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Everything posted by fmrqb02

  1. It will not be Gary Rankin. Everytime a job in Rutherford Co. he pops up down here just to get everybody talking and to get more money out of Alcoa.
  2. Scharsch never entered my mind, but I totally agree with you! He would be a very nice fit. Whoever gets the job is going to have some talent to work with right off the bat.
  3. Ill admit that I was one of those people who felt like maybe Maryville had been beating up on lesser competition over the years, and wondered how they would fare once they had to play with the "big boys." haha well you guys proved your point Friday night! I was blown away by Maryville. I actually think that game could have gotten alot uglier, but Quarles did the smart thing and was content with running the clock out in the 2nd half. They quit throwing the football b/c they didnt want to give RHS anything cheap. I loved the way your kids play. They play with passion and they play hard, but not once did you see them talking trash to the RHS kids. They just go out and do their job. That is a direct reflection of your coach. The scary thing is, if Maryville is that good, how good must Alcoa be? wow Good luck Saturday night Rebs, Ill be rootin for ya!
  4. I just wanted to say that I made my first ever trip to Maryville Friday night and came away blown away by not only Juhlin's play but also the entire Maryville program. Your kids/coaches play with alot of class. As for Juhlin, I told the people I was sitting around that his performace Friday night was one of the best I had seen from a High School QB. Can you tell me if anybody is looking at this kid? I believe he has an enormous upside!!! Good luck Saturday night!
  5. 5A 1st Tennessee, Daniel Boone, Morristown West, South Sullivan 2nd Tennessee, South Sullivan 3rd Tennessee 1st Columbia, Glencliff, Anderson Co., Clinton 2nd Columbia, Anderson Co., 3rd Columbia 1st Henry Co., Northwest, Hendersonville, Beech 2nd Henry Co., Beech 3rd Henry Co. 1st Lawrence Co., Mitchell, Melrose, Hardin Co. 2nd Mitchell, Hardin Co. 3rd Mitchell Semi Tennessee, Henry Co. Champ Henry Co 6A 1st Sevier Co., Farragut, McMinn Co., Maryville 2nd Sevier Co., McMinn 3rd McMinn 1st Blackman, Riverdale, Oakland, Cookeville 2nd Blackman, Oakland 3rd Oakland 1st Arlington, Franklin, Hunters Lane, Brentwood 2nd Franklin, Brentwood 3rd Brentwood 1st Germantown, Wooddale, Brighton, White Station 2nd Germantown, White Station 3rd Germantown Semi Oakland, Germantown Champ Germantown
  6. i did not hear a single person yell at the players other than hollering good game or great job! AS far aas going for 2 are then saying that your coach should have gone for 2? I think our coach should have gone for 1 and tie the game up nobody was moving the ball that good to go for 1 in that situation No Im not saying that Shad should have gone for 2, but I believe the chances of you kicking successfully in those conditions are about as low as they are if you go for 2 in that situation. As for the parents, I saw it... There werent many of them, but as it usually is, the small percentage of idiots ruin it for everybody else.
  7. This one might be a little bit closer than everybody might think... I havent seem McGavock, but looking @ thier stats I was pretty impressed. Blackman will have to be sharp and ready to play, that might be a little more challenging after last week. I say this thing is close for about 3 qtrs, and the Blaze pulls away in the 4th... Just give the ball to #4 and you will be fine! BHS 31 MHS 13
  8. Congrats to the Blackman players/coaches on a GREAT win for their team and their school. This one was LONG over due!!! I was at the game, and I thought both teams played extremely well considering the circumstances. I think it was a shame that two teams that evenly matched had to play in those type of conditions. I for one, dont blame Coach A for going for 2 at the end. Your chances of making it are just about as good as making a field goal in a puddle. He rolled the dice, sometimes you win sometimes you lose. I for one didnt find anything about how the Blackman players/students celebrated disrespectful. They had just beat their biggest rival for the first time in school history and won a district championship for the first time ever, so they celebrated with their teammates and friends. Then they went and got in line and shook hands and celebrated some more. The Riverdale kids would have done the same exact thing! What I did find disrespectful was the small few of the RHS parents and student behavior after the game. Yelling @ 15-17 years kids that you dont even know is absolutely disgusting. Get a life! Yelling @ your coach that just finished an 8-2 season and just lost a tough game to a good team in a mud bath is absolutely stupid! There is a reason that they are coaching and you are sitting in the stands, shut up and know your roll! Its a shame when adults ruin stuff for kids. That really got under my skin. As for The Blaze... I was a proud graduate Friday night. I know how it feels to think you are about to beat those guys and then lose it at the end. These kids have been through alot and you never heard them (the players) complain about not getting any respect. They just went out and took care of what they could control. Congrats on your District title, you deserved it! I cant wait to see this game again in two weeks!
