserving frosh at season's end. The guys that were promoted were excellent all year and certainly deserve the recognition. Joseph Throp deserves to be noticed. This WR/CB was exciting to watch every time he caught a pass or returned a kick and will be filling some big shoes when his brother Walker graduates. Due to an ejection in the last 20 seconds of the last game of the season Ben Davis was not eligible to be promoted. He started at DE/ TE and on 3 of 4 special teams with 8 pass receptions and 1 rushing TD. He has the potential to be a force in future years. If all these guys keep working out and growing and supportng each other like they did all year, they can be a special bunch before they graduate! GO TRIBE!!!
  7. Ben Cotey for Dobbyns-Bennett has been outstanding all year. Steady, accurate and does some of his best work in pressure situations. If I'm remembering correctly either 4 or 5 kickoffs against Science Hill last Friday were into the end zone.
  8. Congratulations to the Owls - it's good to see enough interest in Freshman athletics to make a Championship game a reality! It's only fair to excellent DB freshmen football teams of the past to correct one misperception. This year's DB Frosh Team was not the first to go undefeated - there have been many others in the past. This was the first to go 10-0, but that was largely because they had the opportunity to play 10 games - some of those undefeated teams in the past didn't have that many games on their schedule. No doubt this year's DB Frosh team was impressive - but it won't give a glimpse of the future unless the players realize that it's not an undefeated freshmen season, but a lot of hard work in the off season every year for the next 3 years that determines Champions! DB, OR, Ooltewah and the rest of you guys - who wants it most???? Time will tell!!!
  9. I've never understood UT's reluctance to go after in-state players any harder than they do. But good for Vandy - the fact these young men are being given that opportunity speaks well not only of their athletic ability, but their scholarship as well. I've only seen Jeff County's Jeff Jennings in person and he was a presence on both sides of the ball - power and speed.
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