  9. Well, this"Ole Dad" heard all that smack from you all before you played Oakland and what did we hear after the game. sssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....thats right...nothing!!! You keep believeing your 8 and 1 record is the same strength as Riverdales and we will hear your silence once again after friday night!!! Do your homework... I have never bragged about anybody being 8-1. I infact have been one of the ones the Blaze fans have been arguing with b/c I have been critical of their scheduling. My point to you is that going 8-1 is no easy task, and RHS better not take the Blaze lightly Friday night. Thats all Im saying! I also dont think anybody, even Blaze fans, would say their strength of schedule is as strong as Riverdale's. (once again making yourself sound uneducated) But no doubt, Blackman is very talented!
  10. I hope the Riverdale team doesnt have the same thought process as ole' "WARRIOR02DAD", bc if they do they will get beat bad Friday night. I understand "dad" that you obviously have little respect for what Coach Shad and his staff have done over at Blackman, but an 8-1 team is an 8-1 team and you have to respect that. Now, I know your going to comback with "they havent played anybody!" If you go back and look @my previous posts then you will see that I have been critical of their strength of schedule, but dont be mistaken this team is VERY talented. They probably have better athletes at the skill postions than RHS does.(and yes I have seen both teams played multiple times this year.) So just be prepared to eat alot of crow if the Blaze find a way to win Friday night. That being said, I believe this game from Blackmans prospective comes down to the samething as the Oakland game. Can Blackman's Off/Def line handle Riverdale's Off/Def line for 4 qtrs? They couldnt block Oakland obviously, and I believe in many ways Riverdale's front 5 are better than Oaklands. For Riverdale the key will be to stay patient on Def. If I was coaching against Blackman's off I would not blitz much. I would tell my ends to keep the BHS QB in the pocket, bc he is at his best when he is running around making plays. He struggles when he has to step up and make a throw from inside the pocket. One other thing, if you have not seen #4 for Blackman play you are in for a treat Friday night. I think his last name is Mathers? Hes just a Soph. and in my opinion he is Blackman's best running back easily! If Blackman hopes to win he will have to have a good night. Its still to early to pick this game, I keep going back and forth on this. Do I go with my heart or my head?
  11. The flip-side of this argument can be made, Brentwood has their own district championship game against Franklin next week as well. Both teams are preparing for this Friday with the knowledge of a big-important-week coming up. Your right... BUT the biggest difference is that the Brentwood kids have been in this position before. The Blackman kids have not.,
  12. Blackman's 2 biggest challenges Friday night will be 1. Getting back off the dirt and being ready to play 2. Being 100% focused on Brentwood with the Riverdale game looming...Because if their not, Coach Crawford's boys will beat them again! IF Blackman is focused, I think their athletes finally win a close one Blackman 14 B'wood 6
  13. If you go back and read my posts through out the week I kept saying, "if you want respect win Friday night." Well I think I was wrong. Because the fact is Blackman played one of the better teams in the state Friday night and just came up a little short. Blackman gained my respect Friday night. I think all I really wanted to see was if Blackman could play with the top teams in the state, the "Big Boys" if you will. And they proved Friday night that they can. I also said all week that I didnt believe that Blackman would be able to block OHS's front 7 on def. And this turned out to be the key to the game Friday night. McAdoo just refused to be blocked! He is going to be a beast @ UK! I think all Friday night did was add more inticipation to next Friday's RHS vs BHS game. I think this could be the biggest game between these two since the 2001-02 playoff games! But first of all, BHS better have their full concentration on Brentwood. Because you know Coach Crawford will have his team ready!
  14. OHS fans, you are the defending state champs. You just went on the road and got a big win against the #2 team in the state. Why dont you talk about how well your team played, instead of talking about how annoying the BHS band is... As a former player, I know how annoying the BHS band can be, but enjoy the win. If you want to bash the band, start a new thread!
  15. 2p, I usually love your post on here and aggree with most of everything you say. And being a former player @ BHS you will never here me support the bands actions during the games. But I was on that team when this lady passed away, her son is one of my good friends. She was actually sitting right next to my parents when she had the anuerysm. I can promise you the band had nothing to do with this happening. Its not fair to pin something like that on them. Ive never known you to speak without doing your homework, but whoever told you that was what happened is 100% WRONG. And if that story is going around, then it needs to be put to bed immediately!
  16. i do love it when guys like you get on here and talk smack... but what i never see is when they are wrong...they never come back to own it but in the spirit of highschool football...and believing the best...i'm sure you will Oh...i get it! you are just hoping that Blackman gets blown out so you can breath a little easier for week 10 when the blaze play "the dale"... personally...i don't think blackman has a chance...we are out gunned at every position and coaching too...dag burn it!...how could anyone beat oakland ?...shoot, dang, darn it!...i'll calling the coaches and asking that they just forfeit...! I dont think any "LOGICAL" fan would say that any bubbles will get bursted Friday night. Like I said before, if the Blaze can win then you will get all the respect you can handle. But win or lose, dont start talking about RHS to early. Im sure Ron Crawford and Brentwood will have something to say about that. Good Luck Friday night!
  17. Siegel looks great on paper and during warm-ups, but something happens when the lights come on? Defensively look for them to get RHS trouble early. But I doubt they score on RHS. Warriors pull away late. RHS 28 SHS 0
  18. This should be a really great game. I hope I get to see it. Im not going to start talking about schedules or combined records. I am just going to say that I believe Oakland has a clear advantage in 2 areas. 1. OHS Def line vs BHS Off line--I have seen The Blaze play a couple of times this year, and although I came away impressed, I believe they will have a very hard time blocking OHS's front 7. 2. The "Big Game" factor--Now Im sure some will argue that this doesnt matter. But take it from somebody that has been apart of some big games. There will be a different feel to this game Friday night, and how the Blackman kids handle it early will have a big impact on the rest of the night. The Oakland kids have been in plenty of big games the past two years. All year long they have been carrying the title of State Champs, and have been everybodys biggest game of the year. Blackman will win if...Oakland refuses to throw the football. They have to stay balanced, and keep the Blaze def off balance. Hey Blaze fans, you want respect? Win this one Friday night and youll get all the respect you can handle. My prediction... OHS 17 BHS 13
  19. Ok I had to get this back up to the top... Are we not doing this anymore?
  20. I dont think any educated person on here can say that Blackman isnt any good... All were saying is given their schedule, you really dont know how good they are. I think thats a fair assessment. If you beat RHS or OHS in the coming weeks then get on here and beat your drum all day long... Until then you have to take off your blue and orange colored glasses and see this schedule for what it is.... A joke! I dont blame the kids or the coaches (only bc Shad wasnt there when this schedule was made). I also dont except the excuse that they had a hard time finding games, bc so did everybody else... RHS went out and scheduled Farragut, OHS scheduled Ensworth and Brentwood, Smyrna also played Ensworth... There were good teams out there to play and BHS just decided not to do it... Maybe it was smart, maybe it wasnt? But we will all find out in a few weeks... I for one hope Blackman is for real, I would love to see 3 M'boro teams make serious runs come November. before you get on here and run your mouth...maybe you should take a look at the defending state champs non-region schedule last year...hmmm...did you look because what i see is actually the same thing blackman has going this year. but what do i know. there is just no way blackman could win state. i mean they are blackman. just washed up middle school heroes i suppose. oakland and riverdale scheduled ensworth and farragut and both got beat. why do we want a loss. because they lost, we are now in sole possession of first place in the district. well look at that no way thats blackman. oh but it is. better get used to it because we are riding this train all the way to cookeville and we are gonna leave there with a gold ball. but hey, after that it will just be known by everyone(excluding blackman) that it was just a bad year in tennessee high school football, right? hate if you want, but at least respect us. if we beat siegel by fifty will you finally give us some credit? lord, we would probably have to win by 100 to get any respect around here. but we like that, and we are gonna keep creepin until yall cant doubt us anymore because we will be on top of the mountain and there is nothin yall can do to keep us away Blazeman, if your going to quote me, then take the time to actually READ what I say. I never once said I thought Blackman was overrated. I never said that I didnt think they were very good. I believe that I ended my post by saying I hoped Blackman was forreal. All I stated was the FACTS... Im not going to go back through all of this. But like it or not, those are the FACTS! And as for what I think will happen tonight, I believe if you want to do your research you will see that I picked Blackman to win tonight... So before you get on here and run YOUR mouth educate yourself first. And as for OHS and RHS scheduling Ensworth and Farragut... First of all Riverdale won (once again... Do your research) and yes, OHS got beat. But I think anybody that knows anything about football and watched that game would agree that Ensworth would probably smoke anybody in this county. I said it before, and Ill say it again... We wont know ANYTHING about the Blaze until they play RHS and OHS... If you want to be the best you got to beat the best!!! You get the defending State Champs @ your place, and then you have to go on the road and beat a team that you have never beat in your schools history... Easier said than done. And no amount of talking on here will help it. GOOD LUCK!!!
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